Preschool track
Overview of Deuteronomy
The book of Deuteronomy begins as the Israelites are about to cross the Jordan River and enter the land God had promised to their ancestor Abraham. After forty years of wandering in the desert between Egypt and their future home. Moses gathered the Israelites so he could tell them again everything that had happened since they escaped slavery.
Some of the Israelites hadn't even been alive when the journey began. So Moses told stories of the Israelites' time in the desert, recalling God's miracles of feeding and caring for people. He told about the painful times when they failed to follow God's instruction. He also reminded them that God choose them to be a special people who would always need to live by God's instruction.
Deuteronomy means "instruction" and is the fifth book in the Pentateuch, called Torah (tor-ah). This instruction told the people everything they needed to know before they entered the land God had promised to them. The people were expected to listen to and live by these important words.
Jesus referenced the Torah when said the greatest commandment of all is that we love God with all of our heart (Matt 22:37). Deuteronomy reminds us again and again why it's so good to listen to God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Some of the Israelites hadn't even been alive when the journey began. So Moses told stories of the Israelites' time in the desert, recalling God's miracles of feeding and caring for people. He told about the painful times when they failed to follow God's instruction. He also reminded them that God choose them to be a special people who would always need to live by God's instruction.
Deuteronomy means "instruction" and is the fifth book in the Pentateuch, called Torah (tor-ah). This instruction told the people everything they needed to know before they entered the land God had promised to them. The people were expected to listen to and live by these important words.
Jesus referenced the Torah when said the greatest commandment of all is that we love God with all of our heart (Matt 22:37). Deuteronomy reminds us again and again why it's so good to listen to God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Bible Readings
The Most Important Thing to Remember (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) Reading
There are so many things you have to remember: Eat healthy snacks. Brush your teeth before bed. Look both ways before crossing the street. And then there are the really important things to remember, about how God wants us to live in the world.
Try saying this: Shema Yisrael. It's Hebrew, and it means "Hear, O Israel." It's so important that Jewish people say it twice a day, when they wake up and when they go to bed. This small part of the book of Deuteronomy is called the Shema. It helps Jews and Christians remember what is mot important for how we live in the world.
So here's what we are being asked to hear and remember:
Listen, Our God is the Lord. Don't think anything or anyone else can be your God.
Love God with your heart.
Love God with everything you have.
Remember these worlds.
Tell them to your children.
Remember to love God everywhere - when you are away from home, and when you are at home. Remember them when you get up in the morning and when you go to sleep at night.
If you can't remember these words, then write them down so that you won't forget. You can even write them on a stone and put it outside your front door.
So that's it. Pretty simple, right? God wants us to remember that we belong to God. And God loves us so much. God wants us to love God back. It makes you think about all the ways we can show God how big our love is.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Try saying this: Shema Yisrael. It's Hebrew, and it means "Hear, O Israel." It's so important that Jewish people say it twice a day, when they wake up and when they go to bed. This small part of the book of Deuteronomy is called the Shema. It helps Jews and Christians remember what is mot important for how we live in the world.
So here's what we are being asked to hear and remember:
Listen, Our God is the Lord. Don't think anything or anyone else can be your God.
Love God with your heart.
Love God with everything you have.
Remember these worlds.
Tell them to your children.
Remember to love God everywhere - when you are away from home, and when you are at home. Remember them when you get up in the morning and when you go to sleep at night.
If you can't remember these words, then write them down so that you won't forget. You can even write them on a stone and put it outside your front door.
So that's it. Pretty simple, right? God wants us to remember that we belong to God. And God loves us so much. God wants us to love God back. It makes you think about all the ways we can show God how big our love is.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
I Wonder....
- if it is difficult sometimes to love God.
- why there are so many things to remember.
Discussion Questions
- How does it sound when you say "Hear, O Israel" in Hebrew, Shema Yisrael?
- Where might you write Shema Yisrael so that you will see it when you wake up and when you go to sleep?
- What are some ways you can love God back?
- What other rules should we follow to show love to God and to each other?
This video is 3:25 minutes long
Art Project
Rainbow Heart Suncatcher
Adult Preparation:
- Heart template
- White cardstock
- Tissue paper
- Scissors
- Foam paint brushes
- Clear sheet protectors
- Mod Podge
- Pen
- Wipes
Adult Preparation:
- Cut into 1″ x 1″ squares
- Gather Materials
- invite kids to spread a thick layer of Mod Podge over their sheet of plastic.
- Press the tissue paper squares into the Mod Podge, then use the paintbrush to découpage the tissue paper squares directly onto the plastic. This basically means that in addition to the layer or Mod Podge below the tissue paper, you will paint a second on top of the tissue paper squares.
- Tip: Mod Podge can get sticky! Keep wet wipes or damp paper towels nearby for your child to use.
- While the plastic sheet is drying, invite your child to cut out the heart template with scissors.
- When the glue is dry, gently bend the plastic sheet and peel the découpaged tissue paper away from it.
- Invite your child to trace a heart onto the tissue paper, then use scissors to cut it out.
Shema Yisrael
Jesus Loves Me by CPH VBS and Children's Ministry
This song is 1:07 minutes long
This song is 2:28 minutes long
Tips for Adults
In Deuteronomy, Moses gave long speeches that told all the important things the Israelites needed to know before they finally moved into Canaan, the promised land.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Elementary Track
Overview of Deuteronomy
The book of Deuteronomy begins as the Israelites are about to cross the Jordan River and enter the land God had promised to their ancestor Abraham. After forty years of wandering in the desert between Egypt and their future home. Moses gathered the Israelites so he could tell them again everything that had happened since they escaped slavery.
Some of the Israelites hadn't even been alive when the journey began. So Moses told stories of the Israelites' time in the desert, recalling God's miracles of feeding and caring for people. He told about the painful times when they failed to follow God's instruction. He also reminded them that God choose them to be a special people who would always need to live by God's instruction.
Deuteronomy means "instruction" and is the fifth book in the Pentateuch, called Torah (tor-ah). This instruction told the people everything they needed to know before they entered the land God had promised to them. The people were expected to listen to and live by these important words.
Jesus referenced the Torah when said the greatest commandment of all is that we love God with all of our heart (Matt 22:37). Deuteronomy reminds us again and again why it's so good to listen to God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Some of the Israelites hadn't even been alive when the journey began. So Moses told stories of the Israelites' time in the desert, recalling God's miracles of feeding and caring for people. He told about the painful times when they failed to follow God's instruction. He also reminded them that God choose them to be a special people who would always need to live by God's instruction.
Deuteronomy means "instruction" and is the fifth book in the Pentateuch, called Torah (tor-ah). This instruction told the people everything they needed to know before they entered the land God had promised to them. The people were expected to listen to and live by these important words.
Jesus referenced the Torah when said the greatest commandment of all is that we love God with all of our heart (Matt 22:37). Deuteronomy reminds us again and again why it's so good to listen to God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This video is 6:46 minutes long
Bible Reading
The Most Important Thing to Remember (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) Reading
There are so many things you have to remember: Eat healthy snacks. Brush your teeth before bed. Look both ways before crossing the street. And then there are the really important things to remember, about how God wants us to live in the world.
Try saying this: Shema Yisrael. It's Hebrew, and it means "Hear, O Israel." It's so important that Jewish people say it twice a day, when they wake up and when they go to bed. This small part of the book of Deuteronomy is called the Shema. It helps Jews and Christians remember what is mot important for how we live in the world.
So here's what we are being asked to hear and remember:
Listen, Our God is the Lord. Don't think anything or anyone else can be your God.
Love God with your heart.
Love God with everything you have.
Remember these worlds.
Tell them to your children.
Remember to love God everywhere - when you are away from home, and when you are at home. Remember them when you get up in the morning and when you go to sleep at night.
If you can't remember these words, then write them down so that you won't forget. You can even write them on a stone and put it outside your front door.
So that's it. Pretty simple, right? God wants us to remember that we belong to God. And God loves us so much. God wants us to love God back. It makes you think about all the ways we can show God how big our love is.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Try saying this: Shema Yisrael. It's Hebrew, and it means "Hear, O Israel." It's so important that Jewish people say it twice a day, when they wake up and when they go to bed. This small part of the book of Deuteronomy is called the Shema. It helps Jews and Christians remember what is mot important for how we live in the world.
So here's what we are being asked to hear and remember:
Listen, Our God is the Lord. Don't think anything or anyone else can be your God.
Love God with your heart.
Love God with everything you have.
Remember these worlds.
Tell them to your children.
Remember to love God everywhere - when you are away from home, and when you are at home. Remember them when you get up in the morning and when you go to sleep at night.
If you can't remember these words, then write them down so that you won't forget. You can even write them on a stone and put it outside your front door.
So that's it. Pretty simple, right? God wants us to remember that we belong to God. And God loves us so much. God wants us to love God back. It makes you think about all the ways we can show God how big our love is.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
I Wonder....
- if people still speak hebrew?
- how we can remember these words?
Discussion Questions
- How does it sound when you say "Hear, O Israel" in Hebrew, Shema Yisrael?
- Where might you write Shema Yisrael so that you will see it when you wake up and when you go to sleep?
- What are some ways you can love God back?
- What other rules should we follow to show love to God and to each other?
- How do you think God's special rules helped the people live more fairly with one another? What would happen in the world if everyone followed these rules?
- Moses climbed the mountain to meet with God. What do you think Moses saw at the top of the mountain?
- Where do you see people following God's special rules today? Which of these rules have you followed in the past week? What can you do differently so that you can follow God's rules?
This video is 3:25 minutes long
Art Project
Rainbow Heart Suncatcher
Adult Preparation:
- Heart template
- White cardstock
- Tissue paper
- Scissors
- Foam paint brushes
- Clear sheet protectors
- Mod Podge
- Pen
- Wipes
Adult Preparation:
- Cut into 1″ x 1″ squares
- Gather Materials
- invite kids to spread a thick layer of Mod Podge over their sheet of plastic.
- Press the tissue paper squares into the Mod Podge, then use the paintbrush to découpage the tissue paper squares directly onto the plastic. This basically means that in addition to the layer or Mod Podge below the tissue paper, you will paint a second on top of the tissue paper squares.
- Tip: Mod Podge can get sticky! Keep wet wipes or damp paper towels nearby for your child to use.
- While the plastic sheet is drying, invite your child to cut out the heart template with scissors.
- When the glue is dry, gently bend the plastic sheet and peel the découpaged tissue paper away from it.
- Invite your child to trace a heart onto the tissue paper, then use scissors to cut it out.
I'm Trusting You by Lifetree Kids
This song is 3:16 minutes long
Shema Yisrael: A Jewish Kid's Sing Along by Bim Bam
This song is 52 seconds long
God's Love Is Always There by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:19 minutes long
Content for Adults
In Deuteronomy, Moses gave long speeches that told all the important things the Israelites needed to know before they finally moved into Canaan, the promised land.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Each book of the Bible page will have either one or two videos and the handouts taken from an Adult Faith Formation Class that talked about this particular chapter. The video might help you understand the chapter.
This video is 51:55 minutes long