Sometimes we wonder what is alike and what is different about being a follower of Jesus today. The Bible has a lot of stories about people who were healed or miracles that happened. When you read them, it makes you pause and think. Do these kinds of things still happen today?
All kinds of differently abled people came to Jesus. They wanted to touch him. They wanted his healing presence. Women who were ill, men who couldn't walk, parents who wanted healing for a child who was sick, a man who was blind and wanted to see: they all sought Hesys; healing help. They all came to him believing that with his help, they could be healed. They came with their bodies as they were, and they also came with faith and hope in how Jesus could help them.
They were who were with Jesus when something happened that we can only call a miracle. There was a large and hungry crowd following Jesus, and all that was in sight was a child who had his lunch - and it was enough to feed everyone. Another time, the disciples were in a boat with Jesus when a terrible storm came up, and Jesus and the waters were calm again, and so were the terrified disciples.
Miracles and healings still happen today, but maybe in ways that are different from the times when Jesus lived. Sometimes sick people are cured. And sometimes they are not. When they are not, we still know God's healing is with us. People help heal our hurt with love and the loving thing they do.
When we hear these stories, we remember our faith, our hope, and our prayers for miracles and healing, just like the people Jesus met!
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
All kinds of differently abled people came to Jesus. They wanted to touch him. They wanted his healing presence. Women who were ill, men who couldn't walk, parents who wanted healing for a child who was sick, a man who was blind and wanted to see: they all sought Hesys; healing help. They all came to him believing that with his help, they could be healed. They came with their bodies as they were, and they also came with faith and hope in how Jesus could help them.
They were who were with Jesus when something happened that we can only call a miracle. There was a large and hungry crowd following Jesus, and all that was in sight was a child who had his lunch - and it was enough to feed everyone. Another time, the disciples were in a boat with Jesus when a terrible storm came up, and Jesus and the waters were calm again, and so were the terrified disciples.
Miracles and healings still happen today, but maybe in ways that are different from the times when Jesus lived. Sometimes sick people are cured. And sometimes they are not. When they are not, we still know God's healing is with us. People help heal our hurt with love and the loving thing they do.
When we hear these stories, we remember our faith, our hope, and our prayers for miracles and healing, just like the people Jesus met!
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Bible Passages
Jesus Commands an Unclean Spirit (Mark 1:21-28) Reading
It was worship day in Capernaum. Jesus entered the synagogue and began to teach. Everyone in the crowd listened.
"Jesus is not like any other teacher we know!"
A man who was filled with darkness and an unclean spirit began to yell at Jesus. "I know who you ARE, Jesus! What are you DOING here? Have you come to DESTROY us?"
The crowd GASPED. No one EVER yelled in the synagogue!
One by one, every head turned and looked at Jesus to see what he would do.
"BE SILENT!" Jesus ordered. He commanded the spirit to come out of the man.
One by one, every head turned at the man. Then, with a shake and a shout, the spirit came out! The man was set free.
The people were amazed. "HOORAY!" they shouted.
The couldn't stop talking about what Jesus had done.
"Did you see the man?"
"Did you hear Jesus?"
"Even unclean spirits obey Jesus!"
News of what happened in the synagogue spread all over town. Soon, everyone knew about Jesus!
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Lectionary Edition
"Jesus is not like any other teacher we know!"
A man who was filled with darkness and an unclean spirit began to yell at Jesus. "I know who you ARE, Jesus! What are you DOING here? Have you come to DESTROY us?"
The crowd GASPED. No one EVER yelled in the synagogue!
One by one, every head turned and looked at Jesus to see what he would do.
"BE SILENT!" Jesus ordered. He commanded the spirit to come out of the man.
One by one, every head turned at the man. Then, with a shake and a shout, the spirit came out! The man was set free.
The people were amazed. "HOORAY!" they shouted.
The couldn't stop talking about what Jesus had done.
"Did you see the man?"
"Did you hear Jesus?"
"Even unclean spirits obey Jesus!"
News of what happened in the synagogue spread all over town. Soon, everyone knew about Jesus!
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Lectionary Edition
Jesus Heals a Woman and a Girl (Luke 8:40-56) Reading
Do you know someone who has been sick for a long time? What can you do to help?
A crowd waited on the shore of Galilee for Jesus to et there. Some people were sick. Others were just curious. A religious leader, Jairus, was in the crowd. As soon as Jairus could get to Jesus, he fell at Jesus' feet. "Teacher," he asked, "will you come to my house? My twelve-year-old daughter is very sick."
In the same crowd, a woman who had been sick for twelve years tried to get close to Jesus. She had spent all her money on doctors. Nothing worked. Jesus was her last home.
If I can just touch Jesus, I will be healed, she said to herself. But he is so far away. She pushed and gently shoved. When she was close enough, she touched Jesus' clothes. She knew she was better right away
Jesus turned and asked, "Who touched me?"
"Not I, not I," said the people close to hime.
"The crowd is so big," said Peter. "Everyone is pushing you."
But Jesus knew someone touched him.
The woman fell at Jesus' feet. "I touched you, and I was healed right away!" she said.
"You were healed because you believe," Jesus said. "Go and be happy!"
A man who worked at Jairus's house came to them. "Jairus," he said, "your daughter died. Don't bother Jesus anymore."
Jesus heard what the man said. He told Jairus, "Don't be afraid. Trust me, and she will live."
Everyone was crying at Jairus's house. Jesus said, "Don't cry. The girl is just asleep." People laughed at him. They knew the girl was not alive.
Jesus went to the girl and gently took her hand. He said, "Little girl, wake up."
The girl woke and stood up.
"Get her something to eat," Jesus said to the parents.
"Our daughter is alive. Alleluia," they shouted.
"Do not tell anyone that I healed your daughter," Jesus ordered the girl's parents.
*taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
A crowd waited on the shore of Galilee for Jesus to et there. Some people were sick. Others were just curious. A religious leader, Jairus, was in the crowd. As soon as Jairus could get to Jesus, he fell at Jesus' feet. "Teacher," he asked, "will you come to my house? My twelve-year-old daughter is very sick."
In the same crowd, a woman who had been sick for twelve years tried to get close to Jesus. She had spent all her money on doctors. Nothing worked. Jesus was her last home.
If I can just touch Jesus, I will be healed, she said to herself. But he is so far away. She pushed and gently shoved. When she was close enough, she touched Jesus' clothes. She knew she was better right away
Jesus turned and asked, "Who touched me?"
"Not I, not I," said the people close to hime.
"The crowd is so big," said Peter. "Everyone is pushing you."
But Jesus knew someone touched him.
The woman fell at Jesus' feet. "I touched you, and I was healed right away!" she said.
"You were healed because you believe," Jesus said. "Go and be happy!"
A man who worked at Jairus's house came to them. "Jairus," he said, "your daughter died. Don't bother Jesus anymore."
Jesus heard what the man said. He told Jairus, "Don't be afraid. Trust me, and she will live."
Everyone was crying at Jairus's house. Jesus said, "Don't cry. The girl is just asleep." People laughed at him. They knew the girl was not alive.
Jesus went to the girl and gently took her hand. He said, "Little girl, wake up."
The girl woke and stood up.
"Get her something to eat," Jesus said to the parents.
"Our daughter is alive. Alleluia," they shouted.
"Do not tell anyone that I healed your daughter," Jesus ordered the girl's parents.
*taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
I Wonder....
- how the girl felt when she woke up?
- what illness the woman had?
- why the sick woman was afraid to tell Jesus that she had touched him?
- Why do you think she finally decided to tell Jesus that it was her?
- Close your eyes and imagine what the big crowd around Jesus looked like. Who do you think was there besides the woman who had been sick for twelve years and Jairus? Why do you think they came to see Jesus?
- You may not be able to heal people like Jesus did, but you can help them feel better. What might you do for someone in your family who doesn't feel well?
- Who are teachers in your church?
Crossroads Kids' Club
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This video is 3:43 minutes long
Saddleback Kids
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This video is 2:34 minutes long
This video is 1:52 minutes long
This video is 3:17 minutes long
I am Healed by City Light Kids
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Jesus is the Healer by Trixi Bee
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Healer by Casting Crowns
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As a family, walk and pray around a labyrinth.
Create a Labyrinth
The concept of this is to create your own labyrinth.
The purpose of this project is to remind us to slow down and think about what is going on in the world around us.
Leader Preparation:
Instructions for a 3 Circuit Labyrinth:
The concept of this is to create your own labyrinth.
The purpose of this project is to remind us to slow down and think about what is going on in the world around us.
- paper
- markers/crayons/pens/pencils
Leader Preparation:
- gather materials
- lay out materials
Instructions for a 3 Circuit Labyrinth:
- Start with a cross
- Then make four dots in the four different sections of the cross
- Next, connect the top of the cross with the right dot by making a rainbow
- After that, take the top left dot, and connect to the end point of the right side of the cross
- Then, take the left end point of the cross and connect it to the bottom right dot
- Finally, take the bottom left dot and connect it to the bottom end of the cross
This video is 1:50 minutes long