Preschool track
Overview of Jeremiah
The Book of Jeremiah is named for a prophet who looked around and saw the people of Judah disobeying God. He felt sad that God's people were not living the way God wanted them to live, but had hope for them.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Bible Readings
Called from the Start (Jeremiah 1:4-10) Reading
My name is Jeremiah. I'm one of God's prophets! God gives me messages to share with a lot of people.
I didn't choose to be a prophet. God PICKED me.
When I was a boy, I thought I'd be a carpenter. Or a shepherd. I never thought I'd be a prophet! I talked to my family. I talked to my friends. I never imagined God would call me to speak to all God's people!
God knew I'd be a prophet - even BEFORE I was born. How does God do that? Even my PARENTS didn't know anything about me before I was born!
When God told me I was going to be a prophet, I was afraid. I didn't know how to speak. Who would listen to me? I was just a KID!
God told me not to be afraid. So I tried to be brave! God promised to give me the words to say. And God did! God told me the people would listen. And they did!
I've brought God's word to grown-ups and kings as well as kids and common people. I've delivered God's messages - happy and sad, long and short!
I know that EVERy time I speak to God's people, God is with me.
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
I didn't choose to be a prophet. God PICKED me.
When I was a boy, I thought I'd be a carpenter. Or a shepherd. I never thought I'd be a prophet! I talked to my family. I talked to my friends. I never imagined God would call me to speak to all God's people!
God knew I'd be a prophet - even BEFORE I was born. How does God do that? Even my PARENTS didn't know anything about me before I was born!
When God told me I was going to be a prophet, I was afraid. I didn't know how to speak. Who would listen to me? I was just a KID!
God told me not to be afraid. So I tried to be brave! God promised to give me the words to say. And God did! God told me the people would listen. And they did!
I've brought God's word to grown-ups and kings as well as kids and common people. I've delivered God's messages - happy and sad, long and short!
I know that EVERy time I speak to God's people, God is with me.
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
A Tree Near Water (Jeremiah 17:5-10) Reading
Jeremiah was frustrated! How could he help the people of Israel trust in God? He needed God's help.
"God, what words can I say so your people will trust you?" Jeremiah prayed. He sat by a bright blue stream and waited for God's answer.
Jeremiah leaned back against a tree and dangled his toes in the stream. He kicked and splashed.
"This tree has a good life," Jeremiah said to himself. "It's roots drink water from the stream is full. This tree grows green and tall."
Jeremiah sighed. "If only God's people were like this tree! They could live near God like this tree thrives near water. Whenever they put their trust in God, God takes care of them.
"Trusting God is like being planted near water," Jeremiah thought. "God will fill you up with love like the stream fills the tree with water!
"But not trusting God is like trying to grow far from water. Like a crispy, dry shrub in the desert!
"That's it!" Jeremiah realized. "God wants me to tell the people about the full, green tree and the dry, brown shrub."
Jeremiah ran back to the city. He called to the people, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord! They'll be like a tree planted near water!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
"God, what words can I say so your people will trust you?" Jeremiah prayed. He sat by a bright blue stream and waited for God's answer.
Jeremiah leaned back against a tree and dangled his toes in the stream. He kicked and splashed.
"This tree has a good life," Jeremiah said to himself. "It's roots drink water from the stream is full. This tree grows green and tall."
Jeremiah sighed. "If only God's people were like this tree! They could live near God like this tree thrives near water. Whenever they put their trust in God, God takes care of them.
"Trusting God is like being planted near water," Jeremiah thought. "God will fill you up with love like the stream fills the tree with water!
"But not trusting God is like trying to grow far from water. Like a crispy, dry shrub in the desert!
"That's it!" Jeremiah realized. "God wants me to tell the people about the full, green tree and the dry, brown shrub."
Jeremiah ran back to the city. He called to the people, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord! They'll be like a tree planted near water!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
Baby is Coming (Jeremiah 23:5-8) Reading
The time is coming," said Jeremiah, "when the Israelites will have a king from David's family. He will be a wise king, and he will do good things. While this king is alive, all the people will be safe. Even his name will help us remember that God is good."
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Far From Home (Jeremiah 31:7-14) Reading
God's people wanted to go back home to the Promised Land. They were living far away in Babylon. They had lost their homeland to an enemy during a war. Were they lost from GOD too?
The prophet Jeremiah gathered God's people. "Listen!" Jeremiah said. "Here's what God wants to say." The crowd leaned in to hear.
"Don't be sad! God will lead you home from far away!"
The people looked around at each other. Some had doubt on their faces. Others shrugged. Could God lead them home from this strange place?
"If you are crying, God will comfort you and help you feel better," Jeremiah assured them. "You are God's children."
"Spread the word!" Jeremiah shouted. "God will gather you like a shepherd gathers sheep!"
Jeremiah pointed to a group of people by a well. "You!" he shouted. "You are going to shine like a light!"
"You!" Jeremiah pointed. Two young women turned to listen. "You will dance for joy!"
"Young and old will be happy once more. That means you!" Jeremiah pointed. A grandfather held his grandson in his arms and smiled.
"God will console you!" Jeremiah promised. "God will turn your sadness into JOY! God will trade your sorrow for GLADNESS. Everyone will have enough!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
The prophet Jeremiah gathered God's people. "Listen!" Jeremiah said. "Here's what God wants to say." The crowd leaned in to hear.
"Don't be sad! God will lead you home from far away!"
The people looked around at each other. Some had doubt on their faces. Others shrugged. Could God lead them home from this strange place?
"If you are crying, God will comfort you and help you feel better," Jeremiah assured them. "You are God's children."
"Spread the word!" Jeremiah shouted. "God will gather you like a shepherd gathers sheep!"
Jeremiah pointed to a group of people by a well. "You!" he shouted. "You are going to shine like a light!"
"You!" Jeremiah pointed. Two young women turned to listen. "You will dance for joy!"
"Young and old will be happy once more. That means you!" Jeremiah pointed. A grandfather held his grandson in his arms and smiled.
"God will console you!" Jeremiah promised. "God will turn your sadness into JOY! God will trade your sorrow for GLADNESS. Everyone will have enough!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
I Wonder....
- how the people felt when they heard this?
- why Jeremiah was the one saying this?
- if the people felt scared?
- who is Jeremiah talking about?
- how Jeremiah knew what to say?
Discussion Questions
- How do you know God is good?
- What do you want to do someday?
- How does God take care of you?
- What's the farthest you've ever been from home?
This video is 7:01 minutes long
Jeremiah 32 by KidSpring Children's Ministry
The Lord's Plans by Lifetree Kids
This song is 1:28 minutes long
This song is 1:49 minutes long
Tips for Adults
The book of Jeremiah begins with God sending Jeremiah to speak to the kingdom of Judah. Jeremiah cried because people dishonored God. He cried because people got hurt when they disobeyed God. Jeremiah felt so sad about God's people that he became known as "the weeping prophet." Jeremiah spoke about justice and mercy. He declared that God would change the hearts of God's people.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Elementary Track
Overview of Jeremiah
The Book of Jeremiah is named for a prophet who looked around and saw the people of Judah disobeying God. He felt sad that God's people were not living the way God wanted them to live, but had hope for them.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
This video is 7:14 minutes long.
Bible Readings
Speak Up Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:1-10; 31:31-34) Reading
Have you ever felt like you had something really important to say, but you didn't know how to say it? What if you say the wrong thing? Or someone gets mad? It can be scary to speak up, even when you know it is important.
Jeremiah was a prophet. A prophet is someone who delivers God's message to God's people. Jeremiah worried that he didn't have the right words to say to God's people. God said, "Jeremiah, I know you. I knew you even before you were born. You can say these important words to my people."
But Jeremiah was scared. "Oh no, I don't think I can do it. I don't know how to talk like that," he said to God.
God knew that Jeremiah was the right person for the job. God said to Jeremiah, "Go. Speak. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will help you find the right words."
Jeremiah listened and trusted God. Being a prophet was not an easy job. Jeremiah spoke hard words to God's people. Some people became angry. They didn't want to hear Jeremiah telling them that they were not being kind to one another. "Change your ways. Say you're sorry. Listen to God," Jeremiah said.
Some people hit Jeremiah. he was put in jail and then pushed down to the bottom of a muddy well. But Jeremiah didn't give up. He knew that he was doing the right thing. He knew he needed to be God's voice. God was with him. God also had a message of hope for the people. Jeremiah told them, "God is going to make a new promise to love all of you. You are God's people, each and every one of you. God will forgive you."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Jeremiah was a prophet. A prophet is someone who delivers God's message to God's people. Jeremiah worried that he didn't have the right words to say to God's people. God said, "Jeremiah, I know you. I knew you even before you were born. You can say these important words to my people."
But Jeremiah was scared. "Oh no, I don't think I can do it. I don't know how to talk like that," he said to God.
God knew that Jeremiah was the right person for the job. God said to Jeremiah, "Go. Speak. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will help you find the right words."
Jeremiah listened and trusted God. Being a prophet was not an easy job. Jeremiah spoke hard words to God's people. Some people became angry. They didn't want to hear Jeremiah telling them that they were not being kind to one another. "Change your ways. Say you're sorry. Listen to God," Jeremiah said.
Some people hit Jeremiah. he was put in jail and then pushed down to the bottom of a muddy well. But Jeremiah didn't give up. He knew that he was doing the right thing. He knew he needed to be God's voice. God was with him. God also had a message of hope for the people. Jeremiah told them, "God is going to make a new promise to love all of you. You are God's people, each and every one of you. God will forgive you."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Called from the Start (Jeremiah 1:4-10) Reading
My name is Jeremiah. I'm one of God's prophets! God gives me messages to share with a lot of people.
I didn't choose to be a prophet. God PICKED me.
When I was a boy, I thought I'd be a carpenter. Or a shepherd. I never thought I'd be a prophet! I talked to my family. I talked to my friends. I never imagined God would call me to speak to all God's people!
God knew I'd be a prophet - even BEFORE I was born. How does God do that? Even my PARENTS didn't know anything about me before I was born!
When God told me I was going to be a prophet, I was afraid. I didn't know how to speak. Who would listen to me? I was just a KID!
God told me not to be afraid. So I tried to be brave! God promised to give me the words to say. And God did! God told me the people would listen. And they did!
I've brought God's word to grown-ups and kings as well as kids and common people. I've delivered God's messages - happy and sad, long and short!
I know that EVERy time I speak to God's people, God is with me.
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
I didn't choose to be a prophet. God PICKED me.
When I was a boy, I thought I'd be a carpenter. Or a shepherd. I never thought I'd be a prophet! I talked to my family. I talked to my friends. I never imagined God would call me to speak to all God's people!
God knew I'd be a prophet - even BEFORE I was born. How does God do that? Even my PARENTS didn't know anything about me before I was born!
When God told me I was going to be a prophet, I was afraid. I didn't know how to speak. Who would listen to me? I was just a KID!
God told me not to be afraid. So I tried to be brave! God promised to give me the words to say. And God did! God told me the people would listen. And they did!
I've brought God's word to grown-ups and kings as well as kids and common people. I've delivered God's messages - happy and sad, long and short!
I know that EVERy time I speak to God's people, God is with me.
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
A Tree Near Water (Jeremiah 17:5-10) Reading
Jeremiah was frustrated! How could he help the people of Israel trust in God? He needed God's help.
"God, what words can I say so your people will trust you?" Jeremiah prayed. He sat by a bright blue stream and waited for God's answer.
Jeremiah leaned back against a tree and dangled his toes in the stream. He kicked and splashed.
"This tree has a good life," Jeremiah said to himself. "It's roots drink water from the stream is full. This tree grows green and tall."
Jeremiah sighed. "If only God's people were like this tree! They could live near God like this tree thrives near water. Whenever they put their trust in God, God takes care of them.
"Trusting God is like being planted near water," Jeremiah thought. "God will fill you up with love like the stream fills the tree with water!
"But not trusting God is like trying to grow far from water. Like a crispy, dry shrub in the desert!
"That's it!" Jeremiah realized. "God wants me to tell the people about the full, green tree and the dry, brown shrub."
Jeremiah ran back to the city. He called to the people, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord! They'll be like a tree planted near water!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
"God, what words can I say so your people will trust you?" Jeremiah prayed. He sat by a bright blue stream and waited for God's answer.
Jeremiah leaned back against a tree and dangled his toes in the stream. He kicked and splashed.
"This tree has a good life," Jeremiah said to himself. "It's roots drink water from the stream is full. This tree grows green and tall."
Jeremiah sighed. "If only God's people were like this tree! They could live near God like this tree thrives near water. Whenever they put their trust in God, God takes care of them.
"Trusting God is like being planted near water," Jeremiah thought. "God will fill you up with love like the stream fills the tree with water!
"But not trusting God is like trying to grow far from water. Like a crispy, dry shrub in the desert!
"That's it!" Jeremiah realized. "God wants me to tell the people about the full, green tree and the dry, brown shrub."
Jeremiah ran back to the city. He called to the people, "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord! They'll be like a tree planted near water!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
Far From Home (Jeremiah 31:7-14) Reading
God's people wanted to go back home to the Promised Land. They were living far away in Babylon. They had lost their homeland to an enemy during a war. Were they lost from GOD too?
The prophet Jeremiah gathered God's people. "Listen!" Jeremiah said. "Here's what God wants to say." The crowd leaned in to hear.
"Don't be sad! God will lead you home from far away!"
The people looked around at each other. Some had doubt on their faces. Others shrugged. Could God lead them home from this strange place?
"If you are crying, God will comfort you and help you feel better," Jeremiah assured them. "You are God's children."
"Spread the word!" Jeremiah shouted. "God will gather you like a shepherd gathers sheep!"
Jeremiah pointed to a group of people by a well. "You!" he shouted. "You are going to shine like a light!"
"You!" Jeremiah pointed. Two young women turned to listen. "You will dance for joy!"
"Young and old will be happy once more. That means you!" Jeremiah pointed. A grandfather held his grandson in his arms and smiled.
"God will console you!" Jeremiah promised. "God will turn your sadness into JOY! God will trade your sorrow for GLADNESS. Everyone will have enough!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
The prophet Jeremiah gathered God's people. "Listen!" Jeremiah said. "Here's what God wants to say." The crowd leaned in to hear.
"Don't be sad! God will lead you home from far away!"
The people looked around at each other. Some had doubt on their faces. Others shrugged. Could God lead them home from this strange place?
"If you are crying, God will comfort you and help you feel better," Jeremiah assured them. "You are God's children."
"Spread the word!" Jeremiah shouted. "God will gather you like a shepherd gathers sheep!"
Jeremiah pointed to a group of people by a well. "You!" he shouted. "You are going to shine like a light!"
"You!" Jeremiah pointed. Two young women turned to listen. "You will dance for joy!"
"Young and old will be happy once more. That means you!" Jeremiah pointed. A grandfather held his grandson in his arms and smiled.
"God will console you!" Jeremiah promised. "God will turn your sadness into JOY! God will trade your sorrow for GLADNESS. Everyone will have enough!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
I Wonder....
- how Jeremiah felt when he finally realized that he was the person for the job that God gave?
- if anyone felt that Jeremiah wasn't the right person?
- why some people were/are prophets and some are not?
- who if there are any prophets living?
Discussion Questions
- What do you think Jeremiah sounded like when he gave God's message to the people? Try to draw it or paint it.
- What do you see around you that reminds you of God's promise to love you?
- God loves you, and you are one of God's people. Name three ways that you can show God's love to others.
- What do you want to do someday?
- How does God take care of you?
- What's the farthest you've ever been from home?
Crossroad Kids' Club
This video is 3:46 minutes long
The Lord's Plans by Lifetree Kids
This song is 1:49 minutes long
Motions (Jeremiah 29:11) by Saddleback Kids
This song is 2:10 minutes long
Memory Verse Song - Jeremiah 29:11 by Hillsong Kids
This song is 2:08 minutes long
Content for Adults
The book of Jeremiah begins with God sending Jeremiah to speak to the kingdom of Judah. Jeremiah cried because people dishonored God. He cried because people got hurt when they disobeyed God. Jeremiah felt so sad about God's people that he became known as "the weeping prophet." Jeremiah spoke about justice and mercy. He declared that God would change the hearts of God's people.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
This video is 57:18 minutes long