The Lord kills and brings to life;
he brings down to Sheol and raises up. The Lord makes poor and makes rich; he brings low, he also exalts. He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. (Hannah's Song) |
Preschool track
Overview of 1 Samuel
First Samuel is named after Samuel, the main character of the first stories of this book. First Samuel explains the history of Israel from the time of the boy Samuel to Israel's first two kings. It tells exciting stories of Hannah, Samuel, Saul, and David
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Bible Readings
Hannah's Prayer (1 Samuel 1:1-28) Reading
Hannah and her husband, Elkanah, traveled to the temple in Shiloh to worship God. Hannah was very sad because she did not have any children. While they were in Shiloh, Hannah decided to go to the temple to pray.
Hannah prayed, "Dear God, I am so sad. I want a baby more than anything in the whole world. Please remember me and give me a baby boy to love and care for. If you give me a baby boy, I will bring him to the temple to learn all about you. I will teach my baby how to serve you all the days of his life."
Hannah prayed with her heart, her body, her lips, her breath, and with all of her might. Hannah knew that God would hear her prayers.
Hannah didn't know that Eli, the priest in charge of the temple, had been watching her. Eli said to Hannah, "Go in peace. I pray God answers your prayers."
Hannah and her family went back home. Hannah's prayer was soon answered. Hannah was going to have a baby!
Hannah and Elkanah had a baby boy. They named their baby, Samuel. Hannah kept her promise to God and raised Samuel to love and serve God all of his life.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Hannah prayed, "Dear God, I am so sad. I want a baby more than anything in the whole world. Please remember me and give me a baby boy to love and care for. If you give me a baby boy, I will bring him to the temple to learn all about you. I will teach my baby how to serve you all the days of his life."
Hannah prayed with her heart, her body, her lips, her breath, and with all of her might. Hannah knew that God would hear her prayers.
Hannah didn't know that Eli, the priest in charge of the temple, had been watching her. Eli said to Hannah, "Go in peace. I pray God answers your prayers."
Hannah and her family went back home. Hannah's prayer was soon answered. Hannah was going to have a baby!
Hannah and Elkanah had a baby boy. They named their baby, Samuel. Hannah kept her promise to God and raised Samuel to love and serve God all of his life.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
God Calls Samuel (1 Samuel 3:1-21) Reading
A voice called out in the night, "Samuel, Samuel!" Samuel woke up. Eli the priest is calling me, thought Samuel.
Samuel went to where Eli was sleeping. "Eli, I'm here," said Samuel. "Why did you call me?"
"I didn't call you," said Eli. "Go back to bed."
So Samuel went back to bed. Samuel lay down on his mat and went back to sleep.
"Samuel, Samuel!" the voice called again. Samuel woke up. Eli the priest must be calling me, thought Samuel.
Samuel went to where Eli was sleeping. "Eli, I heard you call me," said Samuel.
"I didn't call you," said Samuel.
"I didn't call you," said Eli. "Go back to bed."
So Samuel went back to bed. Samuel lay down on his mat and went back to sleep.
"Samuel, Samuel!" the voice called for a third time.
Samuel woke up. I'm sure Eli is calling me, thought Samuel.
Samuel went to where Eli was sleeping. "Eli, I know I heard you call me this time," said Samuel.
"No," said Eli. "I didn't call you. You're hearing God call you. You're hearing God call you. Go back to bed. If you hear the voice again, say, 'Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening'."
So Samuel went back to bed.
Samuel lay down on his mat and went back to sleep.
"Samuel, Samuel!" God called to Samuel.
Samuel woke up. This time Samuel knew God was calling him. "Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening," said Samuel. And Samuel listened to God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Samuel went to where Eli was sleeping. "Eli, I'm here," said Samuel. "Why did you call me?"
"I didn't call you," said Eli. "Go back to bed."
So Samuel went back to bed. Samuel lay down on his mat and went back to sleep.
"Samuel, Samuel!" the voice called again. Samuel woke up. Eli the priest must be calling me, thought Samuel.
Samuel went to where Eli was sleeping. "Eli, I heard you call me," said Samuel.
"I didn't call you," said Samuel.
"I didn't call you," said Eli. "Go back to bed."
So Samuel went back to bed. Samuel lay down on his mat and went back to sleep.
"Samuel, Samuel!" the voice called for a third time.
Samuel woke up. I'm sure Eli is calling me, thought Samuel.
Samuel went to where Eli was sleeping. "Eli, I know I heard you call me this time," said Samuel.
"No," said Eli. "I didn't call you. You're hearing God call you. You're hearing God call you. Go back to bed. If you hear the voice again, say, 'Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening'."
So Samuel went back to bed.
Samuel lay down on his mat and went back to sleep.
"Samuel, Samuel!" God called to Samuel.
Samuel woke up. This time Samuel knew God was calling him. "Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening," said Samuel. And Samuel listened to God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Samuel Anoints Saul (1 Samuel 7:15 8:22; 10:17-24) Reading
Samuel the boy grew and grew. As Samuel grew, he served God.
When Samuel grew to be a man, he became a judge. Samuel helped the people know what God wanted them to do. Samuel served God his whole life.
"We want a king! We want a king!" the people shouted to Samuel.
"You don't need a king," said Samuel. "God is your leader."
"But all the other countries have kings," said the people. "We want to be like them."
"You won't really like having a king," said Samuel. "A king will make your sons serve in his army. A king will make your daughters cook his food. A king will make you pay money to him."
"We do want a king!" said the people.
So Samuel told God that the people wanted a king. God listened to Samuel and agreed to choose a king for the people.
God told Samuel to choose a young man named Saul as the first king.
Samuel called the people to come together to see their new king. But when the people looked for Saul, they couldn't find him! He was hiding behind the big basket and jars filled with supplies.
The people ran and found Saul.
"God has chosen Saul to be your king," said Samuel.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
When Samuel grew to be a man, he became a judge. Samuel helped the people know what God wanted them to do. Samuel served God his whole life.
"We want a king! We want a king!" the people shouted to Samuel.
"You don't need a king," said Samuel. "God is your leader."
"But all the other countries have kings," said the people. "We want to be like them."
"You won't really like having a king," said Samuel. "A king will make your sons serve in his army. A king will make your daughters cook his food. A king will make you pay money to him."
"We do want a king!" said the people.
So Samuel told God that the people wanted a king. God listened to Samuel and agreed to choose a king for the people.
God told Samuel to choose a young man named Saul as the first king.
Samuel called the people to come together to see their new king. But when the people looked for Saul, they couldn't find him! He was hiding behind the big basket and jars filled with supplies.
The people ran and found Saul.
"God has chosen Saul to be your king," said Samuel.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Samuel Anoints David (1 Samuel 16:1-23) Reading
Saul disobeyed God. The people needed a new king. God chose the new king from Jesse's sons. God sent Samuel to Bethlehem to find the new king.
Samuel arrived in Bethlehem and met Jesse's sons. Samuel thought the oldest son, Eliab, looked like the next king. But God told Samuel, "Do not look at his outward appearance. He is not the new king. Humans see only the outside of people. I look into the hearts of people."
Jesse presented each of his sons, but God said no to all of them.
"God hasn't chosen any of these sons to be the next king. Are these all of your sons?" Samuel asked Jesse.
"The youngest is out tending the sheep," said Jesse.
"Please send for him," said Samuel.
The youngest son, David, came in from the sheep. God said, "That is the one. Anoint him."
Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David to be the next king.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Samuel arrived in Bethlehem and met Jesse's sons. Samuel thought the oldest son, Eliab, looked like the next king. But God told Samuel, "Do not look at his outward appearance. He is not the new king. Humans see only the outside of people. I look into the hearts of people."
Jesse presented each of his sons, but God said no to all of them.
"God hasn't chosen any of these sons to be the next king. Are these all of your sons?" Samuel asked Jesse.
"The youngest is out tending the sheep," said Jesse.
"Please send for him," said Samuel.
The youngest son, David, came in from the sheep. God said, "That is the one. Anoint him."
Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David to be the next king.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17:1-51a) Reading
The giant warrior named Goliath shouted, "Who will fight me?"
Goliath was King Saul's enemy. He was a very big man. He was over nine feet tall! King Saul and everyone in his army were afraid of Goliath. No one wanted to fight the very big man. King Saul and his army did not know what to do.
David was the youngest of eight sons. His three oldest brothers were in Saul's army. David stayed home, watching over the family's sheep.
"David," said his father, "take this food to your brothers. Find out what is happening with King Saul's army." So David took bread and cheese to his brothers in King Saul's army.
When David arrived at the camp, he saw Goliath. "Will no one fight me? Are all of you too afraid?" shouted Goliath.
"I'm not afraid," said David. "I'll fight Goliath."
"You?" said King Saul. "You can't fight such a big man. You are too small!"
"I take care of my father's sheep," said David. "I protect them from lions and bears. I can fight the big man just like I fight the lions and bears. I know God will be with me."
"Go ahead," said King Saul, "but wear my armor."
But when he put on King Saul's armor, he couldn't move!
"I can't wear your armor. It is too big for me," said David. So David took off the armor and got his slingshot.
He found five smooth stones and put them in his shepherd's bag. Then he went to meet Goliath.
The very big man saw the small shepherd boy coming toward him. "Why, they have sent a boy to fight me!" laughed Goliath.
"I'm not afraid of you. I know God is with me," said David. Then David put a stone in his slingshot and slung it at Goliath.
The stone hit Goliath in the head, He fell down to ground. David, the small young shepherd boy, won the fight against the very big Goliath.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Goliath was King Saul's enemy. He was a very big man. He was over nine feet tall! King Saul and everyone in his army were afraid of Goliath. No one wanted to fight the very big man. King Saul and his army did not know what to do.
David was the youngest of eight sons. His three oldest brothers were in Saul's army. David stayed home, watching over the family's sheep.
"David," said his father, "take this food to your brothers. Find out what is happening with King Saul's army." So David took bread and cheese to his brothers in King Saul's army.
When David arrived at the camp, he saw Goliath. "Will no one fight me? Are all of you too afraid?" shouted Goliath.
"I'm not afraid," said David. "I'll fight Goliath."
"You?" said King Saul. "You can't fight such a big man. You are too small!"
"I take care of my father's sheep," said David. "I protect them from lions and bears. I can fight the big man just like I fight the lions and bears. I know God will be with me."
"Go ahead," said King Saul, "but wear my armor."
But when he put on King Saul's armor, he couldn't move!
"I can't wear your armor. It is too big for me," said David. So David took off the armor and got his slingshot.
He found five smooth stones and put them in his shepherd's bag. Then he went to meet Goliath.
The very big man saw the small shepherd boy coming toward him. "Why, they have sent a boy to fight me!" laughed Goliath.
"I'm not afraid of you. I know God is with me," said David. Then David put a stone in his slingshot and slung it at Goliath.
The stone hit Goliath in the head, He fell down to ground. David, the small young shepherd boy, won the fight against the very big Goliath.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 18:1-5; 20:1-42) Reading
David and Jonathan lived in the king's palace. Jonathan was the king's son. David played the harp for the king.
David and Jonathan were friends. Jonathan wanted to show his friend, David, how much he cared about him. So Jonathan gave David his own robe to wear. He also gave David his sword, his bow, and his belt.
"We will always be friends," said Jonathan.
"Yes," promised David, "we will always be friends."
King Saul become worried that more people liked David than liked him. So King Saul became very angry with David.
David was afraid, "Jonathan," said David, "I think your father wants to hurt me."
"Oh, no," said Jonathan. "You've got to be wrong. My father knows that you are my best friend."
But David was still afraid. So David and Jonathan came up with a plan.
"I'll go see my father," said Jonathan, "while you hide. After I talk with him, I'll come back to you and let you know if you're safe."
So Jonathan went to see his father. When Jonathan talked about his friend, David, King Saul got angry! Jonathan knew that David was right - his father wanted to hurt his friend. Jonathan knew he had to tell David.
Jonathan took his bow and arrow, and went to the field where David was hiding. Jonathan shot an arrow out into the field. The arrow went far from where David was hiding.
David knew that Jonathan was sending him a secret message. Because Jonathan shot the arrow far from where David was hiding.
David knew that Jonathan was sending him a secret message. Because Jonathan shot the arrow far from where David was hiding, David knew he must run far from the king.
Even though David had to run from the king, David and Jonathan kept their promise to one another.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
David and Jonathan were friends. Jonathan wanted to show his friend, David, how much he cared about him. So Jonathan gave David his own robe to wear. He also gave David his sword, his bow, and his belt.
"We will always be friends," said Jonathan.
"Yes," promised David, "we will always be friends."
King Saul become worried that more people liked David than liked him. So King Saul became very angry with David.
David was afraid, "Jonathan," said David, "I think your father wants to hurt me."
"Oh, no," said Jonathan. "You've got to be wrong. My father knows that you are my best friend."
But David was still afraid. So David and Jonathan came up with a plan.
"I'll go see my father," said Jonathan, "while you hide. After I talk with him, I'll come back to you and let you know if you're safe."
So Jonathan went to see his father. When Jonathan talked about his friend, David, King Saul got angry! Jonathan knew that David was right - his father wanted to hurt his friend. Jonathan knew he had to tell David.
Jonathan took his bow and arrow, and went to the field where David was hiding. Jonathan shot an arrow out into the field. The arrow went far from where David was hiding.
David knew that Jonathan was sending him a secret message. Because Jonathan shot the arrow far from where David was hiding.
David knew that Jonathan was sending him a secret message. Because Jonathan shot the arrow far from where David was hiding, David knew he must run far from the king.
Even though David had to run from the king, David and Jonathan kept their promise to one another.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 25:1-42) Reading)
Nabal was very mean. David and his men were very hungry. When they asked Nabal to share his food with them, Nabal said no. That made David very angry. David and his men set off to teach Nabal a lesson.
When Nabal's wife, Abigail, heard about David's intention to teach Nabal a lesson, she made a plan to stop the fight. Abigail loaded up lots of food to share with David and his men. Abigail would share the food David had asked for.
"David, please don't be angry anymore! Here is some food. Please don't start a fight," Abigail said to David. David didn't start a fight. He forgave Nabal for being mean. Abigail was a great peacemaker!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
When Nabal's wife, Abigail, heard about David's intention to teach Nabal a lesson, she made a plan to stop the fight. Abigail loaded up lots of food to share with David and his men. Abigail would share the food David had asked for.
"David, please don't be angry anymore! Here is some food. Please don't start a fight," Abigail said to David. David didn't start a fight. He forgave Nabal for being mean. Abigail was a great peacemaker!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
I Wonder....
- what creative ways can we use when people are bullying us?
- how David's father felt when David went to battle with Goliath?
- how David and Saul felt when they were anointed as king?
- who Nabal was?
- how tall Goliath was?
Discussion Questions
- Have you ever loved and cared for a baby?
- How do you think Samuel felt in this story?
- How do you think David felt in this story?
- David trusted God would be with him. That made him brave. Have you ever been brave?
- Who are your good friends? Say a prayer for them.
- How might things have gone if Nabal had been kind to David from the beginning?
- What is the most important part of the story?
- What prayer would say to God if you did not have something?
- How would you feel if you had to fight someone bigger than you? Why would you feel that way?
- What would you do for your best friend?
Godly Play
Saul Changes
This video is 6:59 minutes long
Samuel and David
This video is 23:53 minutes long
The Story of Samuel
This video is 10:00 minutes long
Crossroad Kids' Club
God's People: David
This video is 1:23 minutes long
KC Moves: Samuel Anoints David
This video is 4:21 minutes long
David and Saul
This video is 4:05 minutes long
Saddleback Kids
David's Prayer
This video is 1:45 minutes long
God Speaks to Samuel
This video is 2:33 minutes long
Slapstick Theater (Jonathan and David)
This video is 2:27 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 4:17 minutes long
This video is 5:36 minutes long
Only a Boy Named David by Bible Songs for Kids
The Lord's Prayer by iCharacter
This song is 1:36 minutes long
This song is 1:59 minutes long
5 Fingers Prayer by Little Voices For Jesus
This song is 1:53 minutes long
Do Not Give up by KidSpring Children's Ministry
This song is 1:42 minutes long
Prayer Project
Prayer Hands
Adult Preparation:
- Scissors
- Construction paper
- Writing Utensil
- Hole punch
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- If child does know how to write. Write out
- First, trace your hand (x6)
- Second, cut out each hand
- Then, write on one hand "I pray"
- Next, write on another hand "Adore God"
- Under the "Adore God," write "Lord, You are..."
- On another hand, write "Confess sins"
- Under "Confess sins," write "Please forgive me..."
- On another hand, write "Thankful Heart"
- Under "Thankful Heart," write "Lord, I am thankful for..."
- On another hand write, "Supply Others"
- Under Supply Others, write "Lord, please help others and please help me, too."
- Now, hole punch each hand at the bottom.
- Next, put the "I pray" hand first
- Then, put the hands in order as it is shown in the instructions
- Now, put a ring through the hands
- Finally, follow the prayer section to pray.
- Start our on your thumb, saying "I pray"
- When the first one comes up, they will point to their pointer finger and say “Adore God. Lord, You are…” Your child will continue with this sentence.
- You can give some examples for your child to follow during your first few times using these Prayer Hands.
- For the second card, they will point to their middle finger and say “Confess sins. Please forgive me…”
- On the third card, they will point to their ring finger and say, “Thankful Heart. Lord, I am thankful for…”
- On the fourth card, they will point to their pinky finger and say, “Supply Others. Lord, please help others and please help me, too.”
- On each of these cards, you and your child will continue the sentences by filling in what is on their heart and mind.
Prayer Chain
Adult Preparation:
- Scissors
- Construction paper
- Tape or Glue
- Writing Utensil(s)
Adult Preparation:
- Cut strips of paper
- First, write or draw your prayers on strips of paper
- Then, glue each strip together
- Finally, pray the prayers you wrote/drew
Art Project
Pool Noodle Shooter
Adult Preparation:
*Taken from Frogs, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails
- Pool Noodle
- We got ours from Dollar Tree
- Similar to these Fun Noodle
- We got ours from Dollar Tree
- Duct Tape
- Large party balloon
- Scissors
- Small-medium pom poms
- Similar to these- the 1″ worked too Creativity Street Pom Pons 100-Piece X 1/2″ Assorted Colors
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- Cut up pool noodle
- Cut up a small pool noodle. I had these pool noodles in the floor because I had cut up pool noodle blocks for my kids. They were all different sizes. 1 was 3 1/4 in another was 2 1/2 in.
- Knot the end of a balloon not blown up. Cut the tip off. Pull that end over the pool noodle.
- Tape the balloon to pool noodle with duct tape.
- Fill with pom poms but not too many. Then pull back on balloon and fire!
*Taken from Frogs, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails
David and Goliath Project
Adult Preparation:
Five Little Stones by Ronda Duvall
Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Green,
These five little stones remind me of many things.
Red means stop and pray for courage.
With God on my side never be discouraged.
Blue means it’s okay to feel sad.
But, with the right amount of courage, I don’t need to get
Yellow reminds me to slow down and pray.
Thank God for His blessings every day.
Orange, this stone is very bright.
God is with me, there’s no need to feel fright.
Green means for me to get up and go,
God shows me that He loves me so.
- Marshmallows ("rocks")
- Non-toxic paint
- Butcher paper
- Drawing Utensils
- Measuring Tape
- Paint containers
Adult Preparation:
- Gather Materials
- Pour paint in containers
- First, measure out how tall Goliath was
- Next, draw Goliath
- After you draw Goliath, color what Goliath looked like
- Then, paint the marshmallows
- The marshmallows are supposed to be the rocks for David
- Let marshmallows dry
- Finally, try to take Goliath down with the marshmallows
- When you throw, you can recite the poem below
Five Little Stones by Ronda Duvall
Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Green,
These five little stones remind me of many things.
Red means stop and pray for courage.
With God on my side never be discouraged.
Blue means it’s okay to feel sad.
But, with the right amount of courage, I don’t need to get
Yellow reminds me to slow down and pray.
Thank God for His blessings every day.
Orange, this stone is very bright.
God is with me, there’s no need to feel fright.
Green means for me to get up and go,
God shows me that He loves me so.
Tips for Adults
Before Samuel was born, his mother promised he would serve God his whole life. As Samuel grew older, he shared God's messages with God's people. This book reminds us that God is in charge, even when people demand their own king.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Elementary Track
Overview of 1 Samuel
The Book of Ruth tells us how families take care of each other. The story has a sad beginning and a happy ending. At the start, a woman named Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, are hungry and lonely. As their story unfolds, they find not only food, but friendship and love.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
This video is 7:18 minutes long.
Let's begin with a Sermon about Hannah Rose
Bible Readings
Hannah's Prayer to God (1 Samuel 1:1-28) Reading
Have you ever wanted something that you didn't have? Was it something small or big?
I wanted something really big! My name is Hannah. I live with my husband, Elkanah. I love my husband, but he doesn't know how sad I am. I cry a lot. I'm not hungry at all. It feels like there is a big hole in my heart. One thing can make it better: a baby.
Elkanah thinks if I eat I'll feel better. He says, "I love you, Hannah. I love you more than ten sons could love you." But it doesn't help. I want a son.
In our world, men can have more than one wife. That might sound weird to you! Elkanah's second wife, Peninnah, lives with us. I'm even sadder when I see how happy she is with her children. It's not easy living together in our village. People don't look at me the same as they do Peninnah. She has children. I don't.
When we go to Shiloh to give sacrifices to God, Elkanah gives more of the sacrifice to Peninnah because she has many children. I get one share to give to God.
I'm tired of Peninnah making fun of me because I don't have a child. So I decided to do something about it. When we were in Shiloh, I went to the holy place to pray to God. I started to cry, so I prayed with my heart. My lips moved silently. "Please, God, do you see how sad I am because I don't have a son? Remember me. If you give me a son, I promise that he will serve you all his life.""
Eli, the priest, was sitting at the door. He had seen me crying and praying by moving my lips. He thought that maybe I was drunk. He stopped me and said, "Don't act like this."
I told him why I was sad and what I had prayed. He listened and blessed me. "Leave here in peace. I pray that God will answer your prayer."
I felt better. Later that year, I had a baby boy. I named him Samuel, which means "God has heard." I remembered my promise to God. When Samuel was older, I took him to Eli so that he could serve God. God heard my prayer, and I will always remember that.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
I wanted something really big! My name is Hannah. I live with my husband, Elkanah. I love my husband, but he doesn't know how sad I am. I cry a lot. I'm not hungry at all. It feels like there is a big hole in my heart. One thing can make it better: a baby.
Elkanah thinks if I eat I'll feel better. He says, "I love you, Hannah. I love you more than ten sons could love you." But it doesn't help. I want a son.
In our world, men can have more than one wife. That might sound weird to you! Elkanah's second wife, Peninnah, lives with us. I'm even sadder when I see how happy she is with her children. It's not easy living together in our village. People don't look at me the same as they do Peninnah. She has children. I don't.
When we go to Shiloh to give sacrifices to God, Elkanah gives more of the sacrifice to Peninnah because she has many children. I get one share to give to God.
I'm tired of Peninnah making fun of me because I don't have a child. So I decided to do something about it. When we were in Shiloh, I went to the holy place to pray to God. I started to cry, so I prayed with my heart. My lips moved silently. "Please, God, do you see how sad I am because I don't have a son? Remember me. If you give me a son, I promise that he will serve you all his life.""
Eli, the priest, was sitting at the door. He had seen me crying and praying by moving my lips. He thought that maybe I was drunk. He stopped me and said, "Don't act like this."
I told him why I was sad and what I had prayed. He listened and blessed me. "Leave here in peace. I pray that God will answer your prayer."
I felt better. Later that year, I had a baby boy. I named him Samuel, which means "God has heard." I remembered my promise to God. When Samuel was older, I took him to Eli so that he could serve God. God heard my prayer, and I will always remember that.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Samuel Tells a Hard Truth (1 Samuel 2:18 - 3:20) Reading
Have you ever had to tell someone bad news? Were you nervous? How did you tel them? Samuel has bad new to tell the priest Eli.
Samuel, a young boy, lived in God's temple. He helped Eli the priest. Every year Samuel's parents, Hannah and Elkanah, came to visit him. Each year his mother made a new robe to bring to Samuel. Samuel loved God. Eli loved God, too. But Eli's sons didn't follow God's ways. They did terrible things. Although Eli loved his sons, God was angry about the things they did.
In those days, the priest's sons became priests too. But because they were so bad, Eli's sons couldn't become priests. Someone had to tell Eli. That someone call, "Samuel!"
Samuel thought it was Eli. He got up and hurried to Eli. Samuel said, "Here I am!"
Eli said, "I didn't call you. Go back to sleep."
Then it happened again. "Samuel. Samuel." Samuel ran to Eli.
"Here I am!"
Again Eli said, "I didn't call you. Go back to sleep."
A third time, Samuel heard his name, and he went to Eli. "I'm here," he said.
"You called me."
This time Eli knew that God had called Samuel. But Samuel had never heard God call him, so he didn't know.
"Samuel," said Eli, ""listen for your name again. When you hear it, say, 'Yes, I am listening'."
Then God gave Samuel this hard message for Eli. "Samuel, I am getting ready to do something that will make people's ears tingle! Eli's sons are bad. They do terrible things. They have disobeyed me. I am going to punish them. They will not be priests like their father."
In the morning Eli asked Samuel what God had said.
Samuel told Eli the bad news about his sons.
Eli said, "God is God. God makes the right decisions."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Storybook Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Samuel, a young boy, lived in God's temple. He helped Eli the priest. Every year Samuel's parents, Hannah and Elkanah, came to visit him. Each year his mother made a new robe to bring to Samuel. Samuel loved God. Eli loved God, too. But Eli's sons didn't follow God's ways. They did terrible things. Although Eli loved his sons, God was angry about the things they did.
In those days, the priest's sons became priests too. But because they were so bad, Eli's sons couldn't become priests. Someone had to tell Eli. That someone call, "Samuel!"
Samuel thought it was Eli. He got up and hurried to Eli. Samuel said, "Here I am!"
Eli said, "I didn't call you. Go back to sleep."
Then it happened again. "Samuel. Samuel." Samuel ran to Eli.
"Here I am!"
Again Eli said, "I didn't call you. Go back to sleep."
A third time, Samuel heard his name, and he went to Eli. "I'm here," he said.
"You called me."
This time Eli knew that God had called Samuel. But Samuel had never heard God call him, so he didn't know.
"Samuel," said Eli, ""listen for your name again. When you hear it, say, 'Yes, I am listening'."
Then God gave Samuel this hard message for Eli. "Samuel, I am getting ready to do something that will make people's ears tingle! Eli's sons are bad. They do terrible things. They have disobeyed me. I am going to punish them. They will not be priests like their father."
In the morning Eli asked Samuel what God had said.
Samuel told Eli the bad news about his sons.
Eli said, "God is God. God makes the right decisions."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Storybook Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Samuel Finds a New King (1 Samuel 8:1-22; 9:1-27; 10:1) Reading
Have you ever tried to warn someone that something they were doing wasn't a good idea? Or have you ever tried to do the right thing, and your friends just wanted to do the wrong thing? When this happened to Samuel, he talked with God.
Samuel, that young boy who worked with the priest Eli, was very old now. He had spent his life serving God. His grown-up sons were judges. But they weren't good judges. Just like Eli's sons, they didn't follow God's ways.
The Israelites were fed up with Samuel's sons. They came to Samuel. "We want a king," they said, "not a judge like one of your sons. Find us a king to be our judge and rule over us! That's what we want."
Samuel didn't think that this was a good idea. As he always did when he had a problem, Samuel talked to God.
"What should I do?" Samuel asked. "A king won't help them!"
"Samuel," God said, "just give them a king. Don't fight with them. They don't follow my ways anyway. But you must tell them everything that a king will do to them."
This upset Samuel. He knew that if the people followed Hod, they would not want a king.
Samuel called the people together. He said, "If you want a king, that's fine. But I want you to know what it will be like to have a king rule over you. A king won't treat you fairly. A king will take all your land from you. A king will make you work hard, and you won't like it. Everything you have will belong to the king, not you. And when you ask God to help you, God won't help you because you wanted a king instead of God."
But the people didn't care. They wanted to be just like everyone else and have a king they could see. They didn't care if God helped them or not. Samuel knew this was a bad idea, but he agreed to find a king.
With God's help, Samuel found Saul. Samuel poured oil over Saul's head. He said, "God makes you the king of God's people, Israel."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Storybook Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Samuel, that young boy who worked with the priest Eli, was very old now. He had spent his life serving God. His grown-up sons were judges. But they weren't good judges. Just like Eli's sons, they didn't follow God's ways.
The Israelites were fed up with Samuel's sons. They came to Samuel. "We want a king," they said, "not a judge like one of your sons. Find us a king to be our judge and rule over us! That's what we want."
Samuel didn't think that this was a good idea. As he always did when he had a problem, Samuel talked to God.
"What should I do?" Samuel asked. "A king won't help them!"
"Samuel," God said, "just give them a king. Don't fight with them. They don't follow my ways anyway. But you must tell them everything that a king will do to them."
This upset Samuel. He knew that if the people followed Hod, they would not want a king.
Samuel called the people together. He said, "If you want a king, that's fine. But I want you to know what it will be like to have a king rule over you. A king won't treat you fairly. A king will take all your land from you. A king will make you work hard, and you won't like it. Everything you have will belong to the king, not you. And when you ask God to help you, God won't help you because you wanted a king instead of God."
But the people didn't care. They wanted to be just like everyone else and have a king they could see. They didn't care if God helped them or not. Samuel knew this was a bad idea, but he agreed to find a king.
With God's help, Samuel found Saul. Samuel poured oil over Saul's head. He said, "God makes you the king of God's people, Israel."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Storybook Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Samuel Anoints David (1 Samuel 16:1-23) Reading
Can you tell if someone is friendly by looking at them? Sometimes you can and sometimes you can't. Usually it takes more time to get to know a person. Samuel got help from God when he was looking for a new king.
Samuel sat quietly with a sad look on his face. Samuel was sad because God had decided that Saul could no longer be king over God's people. Saul did not have a kind heart.
"Samuel, how much longer will you be sad?" God asked.
Samuel didn't know how to get over being sad. But God said, "Samuel, I want you to go to Bethlehem. My next king is there!"
"God," said Samuel, "you know what a temper Saul has. If he hears that I am looking for a new king, I don't know what he'll do."
"Take an animal for a sacrifice with you to Bethlehem. When you get there, invite a man named Jesse and his sons to come with you."
"But how will I know who the next king is?" asked Samuel.
"Don't worry, I'll show you," said God.
Samuel chose an animal for sacrifce and went to Bethlehem. The people were afraid of Samuel. But Samuel said, "Don't worry, I'm just here to worship God."
When he saw Jesse, he said, "Why don't you and your sons come with me?"
Now Jesse had some good-looking sons. When Samuel saw Eliab, Jesse's oldest son, he thought, This must be the new king.
But God told Samuel, "No, not this one. I'll tell you who it is when I see him. I can see people's hearts, and that's what matters to me."
Samuel saw seven of Jesse's sons. Each one looked like a good choice to Samuel. But God kept saying, "No, not him. I see people's hearts, and that's what matters to me."
Samuel had seen all the sons. God had not chosen any of them. Samuel asked Jesse, "Do you have any more sons?"
Jesse said, "I have one more. My youngest son is out watching the sheep."
"Bring him here," said Samuel.
David came right away. Samuel saw David with his red hair and bright eyes. He heard God's voice say, "That's the one!"
God saw David's heart and knew he was a good person. "He will be the next king of my people!" declared God.
David was still a young man. He didn't know that one day he would be the king of all God's people. Samuel poured oil on David's head. Then God's Spirit came to David and stayed with him for the rest of his life.
*Taken from Growing in Gods Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Samuel sat quietly with a sad look on his face. Samuel was sad because God had decided that Saul could no longer be king over God's people. Saul did not have a kind heart.
"Samuel, how much longer will you be sad?" God asked.
Samuel didn't know how to get over being sad. But God said, "Samuel, I want you to go to Bethlehem. My next king is there!"
"God," said Samuel, "you know what a temper Saul has. If he hears that I am looking for a new king, I don't know what he'll do."
"Take an animal for a sacrifice with you to Bethlehem. When you get there, invite a man named Jesse and his sons to come with you."
"But how will I know who the next king is?" asked Samuel.
"Don't worry, I'll show you," said God.
Samuel chose an animal for sacrifce and went to Bethlehem. The people were afraid of Samuel. But Samuel said, "Don't worry, I'm just here to worship God."
When he saw Jesse, he said, "Why don't you and your sons come with me?"
Now Jesse had some good-looking sons. When Samuel saw Eliab, Jesse's oldest son, he thought, This must be the new king.
But God told Samuel, "No, not this one. I'll tell you who it is when I see him. I can see people's hearts, and that's what matters to me."
Samuel saw seven of Jesse's sons. Each one looked like a good choice to Samuel. But God kept saying, "No, not him. I see people's hearts, and that's what matters to me."
Samuel had seen all the sons. God had not chosen any of them. Samuel asked Jesse, "Do you have any more sons?"
Jesse said, "I have one more. My youngest son is out watching the sheep."
"Bring him here," said Samuel.
David came right away. Samuel saw David with his red hair and bright eyes. He heard God's voice say, "That's the one!"
God saw David's heart and knew he was a good person. "He will be the next king of my people!" declared God.
David was still a young man. He didn't know that one day he would be the king of all God's people. Samuel poured oil on David's head. Then God's Spirit came to David and stayed with him for the rest of his life.
*Taken from Growing in Gods Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17:1-58) Reading
Have you ever been told that you couldn't do something because you weren't big enough? People didn't think David could do much because he was just a young shepherd. But David showed them that you don't have to be a grown-up to do something really big.
When Saul was king over God's people, they were fighting the Philistines. One of the Philistines, Goliath, was as tall as a house. He wore bronze armor all over his body.
Goliath stood in front of Saul's army and yelled at God's people, "Send out someone to fight me!"
Saul and God's people were scared. Goliath was frightening. For forty days, Goliath stood in front of Saul's army, but no one would fight him.
Then one day, David left his sheep to take food to his brothers. They were in Saul's army. When he got there, he saw Goliath. David asked, "Why won't anyone fight him?"
This made his brothers angry. They thought he just came to watch the battle. "What did I do wrong this time?" David asked. "It was a question!"
David knew that the soliders were afraid of Goliath, so he found King Saul. "King Saul, don't worry. I will fight this man!"
But Saul said, "You are just a young man. You cannot fight that big man who is an experienced warrior."
But Saul forgot that shepherds fight lions and bears to keep their sheep safe. David trusted in God, and God kept him safe when he guarded the sheep. He was sure that God would keep him safe now. David picked up five stones for his slingshot.
When David walked out, Goliath laughed. He wanted to fight a man, not a youth. But David knew that he could win because God was with him.
David said, "You come to fight me with a sword and spear. But God is with me. I will defeat you!"
David put a stone in his slingshot. He slung it and hit Goliath so hard that he fell flat on his face! Then David picked up Goliath's sword. When the Philistines saw this, they ran away.
Because David knew God was with him, he did a big thing and won the battle for all of God's people.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
When Saul was king over God's people, they were fighting the Philistines. One of the Philistines, Goliath, was as tall as a house. He wore bronze armor all over his body.
Goliath stood in front of Saul's army and yelled at God's people, "Send out someone to fight me!"
Saul and God's people were scared. Goliath was frightening. For forty days, Goliath stood in front of Saul's army, but no one would fight him.
Then one day, David left his sheep to take food to his brothers. They were in Saul's army. When he got there, he saw Goliath. David asked, "Why won't anyone fight him?"
This made his brothers angry. They thought he just came to watch the battle. "What did I do wrong this time?" David asked. "It was a question!"
David knew that the soliders were afraid of Goliath, so he found King Saul. "King Saul, don't worry. I will fight this man!"
But Saul said, "You are just a young man. You cannot fight that big man who is an experienced warrior."
But Saul forgot that shepherds fight lions and bears to keep their sheep safe. David trusted in God, and God kept him safe when he guarded the sheep. He was sure that God would keep him safe now. David picked up five stones for his slingshot.
When David walked out, Goliath laughed. He wanted to fight a man, not a youth. But David knew that he could win because God was with him.
David said, "You come to fight me with a sword and spear. But God is with me. I will defeat you!"
David put a stone in his slingshot. He slung it and hit Goliath so hard that he fell flat on his face! Then David picked up Goliath's sword. When the Philistines saw this, they ran away.
Because David knew God was with him, he did a big thing and won the battle for all of God's people.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Best Friends (1 Samuel 20:1-42) Reading
Who's your best friend? What are some things you like about your best friend? David and Jonathan were best friends. Listen for how Jonathan helped David when David was in trouble.
David was a loyal worker for King Saul. But Saul was angry with him. Saul was so angry that he wanted to hurt David. However, David was best friends with Jonathan, Saul's sons.
"Jonathan," said David, "I think your father, Saul, wants to hurt me. Maybe even kill me."
Jonathan said, "No, that can't be right."
But David insisted that Saul wanted to hurt him.
Jonathan told David, "Whatever you want me to do, I will do."
David said, "Here's the plan. King Saul will hold a special dinner tomorrow night to celebrate the new moon. I'm supposed to sit with him. I won't go, but I'll hide in the field until it's dark. If King Saul misses me. tell him I have gone to Bethlehem. If King Saul becomes angry, you'll know he wants to hurt me."
Jonathan thought this was a good plan. He said, "I'll do this. If my father is angry with you, I'll come and tell you because you are my best friend. I will shoot an arrow near where you are hiding. If I tell my servant, 'Get the arrow. It is on beyond you,' leave, because you are not safe here."
The next night, David went into the field and hid behind a big rock. At the dinner, Saul didn't ask about David. But the second night after the new moon, King Saul asked Jonathan, "Where is David? He wasn't here for the dinner last night either."
"He went to visit his family in Bethlehem," Jonathan told his father.
When Saul heard this, he became angry. "Why did you let him go? Bring him back to me! I am angry at him!"
The next morning Jonathan went to the field. He shot an arrow near where David hiding. To his servant, he said, "isn't the arrow beyond you?"
Jonathan told the servant to go back. Then David and Jonathan kissed and cried. Jonathan said, "Go in peace. We will be friends forever."
David left, and Jonathan went back home.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Storybook Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
David was a loyal worker for King Saul. But Saul was angry with him. Saul was so angry that he wanted to hurt David. However, David was best friends with Jonathan, Saul's sons.
"Jonathan," said David, "I think your father, Saul, wants to hurt me. Maybe even kill me."
Jonathan said, "No, that can't be right."
But David insisted that Saul wanted to hurt him.
Jonathan told David, "Whatever you want me to do, I will do."
David said, "Here's the plan. King Saul will hold a special dinner tomorrow night to celebrate the new moon. I'm supposed to sit with him. I won't go, but I'll hide in the field until it's dark. If King Saul misses me. tell him I have gone to Bethlehem. If King Saul becomes angry, you'll know he wants to hurt me."
Jonathan thought this was a good plan. He said, "I'll do this. If my father is angry with you, I'll come and tell you because you are my best friend. I will shoot an arrow near where you are hiding. If I tell my servant, 'Get the arrow. It is on beyond you,' leave, because you are not safe here."
The next night, David went into the field and hid behind a big rock. At the dinner, Saul didn't ask about David. But the second night after the new moon, King Saul asked Jonathan, "Where is David? He wasn't here for the dinner last night either."
"He went to visit his family in Bethlehem," Jonathan told his father.
When Saul heard this, he became angry. "Why did you let him go? Bring him back to me! I am angry at him!"
The next morning Jonathan went to the field. He shot an arrow near where David hiding. To his servant, he said, "isn't the arrow beyond you?"
Jonathan told the servant to go back. Then David and Jonathan kissed and cried. Jonathan said, "Go in peace. We will be friends forever."
David left, and Jonathan went back home.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Storybook Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Nabal, Abigail, and David (1 Samuel 25:2-42) Reading
When you know two friends are angry with each other, have you tried to tell one of them not to be mad? Abigail convinced David not to stay mad at her husband Nabal.
Before David was king, he traveled with six hundred men. One time, they camped near shepherds who worked for a rich man in Carmel. He owned three thousand sheep and one thousand goats. David sent ten servants to Nabal with a message: "Peace to you. My men and I stayed near your shepherds. We didn't harm them. We didn't take anything from them. Please give my servants all the food you have."
Nabal said, "Who is David? I won't give him anything!"
David's servants told him what happened. David was angry. He told his men, "Put on your swords and get ready to fight!"
Nabal's servant said to Abigail, "David asked your husband for food. Nabal refused. David and his men were good to us when we watched the sheep. They kept us safe. They didn't take anything from us. Your husband is a terrible man. Think about what you can do."
Abigail packed two hundred loaves of bread, one hundred raisin cakes, and two hundred fig cakes, along with grain, lamb to cook, and wine. She got on her donkey and left to find David. She did not tell her husband.
Abigail met David and his soldiers on the hillside. He was still angry. Abigail got off her donkey. She bowed to the ground at David's feet.
"My master," she said, "blame me. Please give this food to your men. Don't get back at Nabal. He is a fool, just as his name says. Don't do something you'll be sorry about. When God makes you king, remember me, your servant."
David looked at the beautiful and wise Abigail. "Bless God who sent you to me," he said. "If you hadn't come, I would have made a great mistake. I will take all that you bring. Go home in peace."
The next morning Abigail told Nabal what she had done. He fainted. Ten days later, he died. When David heard this, he said, "God has gotten back at Nabal. I didn't have to do anything."
Then he sent a servant to Abigail with this message: "Return with my servant and be my wife." She did.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Before David was king, he traveled with six hundred men. One time, they camped near shepherds who worked for a rich man in Carmel. He owned three thousand sheep and one thousand goats. David sent ten servants to Nabal with a message: "Peace to you. My men and I stayed near your shepherds. We didn't harm them. We didn't take anything from them. Please give my servants all the food you have."
Nabal said, "Who is David? I won't give him anything!"
David's servants told him what happened. David was angry. He told his men, "Put on your swords and get ready to fight!"
Nabal's servant said to Abigail, "David asked your husband for food. Nabal refused. David and his men were good to us when we watched the sheep. They kept us safe. They didn't take anything from us. Your husband is a terrible man. Think about what you can do."
Abigail packed two hundred loaves of bread, one hundred raisin cakes, and two hundred fig cakes, along with grain, lamb to cook, and wine. She got on her donkey and left to find David. She did not tell her husband.
Abigail met David and his soldiers on the hillside. He was still angry. Abigail got off her donkey. She bowed to the ground at David's feet.
"My master," she said, "blame me. Please give this food to your men. Don't get back at Nabal. He is a fool, just as his name says. Don't do something you'll be sorry about. When God makes you king, remember me, your servant."
David looked at the beautiful and wise Abigail. "Bless God who sent you to me," he said. "If you hadn't come, I would have made a great mistake. I will take all that you bring. Go home in peace."
The next morning Abigail told Nabal what she had done. He fainted. Ten days later, he died. When David heard this, he said, "God has gotten back at Nabal. I didn't have to do anything."
Then he sent a servant to Abigail with this message: "Return with my servant and be my wife." She did.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
I Wonder....
- if David was scared?
- if anyone was listening when Hannah said her prayer?
- what Eli thought when Hannah told him her prayer?
Discussion Questions
- What did Abigail say to David that helped him make the right decision about Nabal?
- How many donkeys do you think Abigail needed to take all that food to David?
- Abigail was wise and understood people. When have you done something that wise or showed that you understood how someone felt?
- Imagine that Elkanah is trying to comfort Hannah. What does he say?
- How do you think Hannah looked after she talked with Eli? How do you think she stood and walked?
- What do you want to pray to God for?
- Goliath was a very big man with a loud voice. What do you think it sounded like when Goliath yelled at God's people?
- Which part of this story will you remember? Try making a picture with torn paper, crayons, or markers to show this part of the story.
- David was brave because he trusted that God was with him. When can you be brave because you know God will help you?
- The people were angry that Samuel's sons were not fair to them. What do you say when someone isn't being fair to you?
- Try standing like you think the people stood when they came to Samuel to demand a king. Why did they want a king?
- What can you do to stand up for yourself when you are treated unfairly? Who can help you?
- Samuel did not know what God's voice sounded like. What do you think God's voice sounds like?
- How do you think Eli looked when Samuel told him what God had said?
- Eli's sons didn't follow in the ways God wanted them to. When you listen for God's voice, what do you think God wanted them to. When you listen for God's voice, what do you think God wants you to do for others? For God's world?
- Saul became angry when he found out that David was gone. What does it feel like when someone is up set with you?
- David hid in a big field and waited for Jonathan to return. What do you think David's hiding place looked like?
- David and Jonathan were best friends. Who is your best friend? What do you like to do together?
Holy Moly
David and Goliath
This video is 7:13 minutes long
Samuel Anoints David
This video is 4:49 minutes long
Crossroads Kids' Club
God's People: David
This video is 1:23 minutes long
God's Story: Samuel
This video is 4:18 minutes long
God's Story: David and Saul
This video is 4:05 minutes long
God's People: David and Jonathan
This video is 1:32 minutes long
Saddleback Kids
This video is 1:40 minutes long
When I Pray by GOKidz Asia
This song is 1:44 minutes long
Only a Prayer Away by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:18 minutes long
God is Listening by Creekside Kids
This song is 2:32 minutes long
Prayer Project
Prayer Hands
Adult Preparation:
- Scissors
- Construction paper
- Writing Utensil
- Hole punch
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- If child does know how to write. Write out
- First, trace your hand (x6)
- Second, cut out each hand
- Then, write on one hand "I pray"
- Next, write on another hand "Adore God"
- Under the "Adore God," write "Lord, You are..."
- On another hand, write "Confess sins"
- Under "Confess sins," write "Please forgive me..."
- On another hand, write "Thankful Heart"
- Under "Thankful Heart," write "Lord, I am thankful for..."
- On another hand write, "Supply Others"
- Under Supply Others, write "Lord, please help others and please help me, too."
- Now, hole punch each hand at the bottom.
- Next, put the "I pray" hand first
- Then, put the hands in order as it is shown in the instructions
- Now, put a ring through the hands
- Finally, follow the prayer section to pray.
- Start our on your thumb, saying "I pray"
- When the first one comes up, they will point to their pointer finger and say “Adore God. Lord, You are…” Your child will continue with this sentence.
- You can give some examples for your child to follow during your first few times using these Prayer Hands.
- For the second card, they will point to their middle finger and say “Confess sins. Please forgive me…”
- On the third card, they will point to their ring finger and say, “Thankful Heart. Lord, I am thankful for…”
- On the fourth card, they will point to their pinky finger and say, “Supply Others. Lord, please help others and please help me, too.”
- On each of these cards, you and your child will continue the sentences by filling in what is on their heart and mind.
Prayer Chain
Adult Preparation:
- Scissors
- Construction paper
- Tape or Glue
- Writing Utensil(s)
Adult Preparation:
- Gather Materials
- Cut strips of paper
- First, write or draw your prayers on strips of paper
- Then, glue each strip together
- Finally, pray the prayers you wrote/drew
Art Project
Pool Noodle Pom Pom Shooter
Adult Preparation:
*Taken from Frogs, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails
- Pool Noodle
- We got ours from Dollar Tree
- Similar to these Fun Noodle
- We got ours from Dollar Tree
- Duct Tape
- Large party balloon
- Scissors
- Small-medium pom poms
- Similar to these- the 1″ worked too Creativity Street Pom Pons 100-Piece X 1/2″ Assorted Colors
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- Cut up pool noodle
- Cut up a small pool noodle. I had these pool noodles in the floor because I had cut up pool noodle blocks for my kids. They were all different sizes. 1 was 3 1/4 in another was 2 1/2 in.
- Knot the end of a balloon not blown up. Cut the tip off. Pull that end over the pool noodle.
- Tape the balloon to pool noodle with duct tape.
- Fill with pom poms but not too many. Then pull back on balloon and fire!
*Taken from Frogs, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails
David and Goliath Project
Adult Preparation:
Five Little Stones by Ronda Duvall
Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Green,
These five little stones remind me of many things.
Red means stop and pray for courage.
With God on my side never be discouraged.
Blue means it’s okay to feel sad.
But, with the right amount of courage, I don’t need to get
Yellow reminds me to slow down and pray.
Thank God for His blessings every day.
Orange, this stone is very bright.
God is with me, there’s no need to feel fright.
Green means for me to get up and go,
God shows me that He loves me so.
- Marshmallows ("rocks")
- Non-toxic paint
- Butcher paper
- Drawing Utensils
- Measuring Tape
- Paint containers
Adult Preparation:
- Gather Materials
- Pour paint in containers
- First, measure out how tall Goliath was
- Next, draw Goliath
- After you draw Goliath, color what Goliath looked like
- Then, paint the marshmallows
- The marshmallows are supposed to be the rocks for David
- Let marshmallows dry
- Finally, try to take Goliath down with the marshmallows
- When you throw, you can recite the poem below
Five Little Stones by Ronda Duvall
Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Green,
These five little stones remind me of many things.
Red means stop and pray for courage.
With God on my side never be discouraged.
Blue means it’s okay to feel sad.
But, with the right amount of courage, I don’t need to get
Yellow reminds me to slow down and pray.
Thank God for His blessings every day.
Orange, this stone is very bright.
God is with me, there’s no need to feel fright.
Green means for me to get up and go,
God shows me that He loves me so.
Content for Adults
Before Samuel was born, his mother promised he would serve God his whole life. As Samuel grew older, he shared God's messages with God's people. This book reminds us that God is in charge, even when people demand their own king.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Each book of the Bible page will have either one or two videos and the handouts taken from an Adult Faith Formation Class that talked about this particular chapter. The video might help you understand the chapter.
This video is 52:57 minutes long