About Bible Milestone
In this Milestones Ministry event, children, parents/guardians and other caring adults are brought together around God’s Word as they use, read, study and play in the Bible. In this way, children not only receive Bibles, but also are encouraged to use them together with their families.
In recent generations in the life of the church, the use of the Bible in the home and in daily life has become less apparent. Not only is the American culture less familiar with the stories, guidance and faith statements of Scripture, but so is the church culture. It could even be argued that the thoughts, conversations and decisions of those who teach Faith Formation and confirmation or attend church council meetings and annual congregational meetings are not substantially based on the biblical testimony and guidance. For many Christians in the church, the Bible has become an endangered species, something rarely spotted or referenced.
The Bible Milestone is based on the understanding that the Bible is an essential source of comfort and guidance for individual Christians and the larger church. Giving Bibles to children in worship has become, for many congregations, an endearing and memorable moment.
In recent generations in the life of the church, the use of the Bible in the home and in daily life has become less apparent. Not only is the American culture less familiar with the stories, guidance and faith statements of Scripture, but so is the church culture. It could even be argued that the thoughts, conversations and decisions of those who teach Faith Formation and confirmation or attend church council meetings and annual congregational meetings are not substantially based on the biblical testimony and guidance. For many Christians in the church, the Bible has become an endangered species, something rarely spotted or referenced.
The Bible Milestone is based on the understanding that the Bible is an essential source of comfort and guidance for individual Christians and the larger church. Giving Bibles to children in worship has become, for many congregations, an endearing and memorable moment.
Introduction to the Bible
This video is 2:19 minutes long
Why this Milestone?
This Bible Milestone incorporates a simple structure that includes:
- Naming – It is important to place the Holy Scriptures in the hands of children and parents/guardians as a faith formation tool in the congregation and in the home.
- Equipping – Children and parents/guardians are invited to gather together around God’s Word as they use, read, study and play in the Bible. There is encouragement to use Bibles together as families.
- Blessing – The blessing for those participating in this milestone provides a reinforcement and special time to encourage using the Bible together as a family.
- Gifting – You may give a visible item as a physical reminder of this occasion, such as a Bible of your choosing.
- Reinforcing – Follow up after the Bible Milestone by connecting one more time to explore how using Bibles at home can have a positive impact on the faith and daily life of the home.
The Bible History
The Bible is a compilation or anthology of books recounting the stories, history, song, prayer, and practices of people responding to God’s call.
As a book of books, the Bible contains many genres of writing. A literary genre is a category of writing that is distinguishable from other writings by style, tone, content, format, flow, and technique. Genres fall into two main categories: poetry or prose. In the Bible, some books are primarily one genre; however, even within these books one can find examples of other genres.
You are invited to watch this video from the Bible Project, which provides an overview of what is in the Bible.
You may also want to read this article from Bible Odyssey, which explains how the Bible was formed
*Taken from Opening Doors to Discipleship
As a book of books, the Bible contains many genres of writing. A literary genre is a category of writing that is distinguishable from other writings by style, tone, content, format, flow, and technique. Genres fall into two main categories: poetry or prose. In the Bible, some books are primarily one genre; however, even within these books one can find examples of other genres.
You are invited to watch this video from the Bible Project, which provides an overview of what is in the Bible.
You may also want to read this article from Bible Odyssey, which explains how the Bible was formed
*Taken from Opening Doors to Discipleship
Choose a literary genre from the Bible that interests you and click on one of the tiles below to explore the genre.
Choosing Bible Resources
Choosing Bible Resources for Older Children
This video is 10:31 minutes long
Reading Scripture with Children
This video is 10:02 minutes long
Learn more about bible milestone at PCPC