Preschool track
Overview of Ezekiel
The book of Ezekiel contains languages and images that can be hard for us to understand. At the start, God spoke to the prophet Ezekiel. When God's power came over Ezekiel, he saw clouds and flashes of lightning. He looked into heaven and saw creatures floating alongside wheels within wheels. He saw a bright light shining around everything.
Ezekiel's visions are not easy to interpret, so people sometimes come up with different ideas of what they might mean. In addition to the visions, the book of Ezekiel also tells how Ezekiel used symbols and surprising actions to catch people's attention and get them to listen to God's words.
The book of Ezekiel has an important message. God's people were living as prisoners in a distant land, but God still loved them very much. God promised to was away their guilt and give them new hearts so they would gladly obey God. God would bring them back to their homes (Ezek 36:23-28). And God's glory would once again fill the temple (Ezek 43:4-5).
Ezekiel said God's people were like a valley full of dead bones, but God would bring them to life (Ezek 37). The people were broken, but God would make them whole again. God brings life even when it seems all hope is lost!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Ezekiel's visions are not easy to interpret, so people sometimes come up with different ideas of what they might mean. In addition to the visions, the book of Ezekiel also tells how Ezekiel used symbols and surprising actions to catch people's attention and get them to listen to God's words.
The book of Ezekiel has an important message. God's people were living as prisoners in a distant land, but God still loved them very much. God promised to was away their guilt and give them new hearts so they would gladly obey God. God would bring them back to their homes (Ezek 36:23-28). And God's glory would once again fill the temple (Ezek 43:4-5).
Ezekiel said God's people were like a valley full of dead bones, but God would bring them to life (Ezek 37). The people were broken, but God would make them whole again. God brings life even when it seems all hope is lost!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Bible Readings
Read Ezekiel 37 (God Breathes Life)
I Wonder....
- how Ezekiel felt when he heard this from God?
- what the people were thinking when they heard Ezekiel telling them what God said?
Discussion Questions
- How do you feel when you hear this passage? Does it make you sad? Angry? Scared? Happy? Excited?
Godly Play
This video is 17:21 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 5:30 minutes long
Breathe by The Kiboomers
This song is 2:31 minutes long
The Breathing Song by Narwhals and Warterfalls
This song is 2:26 minutes long
Ezekiel Saw a Wheel by Christian Songs and Videos
This song is 3:35 minutes long
Art Activity
Draw what you think this passage would look like, feel like, or how it makes you feel.
Tips for Adults
The book of Ezekiel reports the visions of the prophet Ezekiel, who preached during the years when God's people lived as prisoners in Babylon. Ezekiel taught that God's people would experience God's love in a new way, and one day they would eagerly obey God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Elementary Track
Overview of Ezekiel
The book of Ezekiel contains languages and images that can be hard for us to understand. At the start, God spoke to the prophet Ezekiel. When God's power came over Ezekiel, he saw clouds and flashes of lightning. He looked into heaven and saw creatures floating alongside wheels within wheels. He saw a bright light shining around everything.
Ezekiel's visions are not easy to interpret, so people sometimes come up with different ideas of what they might mean. In addition to the visions, the book of Ezekiel also tells how Ezekiel used symbols and surprising actions to catch people's attention and get them to listen to God's words.
The book of Ezekiel has an important message. God's people were living as prisoners in a distant land, but God still loved them very much. God promised to was away their guilt and give them new hearts so they would gladly obey God. God would bring them back to their homes (Ezek 36:23-28). And God's glory would once again fill the temple (Ezek 43:4-5).
Ezekiel said God's people were like a valley full of dead bones, but God would bring them to life (Ezek 37). The people were broken, but God would make them whole again. God brings life even when it seems all hope is lost!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Ezekiel's visions are not easy to interpret, so people sometimes come up with different ideas of what they might mean. In addition to the visions, the book of Ezekiel also tells how Ezekiel used symbols and surprising actions to catch people's attention and get them to listen to God's words.
The book of Ezekiel has an important message. God's people were living as prisoners in a distant land, but God still loved them very much. God promised to was away their guilt and give them new hearts so they would gladly obey God. God would bring them back to their homes (Ezek 36:23-28). And God's glory would once again fill the temple (Ezek 43:4-5).
Ezekiel said God's people were like a valley full of dead bones, but God would bring them to life (Ezek 37). The people were broken, but God would make them whole again. God brings life even when it seems all hope is lost!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Overview: Ezekiel 1-33 by Bible Project
This video is 7:23 minutes long.
Overview: Ezekiel 34 - 48 by Bible Project
This video is 7:12 minutes long
Bible Readings
Read Ezekiel 37 (God Breathes Life)
I Wonder....
- how Ezekiel felt when he heard this from God?
- what the people were thinking when they heard Ezekiel telling them what God said?
Discussion Questions
- How do you feel when you hear this passage? Does it make you sad? Angry? Scared? Happy? Excited?
Crossroad Kids' Club
This video is 3:46 minutes long
Godly Play
This video is 17:21 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 5:30 minutes long
This is Amazing Grace by Bethel Music Kids
This song is 5:10 minutes long
Breathe by Hillsong
This song is 8:25 minutes long
Poem Activity
Write a poem about how this passage makes you feel.
Content for Adults
The book of Ezekiel reports the visions of the prophet Ezekiel, who preached during the years when God's people lived as prisoners in Babylon. Ezekiel taught that God's people would experience God's love in a new way. and one day they would eagerly obey God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This video is 52:37 minutes long