Preschool track
Overview of Esther
Esther is a thrilling story of a young Jewish woman chosen to be queen of Persia. When God's people were threatened with death, she bravely stood up for her people and saved their lives.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Bible Readings
Courageous Queen (Book of Esther) Reading
Esther was very beautiful. She lived with her older cousin, Mordecai. Both Esther and Mordecai were Jews. They loved God and followed God's rules.
One day the king decided he wanted a new queen. Hundreds of beautiful women, including Esther, went to the palace to meet the king. When the king met Esther, he chose jer. Esther went to live at the palace, but she didn't tell anyone that she and Mordecai were Jews.
The king had a helper named Haman. Haman didn't like Mordecai, and decided he would get rid of anyone that was a Jew like Mordecai. Haman tricked the king into making a law to kill people who were Jews. The king agreed. Neither Haman nor the king knew that Esther was a Jew.
Queen Esther and Mordecai were very upset. They were Jewish. "You must help our people," Mordecai told Queen Esther. "You must talk to the king."
But Queen Esther was afraid. No one could see the king without the king saying it was all right to come. If she went to the king without approval, Queen Esther could be killed. If the king held his scepter out to Queen Esther, she was safe. But if he didn't hold out his scepter, she would be killed.
"You must be brave," said Mordecai.
"I'll need help," said Queen Esther. "Have all our people pray that God will help me be brave."
Queen Esther went to the king. When the king saw Queen Esther, he held out his scepter Queen Esther was safe!
The king asked her, "What is it you want, Queen Esther?"
"Please, come to dinner," said Queen Esther. "And bring Haman."
So the king and Haman went to eat with Queen Esther. At thee dinner, Queen Esther told the king that she and Mordecai were Jews. Then she told the king that Haman wanted to kill all the Jews.
The king was very angry with Haman. He didn't want Queen Esther killed. And the king didn't want Queen Esther killed. The king got rid of Haman instead. The king made a new law that kept Queen Esther, Mordecai, and her people safe.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
One day the king decided he wanted a new queen. Hundreds of beautiful women, including Esther, went to the palace to meet the king. When the king met Esther, he chose jer. Esther went to live at the palace, but she didn't tell anyone that she and Mordecai were Jews.
The king had a helper named Haman. Haman didn't like Mordecai, and decided he would get rid of anyone that was a Jew like Mordecai. Haman tricked the king into making a law to kill people who were Jews. The king agreed. Neither Haman nor the king knew that Esther was a Jew.
Queen Esther and Mordecai were very upset. They were Jewish. "You must help our people," Mordecai told Queen Esther. "You must talk to the king."
But Queen Esther was afraid. No one could see the king without the king saying it was all right to come. If she went to the king without approval, Queen Esther could be killed. If the king held his scepter out to Queen Esther, she was safe. But if he didn't hold out his scepter, she would be killed.
"You must be brave," said Mordecai.
"I'll need help," said Queen Esther. "Have all our people pray that God will help me be brave."
Queen Esther went to the king. When the king saw Queen Esther, he held out his scepter Queen Esther was safe!
The king asked her, "What is it you want, Queen Esther?"
"Please, come to dinner," said Queen Esther. "And bring Haman."
So the king and Haman went to eat with Queen Esther. At thee dinner, Queen Esther told the king that she and Mordecai were Jews. Then she told the king that Haman wanted to kill all the Jews.
The king was very angry with Haman. He didn't want Queen Esther killed. And the king didn't want Queen Esther killed. The king got rid of Haman instead. The king made a new law that kept Queen Esther, Mordecai, and her people safe.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
I Wonder....
- How Esther felt when she became queen?
- Why Esther couldn't tell anyone she was a Jew?
- If Mordecai was at the dinner listening to the conversation?
- What the king was thinking when Esther told him that she was jewish?
Discussion Questions
- How do you think Esther felt in this story?
- When have you had the courage to stand up to others?
- If you were going to build a model of the palace courtyard, what would you use for the marble pillar or the floor with beautiful stones?
Godly Play
This video is 6:06 minutes long
Crossroad Kids' Club
This video is 4:37 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 6:12 minutes long
This song is 2:22 minutes long
This song is 1:34 minutes long
Art Project
Crown Craft

Adult Preparation:
- Dried pasta
- Construction paper
- Liquid glue
- Tape
- Scissors
- Writing Utensil
- Optional:
- Pom poms
- Glitter
- Sequin
- Markers
- Crayons
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- lay out materials
- First, trace the outline of the crown that you want
- Then, cut it out
- Next, decorate the crown as you wish
- Finally, glue the ends of the crown together to make a circle
Tips for Adults
Esther is one of the Bible's most dramatic stories. Persia's King Ahasuerus looks for a new queen, and a young Jewish woman, Esther, is chosen. Esther chose not to tell anyone that she was Jewish. She didn't know if people would like a Jewish queen. This book tells how Esther made a brave choice to tell the king that she was Jewish - and to ask him to save her people from death.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
Elementary Track
Overview of Esther
Esther is a thrilling story of a young jewish woman chosen to be queen of Persia. When God's people were threatened with death, she bravely stood up for her people and saved their lives.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
This video is 9:13 minutes long
Bible Readings
Queen Vashti Says "No!" (Esther 1:1-22) Reading
What do you think it would be like to be a king or queen? Could you do whatever you wanted? Eat dessert first? Stay up late? Queen Vashti decided there was something she would not do.
King Ashasuerus ruled over the land from Ethiopia to India. He liked to have parties to show how rich and important he was. One time he had a party for all the generals and governors of the lands around him. This party lasted for 180 nights.
But one party wasn't enough. When it was over, he had another party. To this one he invited the men of Susa, where his royal palace was. The party was in the beautiful courtyard. The marble pillars were draped with expensive blue cloth help up by silver rings. The floor glimmered with beautiful colored stones.
At the same time, Queen Vashti gave a party for the women of Susa. They were in another part of the palace, where the women of the court lived.
On the seventh night of this party, the king was feeling pretty good. He wanted to show off his beautiful queen. He sent seven servants to get Queen Vashti.
"The king says you are to come to him. And wear your crown. He wants all the men to see what a beautiful queen he has."
Vashti knew it was dangerous not to obey the king. But she was having her own party. She gave the servants a message for the king: "I will not come."
When the king got Queen Vashti's message, he was angry. He said to his advisors, "This cannot be! No one can refuse the king's command! What can I do?"
The advisors huddled and talked. They said to King Ahasuerus, "The queen cannot be allowed to do this. If our wives fins out that the queen did not obey the king, they will stop listening to us. You must remove the crown from Vashti. Send word to all the people of your kingdom that she is no longer your queen."
That is what the king did. Meanwhile, Vashti never had to come to the king again.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
King Ashasuerus ruled over the land from Ethiopia to India. He liked to have parties to show how rich and important he was. One time he had a party for all the generals and governors of the lands around him. This party lasted for 180 nights.
But one party wasn't enough. When it was over, he had another party. To this one he invited the men of Susa, where his royal palace was. The party was in the beautiful courtyard. The marble pillars were draped with expensive blue cloth help up by silver rings. The floor glimmered with beautiful colored stones.
At the same time, Queen Vashti gave a party for the women of Susa. They were in another part of the palace, where the women of the court lived.
On the seventh night of this party, the king was feeling pretty good. He wanted to show off his beautiful queen. He sent seven servants to get Queen Vashti.
"The king says you are to come to him. And wear your crown. He wants all the men to see what a beautiful queen he has."
Vashti knew it was dangerous not to obey the king. But she was having her own party. She gave the servants a message for the king: "I will not come."
When the king got Queen Vashti's message, he was angry. He said to his advisors, "This cannot be! No one can refuse the king's command! What can I do?"
The advisors huddled and talked. They said to King Ahasuerus, "The queen cannot be allowed to do this. If our wives fins out that the queen did not obey the king, they will stop listening to us. You must remove the crown from Vashti. Send word to all the people of your kingdom that she is no longer your queen."
That is what the king did. Meanwhile, Vashti never had to come to the king again.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Esther, a New Queen (Esther 2:1-4, 7-12, 16-18) Reading
Have you ever done something when you were angry and later you were sorry you did it? Maybe you threw a toy when it didn't work right? Or perhaps you tore up a picture you were drawing? Later you wanted to play with the toy, or you wanted to work on the picture some more. Too late. King Ahasuerus had a similar problem.
King Ahasuerus finally calmed down after he took the crown from Vashti. But now he wanted a queen, and he didn't have one. Some young men servants suggested a plan. "Why don't you gather at the palace all the beautiful young women who aren't married? Put them in the care of Hegai, who is in charge of the women's quarters. He can get them ready so that you can choose one to be queen in place of Vashti."
The king liked the idea. So some of his servants went throughout the realm to find beautiful young women. One of these women was Esther. Her mother and father had died. Her cousin Mordecai took care of her. He said, "Esther, don't tell anyone at the palace that you are a Jew."
Hegai liked Esther right away. He believed that she was beautiful and also kind. He made sure that she had the best of everything, from beauty treatments to food. Every day Mordecai walked back and forth in front of the women's quarters so that he could see how Esther was doing
After one year, the beautiful young women were to go before King Ahasuerus. The women went in to the king, one at a time. When the king saw Esther, she won his love immediately. The king placed the queen's crown on Esther's head. Then he had a huge feast in her honor and declared a holiday. Long live Queen Esther!
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
King Ahasuerus finally calmed down after he took the crown from Vashti. But now he wanted a queen, and he didn't have one. Some young men servants suggested a plan. "Why don't you gather at the palace all the beautiful young women who aren't married? Put them in the care of Hegai, who is in charge of the women's quarters. He can get them ready so that you can choose one to be queen in place of Vashti."
The king liked the idea. So some of his servants went throughout the realm to find beautiful young women. One of these women was Esther. Her mother and father had died. Her cousin Mordecai took care of her. He said, "Esther, don't tell anyone at the palace that you are a Jew."
Hegai liked Esther right away. He believed that she was beautiful and also kind. He made sure that she had the best of everything, from beauty treatments to food. Every day Mordecai walked back and forth in front of the women's quarters so that he could see how Esther was doing
After one year, the beautiful young women were to go before King Ahasuerus. The women went in to the king, one at a time. When the king saw Esther, she won his love immediately. The king placed the queen's crown on Esther's head. Then he had a huge feast in her honor and declared a holiday. Long live Queen Esther!
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Hooray for Queen Esther! (Esther 3; 4; 6; 8; 9) Reading
Vashti was brave to refuse the king. Now Esther has her chance ti be brave.
Haman was the highest official in the king's court. A law said that everyone had to bow down to him. Mordecai, Esther's cousin, would not do that. He bowed down only to God. Haman was furious. He got King Ahasuerus to let him write a law that anyone who didn't bow down to Haman would die.
When Mordecai heard about this law, he tore his clothes and cried. He knew that he and all Jews were in big trouble.
Mordecai sent word to Esther that she had to help her people . But Esther said, "I have not been called to come to the king for thirty days. If you go to the king when he hasn't called for you, you will die."
Mordecai sent Esther another message. "Esther, don't think that you are safe because you are the queen. Maybe you are in the palace hust so that you can save your people. Now is the time to be brave."
Esther had a plan. She invited the king and Mordecai to dinner. But she didn't say anything to the king about the new law. That night, the king couldn't sleep. A servant read from a new book about a time when Mordecai saved the king's life. The king asked, "What has been done for Mordecai?" When he heard that nothing was done for him, the king decided it was time to honor Mordecai.
The king asked Haman, "What should I do to honor a faithful person?"
Haman thought that the king was going to honor him. He said, "Dress him in a royal robe. Have him ride through Susa on your horse."
The king ordered that this be done for Mordecai. Haman knew that he was in big the second night, the king asked, "What can I do for you, Esther?"
Esther said, "Please, save my life and the lives of my people."
The king didn't understand. Esther explained about the new law that Haman wrote. Now the king was angry, but he couldn't take away the law. Instead, he told Esther that her people could protect themselves. They did, but Haman died.
From that time until today, Jews celebrate this story of brave Queen Esther with drama, special food, and fames on Purim, in the late winter or early spring.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Haman was the highest official in the king's court. A law said that everyone had to bow down to him. Mordecai, Esther's cousin, would not do that. He bowed down only to God. Haman was furious. He got King Ahasuerus to let him write a law that anyone who didn't bow down to Haman would die.
When Mordecai heard about this law, he tore his clothes and cried. He knew that he and all Jews were in big trouble.
Mordecai sent word to Esther that she had to help her people . But Esther said, "I have not been called to come to the king for thirty days. If you go to the king when he hasn't called for you, you will die."
Mordecai sent Esther another message. "Esther, don't think that you are safe because you are the queen. Maybe you are in the palace hust so that you can save your people. Now is the time to be brave."
Esther had a plan. She invited the king and Mordecai to dinner. But she didn't say anything to the king about the new law. That night, the king couldn't sleep. A servant read from a new book about a time when Mordecai saved the king's life. The king asked, "What has been done for Mordecai?" When he heard that nothing was done for him, the king decided it was time to honor Mordecai.
The king asked Haman, "What should I do to honor a faithful person?"
Haman thought that the king was going to honor him. He said, "Dress him in a royal robe. Have him ride through Susa on your horse."
The king ordered that this be done for Mordecai. Haman knew that he was in big the second night, the king asked, "What can I do for you, Esther?"
Esther said, "Please, save my life and the lives of my people."
The king didn't understand. Esther explained about the new law that Haman wrote. Now the king was angry, but he couldn't take away the law. Instead, he told Esther that her people could protect themselves. They did, but Haman died.
From that time until today, Jews celebrate this story of brave Queen Esther with drama, special food, and fames on Purim, in the late winter or early spring.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
I Wonder....
- How Esther felt when she became queen?
- Why Esther couldn't tell anyone she was a Jew?
- If Mordecai was at the dinner listening to the conversation?
- What the king was thinking when Esther told him that she was jewish?
Discussion Questions
- What might Esther have said to herself to get enough courage to go to the king?
- How do you think Mordecai and all the Jews looked when they heard Haman's new law?
- What can you and your family do to help people who live in terrible conditions today?
- What do you think the king said when he saw Esther? What do you think Mordecai said when he heard that Esther was the new queen?
- Who do you think came to the feast in honor of Queen Esther? How do you think the tables looked loaded with food?
- Esther had a lot to do to get ready to be queen. When have you had to get ready to do something new? What did you do?
- Pretend you are in the huddle with the king's advisors. What are they saying?
- If you were going to build a model of the palace courtyard, what would you use for the marble pillar or the floor with beautiful stones?
- Vashti was a strong woman when she refused to do what the king wanted. What strong women do you know know about?
Crossroad Kids' Club
This video is 4:37 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 6:12 minutes long
Stand Strong by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:26 minutes long
I'm Trusting You by Lifetree Kids
This song is 3:20 minutes long
God is Listening by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:27 minutes long
Made for This by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:34 minutes long
I Will Not Be Afraid by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:34 minutes long
Art Project
Origami Crown

Adult Preparation:
- Dried pasta
- Construction paper
- Liquid glue
- Tape
- Scissors
- Writing Utensil
- Optional:
- Pom poms
- Glitter
- Sequin
- Markers
- Crayons
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- lay out materials
- Start with one sheet of paper.
- Flip it over, so that the colored side is facing down.
- Fold the paper so that the top and bottom meet. Crease, and unfold.
- Next, fold the paper so that the sides meet. Crease, and unfold. You'll have a cross in the middle of your paper.
- Fold the top right and left corners down to the center point. You have a little house!
- Fold the bottom edge up to meet the center horizontal line.
- Fold the rectangle up one more time, along the center horizontal line.
- Make 5 more triangles, so that you have a total of 6.
- Next it's time to attach them together. Pull the tips of the triangles down just a bit.
- Slide the rectangular area of the purple triangle into the rectangular area (there's a fold-- it opens up) of the pink triangle. Basically the whole purple piece should slide into or behind the pink piece.
- Flip the triangles back up along the crease. You should see the pink triangle coming in front of the purple triangle, and the rectangular area of the purple triangle sliding into the rectangular area of the pink triangle. Slide the purple piece in as far as it will go.
- Continue connecting the triangles, and finally connect the last one in order to form a complete circle. You can adjust the size of the crown by sliding the pieces in or out from one another a little.
Crown Craft

Adult Preparation:
*Taken from What Can We Do With Paper and Glue
- Dried pasta
- Construction paper
- Liquid glue
- Tape
- Scissors
- Writing Utensil
- Optional:
- Pom poms
- Glitter
- Sequin
- Markers
- Crayons
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- lay out materials
- First, trace the outline of the crown that you want
- Then, cut it out
- Next, decorate the crown as you wish
- Finally, glue the ends of the crown together to make a circle
*Taken from What Can We Do With Paper and Glue
Content for Adults
Esther is one of the Bible's most dramatic stories. Persia's King Ahasuerus looks for a new queen, and a young Jewish woman, Esther, is chosen. Esther chose not to tell anyone that she was Jewish. She didn't know if people would like a Jewish queen. This book tells how Esther made a brave choice to tell the king that she was Jewish - and to ask him to save her people from death.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook