Preschool track
Overview of Jonah
The Book of Jonah tells the story of a prophet who didn't want to obey God's command to preach to an enemy nation. When the prophet Jonah tried to escape God's order by taking a boat to a distant place, a great fish swallowed Jonah.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Bible Readings
Jonah and the Fish (Book of Jonah) Reading
One day Jonah heard God speaking to him. "Jonah!" said God. "Listen to me. I want you to go to a city named Nineveh. Tell the people in that city to worship me."
"But God," whined Jonah, "I don't want to go to Nineveh."
So Jonah decided to run away. He found a ship that was sailing to a city that was far away from Nineveh. Jonah got on board the ship. Once he was on the ship, Jonah felt safe. He felt so safe, he went to sleep.
But the ship sailed right into a storm. The ship began to rock back and fourth on the waves, but Jonah kept sleeping. The rain started to pound the deck of the ship, but Jonah kept sleeping. The sailors were afraid the ship was going to break apart, but Jonah kept sleeping.
"Jonah! Jonah!" cried the sailors. "Wake up! The ship is about to sink. Pray for help."
Jonah knew that the storm was his fault. He told the sailors to throw him into the sea.
So the sailors threw Jonah into the sea, and the storm stopped. Jonah went down into the sea.
Just then. God sent a very big fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah lived inside the belly of the fish for three days.
"God. I'm sorry," prayed Jonah from inside the fish. "I made a bad choice when I tried to run away from you. I promise that I will go to Nineveh and do what you want me to do."
The fish split Jonah out onto dry land.
"Jonah!" said God. "Listen to me. I want you to go to a city named Nineveh. Tell the people in that city to worship me."
This time, Jonah went.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
"But God," whined Jonah, "I don't want to go to Nineveh."
So Jonah decided to run away. He found a ship that was sailing to a city that was far away from Nineveh. Jonah got on board the ship. Once he was on the ship, Jonah felt safe. He felt so safe, he went to sleep.
But the ship sailed right into a storm. The ship began to rock back and fourth on the waves, but Jonah kept sleeping. The rain started to pound the deck of the ship, but Jonah kept sleeping. The sailors were afraid the ship was going to break apart, but Jonah kept sleeping.
"Jonah! Jonah!" cried the sailors. "Wake up! The ship is about to sink. Pray for help."
Jonah knew that the storm was his fault. He told the sailors to throw him into the sea.
So the sailors threw Jonah into the sea, and the storm stopped. Jonah went down into the sea.
Just then. God sent a very big fish to swallow Jonah. Jonah lived inside the belly of the fish for three days.
"God. I'm sorry," prayed Jonah from inside the fish. "I made a bad choice when I tried to run away from you. I promise that I will go to Nineveh and do what you want me to do."
The fish split Jonah out onto dry land.
"Jonah!" said God. "Listen to me. I want you to go to a city named Nineveh. Tell the people in that city to worship me."
This time, Jonah went.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
I Wonder....
- how it would feel like to be inside a fish?
- how the others felt when seeing Jonah get swallowed in a big fish?
- why a fish swallowed Jonah in the first place?
- where Jonah got food while he was in the fish?
- how long Jonah and the sailors were out on sea?
Discussion Questions
- Have you ever been in a big storm? What did it sound like?
- Can you imagine being inside a big fish? What would it look like inside?
- Why do you think people listened to Jonah? Who do you listen to?
- What do you hear in this story that you would like to draw?
- Jonah was afraid to tell the people of Nineveh that God loved them. Have you ever been afraid to do something? What did you do?
- What is something you don't like to do?
Saddleback Kids
This video is 2:58 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 6:04 minutes long
Crossroads Kids' Club
This video is 4:01 minutes long
Godly Play
This video is 8:46 minutes long
Who Did (Swallow Jonah) by Cedarmont Kids
This song is 2:04 minutes long
Lyrics (Jonah Song) by Saddleback Kids
This song is 2:21 minutes long
Jonah's Ocean Ride. Based on Jonah and the whale. Fun Bible Songs for Children by Two by 2
This song is 2:05 minutes long
Art Project

Adult Preparation:
Game Instructions:
- Blue Solo Cup
- Medium Sized Craft Eyes 30mm
- Medium Sized Glue Dots
- Free Printable Whale Tale Outline
- Blue Stock Paper or Blue Construction Paper
- String
- 5″ White Balloons
- Sharpie
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- Print out template
- You will definitely want to share with your kids or the kids in your care the story of Jonah. This can be done straight out of the Bible, or you can find a Jonah and the Whale book to read to them.
- Poke a hole in the bottom of the blue Solo cup. If you are working with a number of kids in a school or Sunday school environment, you will want to prep this part for them.
- Cut a string to length. The string should be about a yard long.
- Thread the string through the hole and tie it to itself on the other side of the cup. Basically, you will have a string wrapped and tied around one edge of the cup.
- Print the whale tail printable. Cut out a tail piece. Depending upon the age of your kids, they might be able to do this on their own.
- Using glue dots, attach the eyes and tail. To attach tail, fold the end so you have a tab to attach to the cup. You may wonder if you can use white glue. I wouldn’t. It takes so long to dry, and it’s not very strong. Glue dots are perfect for this craft.
- Fill a white balloon with flour so that it is just filled. Tie it off.
- Have kids draw a person on the balloon with Sharpie.
- Tie your Jonah balloon to the end of the string.
- At this point kids are going to be begging to play with their Jonah and the whale toss game.
Game Instructions:
- Try to get the person in the whale
Tips for Adults
In the book the prophet Obadiah speaks to the nation of Edom, a land to the south and southeast of the Dead Sea. Obadiah condemns Edom for centuries of treating Israel badly.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
God told Jonah to preach a warning to the people of Nineveh, but Jonah didn't want to. Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, one of Israel's most frightening enemies. Jonah didn't want God to give the people of Nineveh a chance to stop making bad choices, so he ran away. But Jonah couldn't get far. Jonah made it to Nineveh and taught the people about God. The people believed! This book shows us that God is eager to love us all.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
In this book you will read the words of the prophet Micah, who warned that the Assyrian nation would invade and destroy Judah. Micah reminded people that obeying God was more important than doing religious things.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This book is named for the prophet Nahum, who said God would punish the people of Nineveh because they killed people and disobeyed God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This book shows God having a conversation with a prophet named Habakkuk. When Habakkuk complains that evil people always get away with sin, God patiently answers the prophet's questions.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
The book of Zephaniah gets its name from the prophet Zephaniah, who helped the nation of Judah follow God during the days of King Josiah.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Elementary Track
Overview of Jonah
The Book of Jonah tells the story of a prophet who didn't want to obey God's command to preach to an enemy nation. When the prophet Jonah tried to escape God's order by taking a boat to a distant place, a great fish swallowed Jonah.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
This video is 9:00 minutes long
Bible Readings
Jonah Runs Away (Jonah 1-2) Reading
Have you ever had a job that you really didn't want to do? Maybe you tried to forget about it or maybe you did it but you were mad about it. This is what happened to a man named Jonah. God gave him a job that he didn't want!
Jonah was a prophet of God. His job was to tell people what God told him. God said to Jonah. "Go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing hurtful things. Tell them to say they are sorry, or I will punish them."
But Jonah didn't want to go. Jonah was from Israel, and people from Israel didn't like people from Nineveh. Instead of doing what God asked, Jonah ran the other way. He paid his way to sail on a ship. He thought this would put him farther away from God.
Out at sea, a huge, scary storm blew up. Waves crashed over the side of the ship. Everyone was afraid. They all started praying to their gods, except Jonah. He was fast asleep below the deck of the ship.
The captain found Jonah. He couldn't believe that Jonah was sleeping through the terrible storm. "What are you doing sleeping? Get up and pray!"
Jonah got up. He told everyone on the ship which god he worshiped. "I worship the Lord, the God of heaven."
The sailors thought that Jonah was running away from God. This scared them. Jonah said, "You're right. I'm running away from God. Throw me overboard, and the storm will stop."
The sailors tried to reach the shore, but they couldn't do it. Finally, they threw Jonah off the ship. At that moment, the storm stopped. The sailors worshipped Jonah's God.
But God was with Jonah. A big fish came and swallowed Jonah up. While he was inside the big fish, Jonah prayed to God. After three days, the big fish threw Jonah up onto dry land.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Jonah was a prophet of God. His job was to tell people what God told him. God said to Jonah. "Go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing hurtful things. Tell them to say they are sorry, or I will punish them."
But Jonah didn't want to go. Jonah was from Israel, and people from Israel didn't like people from Nineveh. Instead of doing what God asked, Jonah ran the other way. He paid his way to sail on a ship. He thought this would put him farther away from God.
Out at sea, a huge, scary storm blew up. Waves crashed over the side of the ship. Everyone was afraid. They all started praying to their gods, except Jonah. He was fast asleep below the deck of the ship.
The captain found Jonah. He couldn't believe that Jonah was sleeping through the terrible storm. "What are you doing sleeping? Get up and pray!"
Jonah got up. He told everyone on the ship which god he worshiped. "I worship the Lord, the God of heaven."
The sailors thought that Jonah was running away from God. This scared them. Jonah said, "You're right. I'm running away from God. Throw me overboard, and the storm will stop."
The sailors tried to reach the shore, but they couldn't do it. Finally, they threw Jonah off the ship. At that moment, the storm stopped. The sailors worshipped Jonah's God.
But God was with Jonah. A big fish came and swallowed Jonah up. While he was inside the big fish, Jonah prayed to God. After three days, the big fish threw Jonah up onto dry land.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
A Second Chance for Jonah (Jonah 3-4) Reading
Do you know people who are really different from you? What makes them different? Is it their size? Is it the language they speak? Is it the color of their skin? Is it the place where they live? Is it how they look or act? This is the last part of the story of Jonah, who didn't want to be with people who were different from him. See what Jonah did and what God did.
Jonah needed a do-over, a try-again. The first time Jonah ran away and didn't listen to God. So God said, "Okay, Jonah, here's your second chance. Go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing mean and hurtful things."
Jonah listened to God. He still didn't want to go to Nineveh, but this time he went. "God says you have forty days to stop being mean, or you will be punished," Jonah said grumpily.
Amazingly, everyone listened! Everyone in Nineveh, even the king, stopped being mean and listen to God. God was so happy that God's mind changed. God didn't punish the people of Nineveh.
The people of Nineveh listened! Jonah did his job. What a great prophet! But Jonah was not happy. "Ugh, I know God is good and merciful. But did God have to be so kind to the people of Nineveh? I don't like them at all!This is why i ran away. I'm angry!"
God saw that Jonah was angry. God said, "Oh, come on, Jonah. Is it really right to be angry about this?"
Jonah stormed off. God thought, Hmm, this is a good time to teach Jonah why I care about the people of Nineveh. God made a big bush grow. Jonah sat in its shade. Jonah was very comfortable. Then God sent a worm to eat the bush. Jonah got even angrier when the bush was gone. He threw a big fit. He shouted, "I'm so angry that I don't even want to be alive!"
God chuckled and said, "Oh Jonah, is it really right to be this upset about a bush? Don't be silly. If you can care this much about a bush, how can you be mad at me for caring so much about the people of Nineveh?"
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Jonah needed a do-over, a try-again. The first time Jonah ran away and didn't listen to God. So God said, "Okay, Jonah, here's your second chance. Go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing mean and hurtful things."
Jonah listened to God. He still didn't want to go to Nineveh, but this time he went. "God says you have forty days to stop being mean, or you will be punished," Jonah said grumpily.
Amazingly, everyone listened! Everyone in Nineveh, even the king, stopped being mean and listen to God. God was so happy that God's mind changed. God didn't punish the people of Nineveh.
The people of Nineveh listened! Jonah did his job. What a great prophet! But Jonah was not happy. "Ugh, I know God is good and merciful. But did God have to be so kind to the people of Nineveh? I don't like them at all!This is why i ran away. I'm angry!"
God saw that Jonah was angry. God said, "Oh, come on, Jonah. Is it really right to be angry about this?"
Jonah stormed off. God thought, Hmm, this is a good time to teach Jonah why I care about the people of Nineveh. God made a big bush grow. Jonah sat in its shade. Jonah was very comfortable. Then God sent a worm to eat the bush. Jonah got even angrier when the bush was gone. He threw a big fit. He shouted, "I'm so angry that I don't even want to be alive!"
God chuckled and said, "Oh Jonah, is it really right to be this upset about a bush? Don't be silly. If you can care this much about a bush, how can you be mad at me for caring so much about the people of Nineveh?"
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
I Wonder....
- how it would feel like to be inside a fish?
- how the others felt when seeing Jonah get swallowed in a big fish?
- why a fish swallowed Jonah in the first place?
- where Jonah got food while he was in the fish?
- how long Jonah and the sailors were out on sea?
Discussion Questions
- Have you ever been in a big storm? What did it sound like?
- Can you imagine being inside a big fish? What would it look like inside?
- Have you ever wanted to run away from something that you knew you should do? Write a prayer that you could say to God when you feel like running away.
- Why do you think people listened to Jonah? Who do you listen to?
- What do you hear in this story that you would like to draw?
- Have you ever walked away from something that you knew you should do? Did you get a second chance? Write a dtory about second chances.
Saddleback Kids
This video is 2:58 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 6:04 minutes long
Crossroads Kids' Club
This video is 4:01 minutes long
The Lord's Plans by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:08 minutes long
Motions (Jonah) by Saddleback Kids
This song is 2:21 minutes long
Art Project

Adult Preparation:
Game Instructions:
- Blue Solo Cup
- Medium Sized Craft Eyes 30mm
- Medium Sized Glue Dots
- Free Printable Whale Tale Outline
- Blue Stock Paper or Blue Construction Paper
- String
- 5″ White Balloons
- Sharpie
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- Print out template
- You will definitely want to share with your kids or the kids in your care the story of Jonah. This can be done straight out of the Bible, or you can find a Jonah and the Whale book to read to them.
- Poke a hole in the bottom of the blue Solo cup. If you are working with a number of kids in a school or Sunday school environment, you will want to prep this part for them.
- Cut a string to length. The string should be about a yard long.
- Thread the string through the hole and tie it to itself on the other side of the cup. Basically, you will have a string wrapped and tied around one edge of the cup.
- Print the whale tail printable. Cut out a tail piece. Depending upon the age of your kids, they might be able to do this on their own.
- Using glue dots, attach the eyes and tail. To attach tail, fold the end so you have a tab to attach to the cup. You may wonder if you can use white glue. I wouldn’t. It takes so long to dry, and it’s not very strong. Glue dots are perfect for this craft.
- Fill a white balloon with flour so that it is just filled. Tie it off.
- Have kids draw a person on the balloon with Sharpie.
- Tie your Jonah balloon to the end of the string.
- At this point kids are going to be begging to play with their Jonah and the whale toss game.
Game Instructions:
- Try to get the person in the whale
Content for Adults
God told Jonah to preach a warning to the people of Nineveh, but Jonah didn't want to. Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, one of Israel's most frightening enemies. Jonah didn't want God to give the people of Nineveh a chance to stop making bad choices, so he ran away. But Jonah couldn't get far. Jonah made it to Nineveh and taught the people about God. The people believed! This book shows us that God is eager to love us all.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
This video is 52:40 minutes long