Preschool track
Overview of Matthew
The first four books of the New Testament, the Gospels, tell exciting stories about Jesus. Matthew is like a bridge between the Old and New Testaments. It shows how Jesus' teachings compare to the instruction God gave in the Old Testament.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Bible Readings
Follow the Star (Matthew 2:1-12) Reading
At the time when Jesus was born, in a faraway place there were wise men who spent their time watching the stars. One night they noticed a very special star in the sky. It was very bright and seemed to be moving ahead of them. The wise men studied their charts and decided this special star must be the star that would lead them to the new king.
They wanted to bring special gifts to the new king. They paced frankincense, gold, and myrrh - gifts fit for a king - and set out following the star.
The wise men arrived in Bethlehem, following the special star until it stopped over a little house.
When the wise men entered the house, they met the new king, Jesus, and his mom, Mary. The wise men knelt down and offered the new king their gifts of frankincense, gold, and myrrh.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
They wanted to bring special gifts to the new king. They paced frankincense, gold, and myrrh - gifts fit for a king - and set out following the star.
The wise men arrived in Bethlehem, following the special star until it stopped over a little house.
When the wise men entered the house, they met the new king, Jesus, and his mom, Mary. The wise men knelt down and offered the new king their gifts of frankincense, gold, and myrrh.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Peace (Matthew 5:1-9) Reading
One day Jesus saw a large crowd of people gathering to hear him teach. Jesus and his disciples went up on a mountainside and sat down. The crowd of people came to him and Jesus began to teach them.
Jesus said, "When you are sad, God will comfort you. When you are hurt by someone, God will make you feel better. Happy people make peace with other people. When you try to do the right thing and people make fun of you, God will help you. God will bless you, and you will truly be happy."
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Jesus said, "When you are sad, God will comfort you. When you are hurt by someone, God will make you feel better. Happy people make peace with other people. When you try to do the right thing and people make fun of you, God will help you. God will bless you, and you will truly be happy."
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
All in a Day's Work (Matthew 20:1-16) Reading
Many people wanted to listen to Jesus. They believed he was a prophet who shared important messages from God.
Jesus told stories called parables that were about everyday people, places, and things. Parables helped people understand God's messages.
Jesus' parables were about things like farmers, seeds, families, and vineyards - LOTS of vineyards.
Many people loved Jesus' parables, but the Pharisees did NOT.
Sometimes the Pharisees worreid that Jesus' parables were about THEM!
Here is a parable Jesus told.
A vineyard owner rented his land to tenants who lived there and grew the grapes. When harvest time came, he wanted to collect the rent from his tenants.
Two times, the owner sent messengers to collect his money. Two times, they told the tenants, "Give us the owner's money."
"NO!" the tenants yelled. "We want to keep ALL the money! We did ALL the work!"
Two times, the tenants hurt the messengers and chased them away.
"Why did my tenants hurt my messengers?" the owners wondered. "This time, I'll send my son. Because he's important to me, they will listen."
The son hurried to the vineyard. The workers were so angry they killed the son!
"The Pharisees are like the workers," Jesus said. "My Father sent me for the world. But the Pharisees think the world belongs to them. They will want to hurt me. God's Son."
The pharisees looked around nervously. Now they KNEW Jesus was talking about them.
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
Jesus told stories called parables that were about everyday people, places, and things. Parables helped people understand God's messages.
Jesus' parables were about things like farmers, seeds, families, and vineyards - LOTS of vineyards.
Many people loved Jesus' parables, but the Pharisees did NOT.
Sometimes the Pharisees worreid that Jesus' parables were about THEM!
Here is a parable Jesus told.
A vineyard owner rented his land to tenants who lived there and grew the grapes. When harvest time came, he wanted to collect the rent from his tenants.
Two times, the owner sent messengers to collect his money. Two times, they told the tenants, "Give us the owner's money."
"NO!" the tenants yelled. "We want to keep ALL the money! We did ALL the work!"
Two times, the tenants hurt the messengers and chased them away.
"Why did my tenants hurt my messengers?" the owners wondered. "This time, I'll send my son. Because he's important to me, they will listen."
The son hurried to the vineyard. The workers were so angry they killed the son!
"The Pharisees are like the workers," Jesus said. "My Father sent me for the world. But the Pharisees think the world belongs to them. They will want to hurt me. God's Son."
The pharisees looked around nervously. Now they KNEW Jesus was talking about them.
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
Middle of A Riddle (Matthew 22:15-22) Reading
The Pharisees loved the religious rules. They studied Jewish law and wanted to be important leaders. They were always looking for people who broke the rules. But the crowd wasn't playing attention to them!
"Everyone is listening to Jesus instead of US!" they grumbled. "How can we show the crowd they shouldn't listen to Jesus?"
The decided to create a trap. Asking Jesus a tricky riddle would get him in trouble!
"Say, Jesus," the Pharisees started. "The emperor says we should give our money to HIM. Other people say that's Not what God wants. Who is right? The emperor? Or God?"
If Jesus said the emperor, then people would thank he wasn't following God. If Jesus said God, he would go to jail for disobeying the emperor.
Jesus picked up a shiny coin. "Look!" he said/ "This has a picture on it. Who is that?"
He held up the coin.
"The emperor," the Pharisees answered. That was an easy question!
"Then the emperor can have this coin," Jesus replied.
Trapped! Jesus loved the emperor more than God!
"But wait!" Jesus added. "This is more important: Whose image is on YOU?"
The Pharisees were stumped. If people are made in God's image, then EVRRYONE belongs to God.
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
"Everyone is listening to Jesus instead of US!" they grumbled. "How can we show the crowd they shouldn't listen to Jesus?"
The decided to create a trap. Asking Jesus a tricky riddle would get him in trouble!
"Say, Jesus," the Pharisees started. "The emperor says we should give our money to HIM. Other people say that's Not what God wants. Who is right? The emperor? Or God?"
If Jesus said the emperor, then people would thank he wasn't following God. If Jesus said God, he would go to jail for disobeying the emperor.
Jesus picked up a shiny coin. "Look!" he said/ "This has a picture on it. Who is that?"
He held up the coin.
"The emperor," the Pharisees answered. That was an easy question!
"Then the emperor can have this coin," Jesus replied.
Trapped! Jesus loved the emperor more than God!
"But wait!" Jesus added. "This is more important: Whose image is on YOU?"
The Pharisees were stumped. If people are made in God's image, then EVRRYONE belongs to God.
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Classroom Edition
I Wonder....
- how long it took for the wise men to meet Jesus?
- how they knew it was a star?
- how the wise men felt on their journey?
- why they brought frankincense, gold, and myrrh?
- what is frankincense and myrrh?
Discussion Questions
- How do you think the wise men felt on their long journey to meet Jesus?
- How do you think the crowd felt when Jesus offered the this lesson?
- Have you ever felt very sad? What happened to make you feel better?
- Whose pictures do you see on coins?
- What stories do you like to tell?
Godly Play
This video is 7:51 minutes long
Saddleback Kid's
This video is 1:57 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 4:52 minutes long
Crossroad Kids Club
This video is 4:31 minutes long
The Mustard Seed Song (Matthew 17:20) by Wonder Kids Sing
Faith as small as a mustard seed by Doug Horley/Duggie Dug Dug Official Video
This song is 2:28 minutes long
This song is 2:08 minutes long
Love One Another (Yancy/Body Worship) by Kidspring Worship
This video is 2:39 minutes long
Prayer Project
Count Your Blessings Prayer

Adult Preparation:
- Paper
- Markers
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- Write Blessing in the center of the page
- Write different blessings around the word "Blessing"
Tips for Adults
The Book of Matthew was written at the end of the first century by an anonymous writer. Church tradition identified the writer as Matthew, but we don't know for sure. We do know that the author teaches the audience that Jesus is the Christ and the interpreter of the Jewish Scriptures. The author teaches us that Jesus came so people could experience God's kingdom.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Elementary Track
Overview of Matthew
The first four books of the New Testament, the Gospels, tell exciting stories about Jesus. Matthew is like a bridge between the Old and New Testaments. It shows how Jesus' teachings compare to the instruction God gave in the Old Testament.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Overview: Matthew 1-13 by Bible Project
This video is 8:16 minutes long
Overview: Matthew 14-28 by Bible Project
This video is 7:09 minutes long
Bible Readings
Visitors from the East (Matthew 2:1-12) Reading
Imagine getting ready for a long trip, one that would take months. What would you pack? In this story, some people go on a trip that took years. They weren't even sure where they were going.
In the land east of Bethlehem lived some magi. These people studied the stars in the night skies. They looked for new stars, too. One night they saw a new star, a bright star. They believed that this star was sign that a new king was born. They packed their camels for a long trip to follow the new star.
About two years later, they arrived in Jerusalem. They went to the palace and asked King Herod about the star and the new king. King Herod didn't know anything about a new king or where this baby could be found. He called together the priests and his advisors.
The priests said, "Prophets wrote that a baby king would be born in Bethlehem. He would be king of the Jews. This must be the reason for the star!"
Hearing about a new king did nit make King Herod happy. There could be only one king in the land, and he was the king. But King Herod was clever. He asked the magi to follow the bright star until they found this new king.
"When you find this new king," said King Herod, "come tell me where he is so that I can honor him too."
The magi followed the star. In Bethlehem, it led them to a house where they found Mary and the child Jesus. The magi knelt before the child. They gave him presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
In a dream, God told the magi not to go back to King Herod in Jerusalem. So they went home a different way.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
In the land east of Bethlehem lived some magi. These people studied the stars in the night skies. They looked for new stars, too. One night they saw a new star, a bright star. They believed that this star was sign that a new king was born. They packed their camels for a long trip to follow the new star.
About two years later, they arrived in Jerusalem. They went to the palace and asked King Herod about the star and the new king. King Herod didn't know anything about a new king or where this baby could be found. He called together the priests and his advisors.
The priests said, "Prophets wrote that a baby king would be born in Bethlehem. He would be king of the Jews. This must be the reason for the star!"
Hearing about a new king did nit make King Herod happy. There could be only one king in the land, and he was the king. But King Herod was clever. He asked the magi to follow the bright star until they found this new king.
"When you find this new king," said King Herod, "come tell me where he is so that I can honor him too."
The magi followed the star. In Bethlehem, it led them to a house where they found Mary and the child Jesus. The magi knelt before the child. They gave him presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
In a dream, God told the magi not to go back to King Herod in Jerusalem. So they went home a different way.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
A Blessing Map (Matthew 5:1-12) Reading
When you go on a trip, you look at a map to find the best road to follow. Here's a story about how Jesus gave his disciples a map for how they were to live.
Jesus had been teaching and healing people. He invited twelve people to be his disciples. He told them important things to remember, a kind of map for disciples. They are called the Beatitudes, a word that means "blessings." Here they are written as if Jesus were talking to you, as one of his disciples.
"You are blessed when you take time to talk with God, to say thank you, or help me, or please remember, or I am sorry.
You are following me when you seen something wrong or someone being treated badly and you do something to help.
When you see a person or an animal who is lost or homeless or without friends, and you and your family help out, you are blessed.
When you are hungry for everyone to have enough food to eat, then you are on the right road. When you are thirsty and know that some children need clean water to drink, and you save your money to help, you are blessed.
When you see a classmate sitting alone and you join her, you are following me.
When your heart is open to love others, then you will know what God looks like.
When you are a peacemaker, helping others learn how to listen to one another and not fight, you are living like you are God's child.
When you see things that aren't good and you work to make them better, you are on the right road.
When you try and do these things, you will be blessed and happy."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Jesus had been teaching and healing people. He invited twelve people to be his disciples. He told them important things to remember, a kind of map for disciples. They are called the Beatitudes, a word that means "blessings." Here they are written as if Jesus were talking to you, as one of his disciples.
"You are blessed when you take time to talk with God, to say thank you, or help me, or please remember, or I am sorry.
You are following me when you seen something wrong or someone being treated badly and you do something to help.
When you see a person or an animal who is lost or homeless or without friends, and you and your family help out, you are blessed.
When you are hungry for everyone to have enough food to eat, then you are on the right road. When you are thirsty and know that some children need clean water to drink, and you save your money to help, you are blessed.
When you see a classmate sitting alone and you join her, you are following me.
When your heart is open to love others, then you will know what God looks like.
When you are a peacemaker, helping others learn how to listen to one another and not fight, you are living like you are God's child.
When you see things that aren't good and you work to make them better, you are on the right road.
When you try and do these things, you will be blessed and happy."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Something Big from Something Small (Matthew 13:31-33) Reading
God is big. How big? God is too big for us to imagine. Jesus helped people know God by telling stories about the "realm of heaven." They realm of heaven is what it is like when everyone lives in God's ways all the time. Each story gives us a little picture of what this would be like.
The realm of heaven is like a mustard seed. Have you ever watched a caterpillar change into a butterfly? Or maybe you have seen a toy car change into a robot. Jesus compared the realm of heaven to how the mustard seen changes. Jesus said, "A farmer plants the teeny, tiny mustard seen. But from that little speck of a seed grows a tree so big that birds can sit on its branches."
The realm of heaven is like yeast. Pretend that you are in a bakery. Take a deep breath. Smell the freshly baked bread. Eat a slice of the warm bread. Mmm! Isn't it tasty?
Something powerful is hidden in the bread. It is yeast. Yeast makes the bread dough rise. Jesus told this story about a baker to explain more about the realm of heaven: "A baker mixed yeast into sixty pounds of flour. Thanks to the yeast, the flour changed, or was transformed, into a great lump of dough. the dough was enough to bake bread for at least one hundred people."
These are just stories about the realm of heaven that Jesus told.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
The realm of heaven is like a mustard seed. Have you ever watched a caterpillar change into a butterfly? Or maybe you have seen a toy car change into a robot. Jesus compared the realm of heaven to how the mustard seen changes. Jesus said, "A farmer plants the teeny, tiny mustard seen. But from that little speck of a seed grows a tree so big that birds can sit on its branches."
The realm of heaven is like yeast. Pretend that you are in a bakery. Take a deep breath. Smell the freshly baked bread. Eat a slice of the warm bread. Mmm! Isn't it tasty?
Something powerful is hidden in the bread. It is yeast. Yeast makes the bread dough rise. Jesus told this story about a baker to explain more about the realm of heaven: "A baker mixed yeast into sixty pounds of flour. Thanks to the yeast, the flour changed, or was transformed, into a great lump of dough. the dough was enough to bake bread for at least one hundred people."
These are just stories about the realm of heaven that Jesus told.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Remember to Love! (Matthew 22:36-40) Reading
It's often hard to remember the right thing to do. Sometimes people write something they want to remember on a sticky note. Teachers used to pin notes on children with things for a parent to remember. Now they probably send an email or text. Here's a story about something Jesus wanted everyone to always remember.
Jesus had been teaching people about who he was and what they needed to know about how to live. A person who knew a lot about laws came to him and asked a question.
"Teacher, what is the most important commandment in all the laws we have been given? There are so many. But which one is the one we should always remember and never forget?"
Jesus was glad the legal expert had asked him this question. He paused for a minute. He knew which one was most important. It was very old, a scripture he had known since he was a small boy. It was from the book of Deuteronomy. It was called the Shema, which means "to hear or listen." It was easy remember, because he had been saying it twice a day all of his life. It was written on his hear and remembered in his head.
Jesus told him, "Love God with your heart and with your eyes and ears, your hands, every part of your body. This is the first commandment and the most important one."
Jesus knew that the legal expert would know this important commandment. Then Jesus surprised him and said, "There's a second one that is a lot like the first one. Remember to love other people, care for other people just like you take care of yourself."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Jesus had been teaching people about who he was and what they needed to know about how to live. A person who knew a lot about laws came to him and asked a question.
"Teacher, what is the most important commandment in all the laws we have been given? There are so many. But which one is the one we should always remember and never forget?"
Jesus was glad the legal expert had asked him this question. He paused for a minute. He knew which one was most important. It was very old, a scripture he had known since he was a small boy. It was from the book of Deuteronomy. It was called the Shema, which means "to hear or listen." It was easy remember, because he had been saying it twice a day all of his life. It was written on his hear and remembered in his head.
Jesus told him, "Love God with your heart and with your eyes and ears, your hands, every part of your body. This is the first commandment and the most important one."
Jesus knew that the legal expert would know this important commandment. Then Jesus surprised him and said, "There's a second one that is a lot like the first one. Remember to love other people, care for other people just like you take care of yourself."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
I Wonder....
- how would you feel when King Herod told you what he told the magi?
- why God told the magi not to go back to King Herod?
- what are advisors?
- why God compared our faith to a mustard seed?
- what language "Shema" is from?
- if all maps are the same?
- if Jesus wrote down the Beatitudes?
- what realm means?
- how the magi felt when they were talking to King Herod?
- how to make bread?
Discussion Questions
- Why do you think God chose a star to tell the magi that Jesus was born?
- What do you think the magi saw when they first met Mary and little Jesus?
- What gift would you give?
- What other things do you think Jesus told his disciples that we need to remember today?
- Draw a picture or make a collage that tells a story about a time when you follow Jesus.
- Which of the things Jesus said have you tried? What happened?
- Sixty pounds of flour is a lot of flour! How much do you weigh? Why do you think Jesus used so much flour in this story about the realm of heaven?
- Find mustard seeds in the spice aisle of the grocery store. Look how small they are. This tiny seed changes into a tree big enough for birds to sit on its branches. Why do you think Jesus would talk about birds finding shelter from something that began so small?
- The people who heard Jesus' story about yeast did not think about the yeast we buy in the grocery store. The yeast they used was more like the starter used to bake sourdough bread. Ask someone to help you find a video on the Internet about making sourdough bread. Try making some and sharing it with a friend.
- Try saying the most important commandment one in the morning and once at night this week: I will love God with all my heart.
- Use your eyes today. Where do you see people loving God? Where do you see people loving and helping other people?
- What are some ways that you can love God?
Saddleback Kid's
This video is 1:57 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 4:52 minutes long
I am Healed by City Light Kids
This song is 3:34 minutes long
I'm Trusting You by Lifetree Kids
This song is 3:22 minutes long
I Will Be What I Believe by Blake Gillette
This song is 3:14 minutes long
Wise Up by KidSpring Children's Ministry
This song is 1:53 minutes long
Give it Away by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:30 minutes long
Faith by Lifetree Kids
This song is 3:11 minutes long
Love One Another (Yancy/Body Worship) by Kidspring Worship
This video is 2:39 minutes long
No Matter What I'm Facing by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:44 minutes long
Prayer Project
Count Your Blessing Prayer

Adult Preparation:
- Paper
- Markers
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- Write Blessing in the center of the page
- Write different blessings around the word "Blessing"
Content for Adults
The Book of Matthew was written at the end of the first century by an anonymous writer. Church tradition identified the writer as Matthew, but we don't know for sure. We do know that the author teaches the audience that Jesus is the Christ and the interpreter of the Jewish Scriptures. The author teaches us that Jesus came so people could experience God's kingdom.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
This video is 55:35 minutes long