The Old Testament is like a library of books, with exciting stories, poetry, and wise sayings. There are also some sad stories and many stories that help us remember God's love and care. From the first stories of creation in Genesis to the prophets at the end of this section of the Bible, the stories are about God and God's people. God is present from beginning to end. In Genesis and Exodus, we hear the stories of the first people God called as God's people. These books along with Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy make up the Torah. These are books of instruction about living in God's way. Then come thirteen books of stories about God's people. You'll read about Samuel, David, Ruth, Esther, Elijah, Elisha, and many more. Psalms are poetry, and they help us know how to talk to God. The last seventeen books of the Old Testament are words that God gave to the people God called to be prophets.
The Old Testament is also Jewish Scripture, read by Jews and Christians today. The stories were the stories that Jesus learned as a child. They are the stories in the background as he taught and healed. In these stories you meet strong women and men, such as Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Rachel. But many more strong and faithful people will step in and out of this parade of biblical characters. Listen for surprises in the stories, and learn how God acts in the world, then and even today.
The Old Testament is also Jewish Scripture, read by Jews and Christians today. The stories were the stories that Jesus learned as a child. They are the stories in the background as he taught and healed. In these stories you meet strong women and men, such as Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Rachel. But many more strong and faithful people will step in and out of this parade of biblical characters. Listen for surprises in the stories, and learn how God acts in the world, then and even today.
This video is 12:07 minutes long
Books of the Old Testament
Genealogy of Abraham
Learn the Old Testament through music
This song is 1:54 minutes long
This song is 1:54 minutes long
Maps of the Old Testament
Abraham in Canaan Map
The Migration of Abraham Map
Solomon's Economic Enterprises Map
David's Rise to Power Map
Isaiah Reference Map
Taken from Simplybible.com
Abraham's Journey and the Exodus Map
Taken from Britannica Kids
The Journey of Joseph Map
The Ancient Near East map
Taken from Knowing the Bible
Table of Nations Map
Taken from Knowing the Bible
The Ancient Near East During the Patriarchs Map
Taken from Knowing the Bible
Taken from Knowing the Bible
Taken from Knowing the Bible
Taken from Knowing the Bible
Israel's Exodus and Wanderings Map
Taken from Knowing the Bible
Taken from Knowing the Bible
Taken from Knowing the Bible
Taken from Knowing the Bible
Taken from Knowing the Bible