Online Lectionary Resources by Week for Families
May 24, 2020: John 17:1-11 and Acts 1:6-14 and 1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11 and Psalm 68:1-10
Worship BulletinsWorship Bulletins for this Sunday you can do with your child
Story and questions and page to do with your child Nursery |
Books that connectStory time |
Godly playGodly Play stories are told by Nancy, Kelly, or Allison each week and uploaded Saturday nights on the children's facebook page and youtube channel Need a project?Sheep Pattern
Some of you have asked for the sheep pattern that a group from the church crochets for babies
(thanks to Kerry Powers) |
justice seekers End of year video
Message from Cedarkirk

Bible EducationVisually connect |
Sabbath CardsHelping Families Rest
Grief Books
engaging the sensesKeep it Simple
helping children |
Digital Gathering Links for Children and Families
See past Story Times and join us for the next one on Tuesdays at 2:00 pm with Kelly McCord on social media
Join Faith and Fellowship for the final Celebration Sunday, May 31st at 10:00 am for Pentecost!
See past Story Times and join us for the next one on Tuesdays at 2:00 pm with Kelly McCord on social media
Join Faith and Fellowship for the final Celebration Sunday, May 31st at 10:00 am for Pentecost!
OUR visionBecoming Disciples in God's Love
OUR values
Shared Life Experiences Across Generations Connected to God and One Another Biblically Grounded Rooted in Reformed Theology Welcoming of Diversity |