About Open Playground
Open playground events will happen on the Palma Ceia Presbyterian Preschool playground. You can come and go when your family feels like it. This event is a relaxing and non-structured event. This is a time for adults to talk to other adults that have children or grandchildren around the same age.
Day and Time
The Palma Ceia Preschool playground is open during different times of the week and at different times. Most open playground events will happen when announced. Look at the What's Happening page for all open playground opportunities.
Where we Meet
We will meet on the preschool playground. You can enter through the courtyard gate of the playground.
Photos and Videos
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PCPC Children's Ministry
(813) 253 - 6047
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629
(813) 253 - 6047
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629