Some people use pictures and words to make scrapbooks about things they want to remember. Maybe you have a baby book with words and pictures. It tells about your birth or adoption and the first years of your life. Or instead of a baby book, you might have a file on the family computer with all kinds of pictures.
The stories in the first four books in this section of our Bible are like big albums, full of pictures. Each story adds a picture that tells us about Jesus: how he lived, what he taught, and what we need to remember. The stories in the first four books were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each of them wrote in their own way to tell their stories about Jesus. You'll hear stories about how Jesus used parables to teach about God. And there are stories about how he healed people with his words and his touch. When Jesus taught and when he healed people, he wanted them to think bout how they could live with one another.
Jesus met a lot of interesting people: Peter, Mary and Martha, Joanna and Susanna, and Zacchaeus. And there are stories about some people whose names we don't even know. Each person was different after meeting Jesus.
After Jesus died and was alive again, he left the earth. And everyone who knew him had to decide how to start all over again, living the way Jesus taught. Luke also wrote another book. It's called the Acts of the Apostles. It tells stories about the beginning of the church. Here you'll meet people like Philip and Paul, Tabitha, Lydia, and Timothy. As you hear their stories, think about how people are like people you know in your church.
The New Testament also has many letters that people wrote to the churches and to individual people as the church was just getting started. These letters reminded these very first Christians how they were to live together, how thy were to treat other people, and how they were to love like Jesus.
What pictures of Jesus and the church do you want to remember? How will those pictures and stories help you remember how Jesus wants you to live in this world?
*Taken from Growing in God's Love by Elizabeth Caldwell
The stories in the first four books in this section of our Bible are like big albums, full of pictures. Each story adds a picture that tells us about Jesus: how he lived, what he taught, and what we need to remember. The stories in the first four books were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each of them wrote in their own way to tell their stories about Jesus. You'll hear stories about how Jesus used parables to teach about God. And there are stories about how he healed people with his words and his touch. When Jesus taught and when he healed people, he wanted them to think bout how they could live with one another.
Jesus met a lot of interesting people: Peter, Mary and Martha, Joanna and Susanna, and Zacchaeus. And there are stories about some people whose names we don't even know. Each person was different after meeting Jesus.
After Jesus died and was alive again, he left the earth. And everyone who knew him had to decide how to start all over again, living the way Jesus taught. Luke also wrote another book. It's called the Acts of the Apostles. It tells stories about the beginning of the church. Here you'll meet people like Philip and Paul, Tabitha, Lydia, and Timothy. As you hear their stories, think about how people are like people you know in your church.
The New Testament also has many letters that people wrote to the churches and to individual people as the church was just getting started. These letters reminded these very first Christians how they were to live together, how thy were to treat other people, and how they were to love like Jesus.
What pictures of Jesus and the church do you want to remember? How will those pictures and stories help you remember how Jesus wants you to live in this world?
*Taken from Growing in God's Love by Elizabeth Caldwell
This video is 8:17 minutes long
- Not a book of rules, a book of Love
- The Gospels
- As we grow and change, our understanding of who Jesus is also grows and changes.
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- Ever heard of the four gospels?
- Acts follows and tells stories of Jesus’ followers and the start of the Christian Church
- Each gospel is a stand alone story of Jesus’ life and ministry. This means they are not sequel chapters in a story book. Rather four complete and unique versions of Jesus’ life. We call those synopitc- So unlike a children’ storybook Bible you all probably have where all of the four gospels stories are smooshed together, a youth bible and adult bibles are stand alone stories and can now be studied with a more grown up understanding.
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Parables of Jesus
Moments in the Life of Jesus
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Differences between Jews and Gentiles
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Miracles of Jesus
Stories of Holy Week (and beyond)
Names of Jesus
The Early Church
The Journeys and Letters of Paul
The Book of Revelation
Learn theNew Testament Through Music
This song is 2:37 minutes long
This song is 1:58 minutes long
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