Preschool track
Overview of Revelation
Revelation begins with the author, named as John, describing a vision of Jesus. John was a prisoner on Patmos, a rocky island off the coast of present-day Turkey. John said that he came under the Holy Spirit's power and heard a loud voice telling him to write down everything he was about to see. John's vision of Jesus starts with messages Jesus gave to churches in seven different cities (Rev 1-3). These messages offered encouragement to people who were living faithfully and warning to people who were not.
The book goes on to describe John's visions of heaven. There are many images - such as seals, trumpets, and bowls - that were used to create a picture of the troubles Christians faced at the time the book was written. These images also encouraged early Christians that good would win over evil in the days to come. These symbols are often hard for us to understand, but they may have been clearer to ancient readers.
The visions in Revelation can sometimes be confusing or even scary. But the end of the book ays that Jesus will make all things new (Rev 21:5). It tells us that God will create a new heaven and earth where God will live among God's people. And it says that God's presence is a place where "there will be no mourning, crying, or pain anymore, for the former things have passed away" (Rev 21:4). Revelation shows us that God reigns now and forever!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
The book goes on to describe John's visions of heaven. There are many images - such as seals, trumpets, and bowls - that were used to create a picture of the troubles Christians faced at the time the book was written. These images also encouraged early Christians that good would win over evil in the days to come. These symbols are often hard for us to understand, but they may have been clearer to ancient readers.
The visions in Revelation can sometimes be confusing or even scary. But the end of the book ays that Jesus will make all things new (Rev 21:5). It tells us that God will create a new heaven and earth where God will live among God's people. And it says that God's presence is a place where "there will be no mourning, crying, or pain anymore, for the former things have passed away" (Rev 21:4). Revelation shows us that God reigns now and forever!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Bible Readings
Alpha and Omega (Revelation 22:1-13) Reading
A follower of Jesus named John had dreams and visions about God's promises. John dreamed of the new heaven and the new earth Jesus told him would be coming soon.
In John's dream, everything had changed. The old world was gone, but he saw a new holy city coming down out of heaven from God. It was beautiful! He heard a voice say, "Look! God will live with us, and we will be God's people. God will wipe away all of our tears. No one will die. There won't be any more loss or crying or pain. All things will be made new."
John heard Jesus say, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end." Jesus told John to write down everything he had seen and heard.
*Taken from Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook
In John's dream, everything had changed. The old world was gone, but he saw a new holy city coming down out of heaven from God. It was beautiful! He heard a voice say, "Look! God will live with us, and we will be God's people. God will wipe away all of our tears. No one will die. There won't be any more loss or crying or pain. All things will be made new."
John heard Jesus say, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end." Jesus told John to write down everything he had seen and heard.
*Taken from Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook
God's dream will come true: The Promise of a New Earth
(Revelation 21-22) Reading
(Revelation 21-22) Reading
When the disciple John was very old, God sent him dreams and visions. He saw that there would be wars and famines and floods and terrible disasters. But God told John, "Soon I will make a new heaven and a new earth. Then every tear will be wiped away. I will be with my people, and they will be with me. Everyone will live in peace and joy."
God showed John a vision of this holy place. It glittered with gold and precious stones, and the sky was so bright there was no need for the sun or moon to give light.
"From this place," God said, "will flow the river of life, and from it I will give the water of life to everyone who is thirsty. On either side of the river will be the tree of life, and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. You are my children. You are all brothers and sisters together, my family. Come and drink, my beloved children, from the water that gives you life, love, and joy!"
*Taken from Children of God Storybook Bible by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
God showed John a vision of this holy place. It glittered with gold and precious stones, and the sky was so bright there was no need for the sun or moon to give light.
"From this place," God said, "will flow the river of life, and from it I will give the water of life to everyone who is thirsty. On either side of the river will be the tree of life, and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. You are my children. You are all brothers and sisters together, my family. Come and drink, my beloved children, from the water that gives you life, love, and joy!"
*Taken from Children of God Storybook Bible by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
I Wonder....
- What language is Alpha and Omega?
Discussion Questions
- What is something new and old?
- Draw something at the beginning and what it will turn at the end.
Godly Play
A New Heaven, A New Earth, A New Jerusalem
This video is 15:11 minutes long
Crossroad Kids' Club
God's Story: Re-Creation
This video is 3:45 minutes long
All That is Good by Lifetree Kids
Kindness is a Muscle by Universal Kids
This song is 6 seconds long
This song is 2:54 minutes long
Art Project
Earth Hand

Adult Preparation:
- white cardstock paper
- contact paper
- green and blue craft paint
- black marker
- pencil
- scissors
Adult Preparation:
- gather materials
- lay out materials
- Start by deciding how big you want your Earth art to be and cut out the white cardstock paper.
- Cut out enough contact paper to fit your cardstock paper and use a big round container (we used a big plastic bowl) to draw a circle in the middle of the contact paper. Cut out the circle and stick the contact paper to the cardstock paper. Here is a trick to make it easier to have the contact paper centered on the cardstock paper. Use your big round container to draw a circle in the middle of the white cardstock paper. When sticking the contact paper onto the white paper, try to align the two circles.
- Now it’s time to create the Earth with green and blue handprints.
- Once Earth has been created, peel off the contact paper. Do it right away, rather than wait until the paint has dried. Otherwise there is a chance that paint from your Earth will peel off together with the contact paper.
- Once the paint is dried, use a black marker to outline Earth’s round shape.
Tips for Adults
This book comforted early Christians who were put into prison or killed because of their faith in Jesus. Revelation encourages all Christians to be faithful even during difficult times.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Elementary Track
Overview of Revelation
Revelation begins with the author, named as John, describing a vision of Jesus. John was a prisoner on Patmos, a rocky island off the coast of present-day Turkey. John said that he came under the Holy Spirit's power and heard a loud voice telling him to write down everything he was about to see. John's vision of Jesus starts with messages Jesus gave to churches in seven different cities (Rev 1-3). These messages offered encouragement to people who were living faithfully and warning to people who were not.
The book goes on to describe John's visions of heaven. There are many images - such as seals, trumpets, and bowls - that were used to create a picture of the troubles Christians faced at the time the book was written. These images also encouraged early Christians that good would win over evil in the days to come. These symbols are often hard for us to understand, but they may have been clearer to ancient readers.
The visions in Revelation can sometimes be confusing or even scary. But the end of the book ays that Jesus will make all things new (Rev 21:5). It tells us that God will create a new heaven and earth where God will live among God's people. And it says that God's presence is a place where "there will be no mourning, crying, or pain anymore, for the former things have passed away" (Rev 21:4). Revelation shows us that God reigns now and forever!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
The book goes on to describe John's visions of heaven. There are many images - such as seals, trumpets, and bowls - that were used to create a picture of the troubles Christians faced at the time the book was written. These images also encouraged early Christians that good would win over evil in the days to come. These symbols are often hard for us to understand, but they may have been clearer to ancient readers.
The visions in Revelation can sometimes be confusing or even scary. But the end of the book ays that Jesus will make all things new (Rev 21:5). It tells us that God will create a new heaven and earth where God will live among God's people. And it says that God's presence is a place where "there will be no mourning, crying, or pain anymore, for the former things have passed away" (Rev 21:4). Revelation shows us that God reigns now and forever!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Overview: Revelation by Bible Project
This video is 11:48 minutes long
Overview: Revelation by Bible Project
This video is 11:50 minutes long
Bible Readings
Alpha and Omega (Revelation 22:1-13) Reading
A follower of Jesus named John had dreams and visions about God's promises. John dreamed of the new heaven and the new earth Jesus told him would be coming soon.
In John's dream, everything had changed. The old world was gone, but he saw a new holy city coming down out of heaven from God. It was beautiful! He heard a voice say, "Look! God will live with us, and we will be God's people. God will wipe away all of our tears. No one will die. There won't be any more loss or crying or pain. All things will be made new."
John heard Jesus say, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end." Jesus told John to write down everything he had seen and heard.
*Taken from Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook
In John's dream, everything had changed. The old world was gone, but he saw a new holy city coming down out of heaven from God. It was beautiful! He heard a voice say, "Look! God will live with us, and we will be God's people. God will wipe away all of our tears. No one will die. There won't be any more loss or crying or pain. All things will be made new."
John heard Jesus say, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end." Jesus told John to write down everything he had seen and heard.
*Taken from Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook
God's dream will come true: The Promise of a New Earth
(Revelation 21-22) Reading
(Revelation 21-22) Reading
When the disciple John was very old, God sent him dreams and visions. He saw that there would be wars and famines and floods and terrible disasters. But God told John, "Soon I will make a new heaven and a new earth. Then every tear will be wiped away. I will be with my people, and they will be with me. Everyone will live in peace and joy."
God showed John a vision of this holy place. It glittered with gold and precious stones, and the sky was so bright there was no need for the sun or moon to give light.
"From this place," God said, "will flow the river of life, and from it I will give the water of life to everyone who is thirsty. On either side of the river will be the tree of life, and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. You are my children. You are all brothers and sisters together, my family. Come and drink, my beloved children, from the water that gives you life, love, and joy!"
*Taken from Children of God Storybook Bible by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
God showed John a vision of this holy place. It glittered with gold and precious stones, and the sky was so bright there was no need for the sun or moon to give light.
"From this place," God said, "will flow the river of life, and from it I will give the water of life to everyone who is thirsty. On either side of the river will be the tree of life, and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. You are my children. You are all brothers and sisters together, my family. Come and drink, my beloved children, from the water that gives you life, love, and joy!"
*Taken from Children of God Storybook Bible by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
I Wonder....
- What language is Alpha and Omega?
Discussion Questions
- What is something new and old?
- Draw something at the beginning and what it will turn at the end.
Godly Play
A New Heaven, A New Earth, A New Jerusalem
This video is 15:11 minutes long
Crossroad Kids' Club
God's Story: Re-Creation
This video is 3:45 minutes long
Art Project
Earth Hands

Adult Preparation:
- white cardstock paper
- contact paper
- green and blue craft paint
- black marker
- pencil
- scissors
Adult Preparation:
- gather materials
- lay out materials
- Start by deciding how big you want your Earth art to be and cut out the white cardstock paper.
- Cut out enough contact paper to fit your cardstock paper and use a big round container (we used a big plastic bowl) to draw a circle in the middle of the contact paper. Cut out the circle and stick the contact paper to the cardstock paper. Here is a trick to make it easier to have the contact paper centered on the cardstock paper. Use your big round container to draw a circle in the middle of the white cardstock paper. When sticking the contact paper onto the white paper, try to align the two circles.
- Now it’s time to create the Earth with green and blue handprints.
- Once Earth has been created, peel off the contact paper. Do it right away, rather than wait until the paint has dried. Otherwise there is a chance that paint from your Earth will peel off together with the contact paper.
- Once the paint is dried, use a black marker to outline Earth’s round shape.
Content for Adults
This book comforted early Christians who were put into prison or killed because of their faith in Jesus. Revelation encourages all Christians to be faithful even during difficult times.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
This video is 51:21 minutes long