Vacation Bible School
Whether they are preschool or elementary-aged, kids can be channel makers with Waves of Wonder! God’s Waves of Wonder to wash over us and be inspired by the beauty and majesty of what God has created. Children will explore scriptures in which God provides water for plants and animals. We will visit the wilderness and miraculously receive water from a rock. We will take a boat ride with Jesus, weather a wavy storm, and even imagine a new heaven and a new earth where all are invited to receive life-giving water.
Through Bible study, music, art, science explorations, and active games, children will deepen their understanding of the importance of water and be invited to join God in caring for this natural resource. With this engaging, hands-on Vacation Bible School ministry, all ages will be a part of five days of Bible stories, art, music, snacks, and active recreation.
Music and Movement
Music and Movement is a free class offered for children infants through pre-k 3. Every Wednesday. This time together led by Anna Shuford, includes songs, rhythmic rhymes, movement, and instrument play. Activities are informal, non-performance - oriented experience - appropriate for children and easy for parents to come in and out.
Godly Play
Godly Play (a supervised sharing of the Bible story that follows the year of the Bible worship pattern) is offered for Pre-K 3 - 1st grade during each of the three Sunday morning worship services. The children will hear a Bible Story, enjoy a feast (snack), and then they have the chance to work with the story and explore what they feel from the Bible story that they experienced.
Faith and Fellowship Hour
Pre-K 3 - 5th grade meet in the Chapel at 10:00 am (located in the breezeway near the main Sanctuary, facing the Courtyard) for singing and to introduce the day’s Bible Story. Parents/Guardians should check in through our tablet check-in stations. The check-in stations are outside the chapel, nursery, and the gym. You can check in through any of the stations. Just make sure it says Kids Faith Formation (insert grade).
Children Pre-K 2 and under will check in through the nursery. At 10:15, we break into age group |
Play Groups
Play groups provides a fun and safe environment for all children aged 0-5+ years where parents or grandparents can enjoy fellowship. Outdoor playground and an indoor play space. We meet the first Monday, Second Tuesday and third Thursday of the month*. To receive reminders when future playgroups are happening, contact Anna Shuford. All are welcome.
Justice Seekers
Justice Seekers is a group just for Fourth and Fifth graders to deepen your faith by exploring topics with the theme this year Image. Our time together includes Fellowship (games), Christian Living (ways to live), Bible (scripture connections), arts (create), and acts of compassion (serving others). This is a great chance to become part of a mini youth group where you can love and be loved as God’s disciples.
Our next Justice Seekers is Sunday, February 16th from 4:00 - 5:15 pm |
Photos and Videos
For all videos, please go to our Vimeo page (PCPC Children's Ministry).
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Last Sunday
This video is 19 seconds
This video is 16 seconds
Last Tuesday
Last Wednesday
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PCPC Children's Ministry
(813) 253 - 6047
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629
(813) 253 - 6047
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629