About Baptisms
Baptism is the outward sign of welcoming into the church family. The pastor asks the parents/guardians some questions and will ask the congregation a question. After, the pastor will pour some water on the child's head. At Palma Ceia. We then sing "Jesus Love's Me" as the pastor walks the child down the center aisle.
Who to contact?
Families interested in more information on baptisms at Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church will contact Susan Frost at [email protected].
Biblical Reference
Crossroad Kid's Club
This video is 3:48 minutes long
Saddleback Kid's
This video is 1:50 minutes long
Godly Play
The Baptism of Jesus
This video is 5:54 minutes long
Holy Baptism
This video is 8:48 minutes long
Why are we baptized?
In Jesus Christ, God calls people to faith and to membership in the Church, the body of Christ. Baptism is the visible sign of that call and claim on a human life and of entrance into the membership of the church. The baptism of children witnesses to the truth that God’s love claims people before they are able to respond in faith. The baptism of those who enter the covenant of membership upon their own profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior witnesses to the truth that God’s gift of grace calls forth a response of faithfulness. Thus, the triune God, incarnate in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, gives to the Church not only its mission but also its understanding of membership.
*Taken from Book of Orders
*Taken from Book of Orders
Photos and Videos
Little Baptism
This video is 6:39 minutes long
Cloud Baptism
This video is 6:14 minutes long
Palmer Baptism
This video is 6:24 minutes long
Millisits/Jarrett Baptism
This video is 6:10 minutes long
Schroeder Baptism
This video is 4:35 minutes long
Callahan Baptism
This video is 6:49 minutes long
Palmer Baptism
This video is 6:21 minutes long
Daisley Baptism
This video is 5:39 minutes long
Simoes and Brannan Baptism
This video is 5:22 minutes long
Tyler Baptism
This video is 5:54 minutes long
Lorenzen Baptism
This video is 6:12 minutes long
Hoffman Baptism
This video is 6:52 minutes long
Perez Baptism
This video is 10 seconds long
Pierce Baptism
This video is 5:56 minutes long
Voûte Harding Baptism
This video is 6:09 minutes long
Smedley Baptism
This video is 5:21 minutes long
Holmes Baptism
This video is 6:13 minutes long
Martin Baptism
This video is 7:30 minutes long
This video is 23 seconds long
Felman Baptism
This video is 6:52 minutes long
Charles Baptism
This video is 8:14 minutes long
Graham Baptism
This video is 6:17 minutes long
James Baptism
This video is 5:45 minutes long
Milanoski Baptism
This video is 3:01 minutes long
Rhinehart Baptism
This video is 8:07 minutes long
Zink Baptism
This video is 6:18 minutes long
Grizzard Baptism
This video is 5:29 minutes long
Palmer Baptism
This video is 7:04 minutes long
Ownby Baptism
This video is 6:20 minutes long
Hovick Baptism
This video is 6:22 minutes long
Hubbell Baptism
This video is 5:30 minutes long
Bowers and Shuler Baptism
This video is 8:45 minutes long
Lanning Baptism
This video is 5:35 minutes long
PCPC Children's Ministry
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629