Preschool track
Overview of 1 Timothy
First Timothy is the first of three letters addressed to people in charge of leading God's people in local churches. Sometimes these books are called pastoral letters. These letters help church leaders know how to lead and organize churches, what to teach people, and how to stay faithful to God. But these letters aren't just for pastors. They have a message for all Christians.
This letter is addressed to Timothy, the most well-known of Paul's partners. Timothy's grandmother and mother taught scriptures (2 Tim 3:14-15), and Paul called Timothy his "tru child in the faith" (1 Tim 1:2). While still a young man, Timothy traveled with Paul as he spread the good news about Jesus to Asia (present-day Turkey), Greece, and Italy.
Timothy was involved in the leadership of the church in Ephesus (1 Tim 1:3). Paul told Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because of his young age, but to set an example for other believers instead. He said Timothy should use the gifts God gave him to lead the church. Paul told Timothy to focus not only on his own growth but also on teaching well (1 Tim 4:12-16).
First Timothy gives a picture of how God expects groups of Christians to grow up. This letter shows us how a church should work!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This letter is addressed to Timothy, the most well-known of Paul's partners. Timothy's grandmother and mother taught scriptures (2 Tim 3:14-15), and Paul called Timothy his "tru child in the faith" (1 Tim 1:2). While still a young man, Timothy traveled with Paul as he spread the good news about Jesus to Asia (present-day Turkey), Greece, and Italy.
Timothy was involved in the leadership of the church in Ephesus (1 Tim 1:3). Paul told Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because of his young age, but to set an example for other believers instead. He said Timothy should use the gifts God gave him to lead the church. Paul told Timothy to focus not only on his own growth but also on teaching well (1 Tim 4:12-16).
First Timothy gives a picture of how God expects groups of Christians to grow up. This letter shows us how a church should work!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Bible Readings
One for All (1 Timothy 2:1-7) Reading
Timothy watched the people shuffling around Ephesus. Many were new believers, but some didn't want to learn about Jesus. Timothy sighed. Teaching the Ephesians about Jesus was HARD work. Especialy when they didn't want to listen to him.
Timothy opened a letter from his friend Paul. Paul understood how Timothy felt and encouraged him to PRAY for the people he taught.
Dear Timothy,
Who do you pray for? Friends? Family? Believers?
Good! But don't stop there! Pray for EVERYONE! Kings and queens, poor and rich, people who agree with you and people who don't.
Pray that EVERYONE receives God's forgiveness. Celebrate how BIG God's grace is! Forgiveness and grace are for ALL people.
Remember three important things.
First, there is only ONE God.
Second, Jesus Christ has brought God to us! Jesus was both HUMAN and GOD'S SON. We learn about God from Jesus.
Third, Jesus died and came back to life for YOU and ME. Because of Jesus, EVERYONE receives God's grace. Not just the people who agree with you. Not just believers. Friends, enemies, family, and even people you've never met!
Remember to share God's grace with everyone.
Your Friend,
Timothy knew it would still be hard work to teach people about Jesus. But he could share Paul's letter with them and pray.
*Taken from Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook
Timothy opened a letter from his friend Paul. Paul understood how Timothy felt and encouraged him to PRAY for the people he taught.
Dear Timothy,
Who do you pray for? Friends? Family? Believers?
Good! But don't stop there! Pray for EVERYONE! Kings and queens, poor and rich, people who agree with you and people who don't.
Pray that EVERYONE receives God's forgiveness. Celebrate how BIG God's grace is! Forgiveness and grace are for ALL people.
Remember three important things.
First, there is only ONE God.
Second, Jesus Christ has brought God to us! Jesus was both HUMAN and GOD'S SON. We learn about God from Jesus.
Third, Jesus died and came back to life for YOU and ME. Because of Jesus, EVERYONE receives God's grace. Not just the people who agree with you. Not just believers. Friends, enemies, family, and even people you've never met!
Remember to share God's grace with everyone.
Your Friend,
Timothy knew it would still be hard work to teach people about Jesus. But he could share Paul's letter with them and pray.
*Taken from Celebrate Wonder Bible Storybook
I Wonder....
Discussion Questions
- Who do you pray for?
Godly Play
Paul's Travels and His Letters
This video is 14:24 minutes long
Crossroad Kids' Club
God's Story: Timothy
This video is 3:27 minutes long
Saddleback Kids
The Epistles (1 Timothy 4:1-16)
This video is 1:00 minutes long
Early Childhood Worship (2 Timothy 1:7) by Saddleback Kids
Early Childhood Worship (2 Timothy 3:16) by Saddleback Kids
This song is 2:23 minutes long
This song is 2:20 minutes long
You Are My God by Kidspring Children's Ministry
This song is 2:11 minutes long
Art Project/Prayer
5 Finger Prayer

Leader Preparation:
- Markers
- Scissors
Leader Preparation:
- Gather materials
- First, trace hand
- Next, cut out your hand
- Once all cutout, write in the middle "Give Thanks to God!"
- Then, write on the thumb other people
- Next, write on the index finger your teacher(s) name
- Move onto your middle finger and write the different leaders
- Then, write different people that are weak on your ring finger
- Finally, write your name on your pinky finger
Tips for Adults
First Timothy is a letter addressed from the apostle Paul to Timothy, his younger missionary partner. Timothy had the job of leading the church in Ephesus, and this letter told him how to do his job well.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Paul's second letter to Timothy tells him to keep working hard at growing in faith and leading other Christians. It also tells us about Paul's days on prison where he wrote his letter.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Elementary Track
Overview of 1 Timothy
First Timothy is the first of three letters addressed to people in charge of leading God's people in local churches. Sometimes these books are called pastoral letters. These letters help church leaders know how to lead and organize churches, what to teach people, and how to stay faithful to God. But these letters aren't just for pastors. They have a message for all Christians.
This letter is addressed to Timothy, the most well-known of Paul's partners. Timothy's grandmother and mother taught scriptures (2 Tim 3:14-15), and Paul called Timothy his "tru child in the faith" (1 Tim 1:2). While still a young man, Timothy traveled with Paul as he spread the good news about Jesus to Asia (present-day Turkey), Greece, and Italy.
Timothy was involved in the leadership of the church in Ephesus (1 Tim 1:3). Paul told Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because of his young age, but to set an example for other believers instead. He said Timothy should use the gifts God gave him to lead the church. Paul told Timothy to focus not only on his own growth but also on teaching well (1 Tim 4:12-16).
First Timothy gives a picture of how God expects groups of Christians to grow up. This letter shows us how a church should work!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This letter is addressed to Timothy, the most well-known of Paul's partners. Timothy's grandmother and mother taught scriptures (2 Tim 3:14-15), and Paul called Timothy his "tru child in the faith" (1 Tim 1:2). While still a young man, Timothy traveled with Paul as he spread the good news about Jesus to Asia (present-day Turkey), Greece, and Italy.
Timothy was involved in the leadership of the church in Ephesus (1 Tim 1:3). Paul told Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because of his young age, but to set an example for other believers instead. He said Timothy should use the gifts God gave him to lead the church. Paul told Timothy to focus not only on his own growth but also on teaching well (1 Tim 4:12-16).
First Timothy gives a picture of how God expects groups of Christians to grow up. This letter shows us how a church should work!
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Overview: 1 Timothy by Bible Project
This video is 9:15 minutes long
Bible Readings
A Letter from Friend (2 Timothy 1:1-7) Reading
Have you ever gotten a letter or a card in the mail? Not many people write letters today. But in Bible times, letters written on scrolls were important. Getting a letter was exciting.
Paul's good friend Timothy was a leader of the church in Ephesus. Like many places, the church people in Ephesus were often treated badly by others. Paul knew that Timothy was sad and needed to remember their friendship. Because Paul was in prison and couldn't go to Ephesus, he wrote letters to Timothy. Two of them are in the Bible. This is the beginning of the Second Letter to Timothy.
"From Paul.
To my dear friend Timothy.
The peace of God and Jesus to you. I miss you, and I think about you a lot. I pray for you all the time. I heard that you're sad right now because it is hard to speak for Jesus. I wish I could see you and know that you are all right.
I think a lot about your strong faith. It reminds me of your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice. I am sure that they passed their love for Jesus on to you. Thinking about you makes me happy. I hope my letter makes you feel better. God loves you. God is with you no matter what. Please don't forget that.
Even in prison I know that God is with me. You received God's Spirit is not quiet, but loving and powerful. You have that Spirit now."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Paul's good friend Timothy was a leader of the church in Ephesus. Like many places, the church people in Ephesus were often treated badly by others. Paul knew that Timothy was sad and needed to remember their friendship. Because Paul was in prison and couldn't go to Ephesus, he wrote letters to Timothy. Two of them are in the Bible. This is the beginning of the Second Letter to Timothy.
"From Paul.
To my dear friend Timothy.
The peace of God and Jesus to you. I miss you, and I think about you a lot. I pray for you all the time. I heard that you're sad right now because it is hard to speak for Jesus. I wish I could see you and know that you are all right.
I think a lot about your strong faith. It reminds me of your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice. I am sure that they passed their love for Jesus on to you. Thinking about you makes me happy. I hope my letter makes you feel better. God loves you. God is with you no matter what. Please don't forget that.
Even in prison I know that God is with me. You received God's Spirit is not quiet, but loving and powerful. You have that Spirit now."
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
One for All (2 Timothy 2:1-7) Reading
Timothy watched the people shuffling around Ephesus. Many were new believers, but some didn't want to learn about Jesus. Timothy opened a letter from his friend Paul. Paul understood how Timothy felt and encouraged him to PRAY for the people he taught.
Dear Timothy,
Who do you pray for? Friends? Family? Believers?
Good! But don't stop there! Pray for EVERYONE! Kings and queens, poor and rich, people who agree with you and people who don't.
Pray that EVERYONE receives God's forgiveness. Celebrate how BIG God's grace is! Forgiveness and grace are for ALL people.
Remember three important things.
First, there is only ONE God.
Second, Jesus Christ has brought God to us! Jesus was both HUMAN and GOD'S SON. We learn about God from Jesus.
Third, Jesus died and came back to life for YOU and ME. Because of Jesus, EVERYONE receives God's grace. Not just the people who agree with you. Not just believers. Friends, enemies, family, and even people you've never met!
Remember to share God's grace with everyone.
Your Friend,
Timothy knew it would still be hard work to teach people about Jesus. But he could share Paul's letter with them and pray.
Dear Timothy,
Who do you pray for? Friends? Family? Believers?
Good! But don't stop there! Pray for EVERYONE! Kings and queens, poor and rich, people who agree with you and people who don't.
Pray that EVERYONE receives God's forgiveness. Celebrate how BIG God's grace is! Forgiveness and grace are for ALL people.
Remember three important things.
First, there is only ONE God.
Second, Jesus Christ has brought God to us! Jesus was both HUMAN and GOD'S SON. We learn about God from Jesus.
Third, Jesus died and came back to life for YOU and ME. Because of Jesus, EVERYONE receives God's grace. Not just the people who agree with you. Not just believers. Friends, enemies, family, and even people you've never met!
Remember to share God's grace with everyone.
Your Friend,
Timothy knew it would still be hard work to teach people about Jesus. But he could share Paul's letter with them and pray.
I Wonder....
- how Lois and Eunice found their faith?
- if Timothy ever wrote Paul back?
Discussion Questions
- Have someone you love read this letter out loud to you. Ask them to replace Timothy's name with yours. Ask them to put the names of people you love in place of "Lois" and "Eunice." How did you feel as you listened to this letter?
- When you go to church next time, look around for people who you think have God's Spirit, people who are kind or people who are doing things for others.
- Write a letter, or get help writing a letter, to someone. Remind this person of your love. Let this person know God's love is for everyone.
- Who do you pray for?
Saddleback Kid's
The Epistles (1 Timothy 4:1-16)
This video is 1:00 minutes long
Crossroad Kids' Club
God's Story: Timothy
This video is 3:27 minutes long
Early Childhood Worship (2 Timothy 1:7) by Saddleback Kids
This song is 2:23 minutes long
Early Childhood Worship (2 Timothy 3:16) by Saddleback Kids
This song is 2:20 minutes long
God Will Guide Us by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:50 minutes long
Great is Thy Faithfulness by Lifetree Kids
This song is 3:05 minutes long
Art Project/Prayer
5 Finger Prayer

Leader Preparation:
- Markers
- Scissors
Leader Preparation:
- Gather materials
- First, trace hand
- Next, cut out your hand
- Once all cutout, write in the middle "Give Thanks to God!"
- Then, write on the thumb other people
- Next, write on the index finger your teacher(s) name
- Move onto your middle finger and write the different leaders
- Then, write different people that are weak on your ring finger
- Finally, write your name on your pinky finger
Content for Adults
First Timothy is a letter addressed from the apostle Paul to Timothy, his younger missionary partner. Timothy had the job of leading the church in Ephesus, and this letter told him how to do his job well.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This video is 53:18 minutes long