Spiritual Characteristics of this age group:
- have a very real spiritual nature, a strong sense of who God is, and often relate to Jesus as their friend
- are aware of right and wrong and begin to experience guilt and understand forgiveness.
- understand God’s love and our response within the context of everyday experiences. By and large they are still concrete thinkers
- can be delighted and awed by Bible stories and often use their imagination to ask questions can express their love for Jesus in words and actions
Concepts with this age group:
By the time children have completed the 4 years old, they should have a concept of the following:
- Experience awe and wonder of God- like God created everything-Creation Story
- Experience a sense of belonging to God’s family - Children of God
- Story of Jesus’ birth
- Jesus died so my sins would be forgiven
- The resurrection stories
- The Bible has two parts: Old and New Testaments
- Hear Bible stories about people who tried to live as God wanted
- Practice holding a Bible
- Say and sing Bible verses
- Associate Bible stories read with reading out of the same book that is at home, worship, and Sunday school.
- Observe adults reading from the Bible/Bible story book.
- Genesis 1:31 (God saw what God created and it was good)
- Psalm 100:1-2 (Make a joyful noise to the Lord)
- Matthew 7:12 (Love your neighbor as we love ourselves)
- 1 John 4:19 (We love because God first loves us)
What stories are appropriate?
Age appropriate Bible stories for preschool children:
- Praying is talking to God
- Provide some opportunities for prayer being cautious of asking a child to pray before guests
- Begin requests for help from God in prayer like… Help me to remember to cross the street carefully…to take turns…to help others….to listen
- Older kindergartners may pray for someone else: Help the Doctor help uncle John
Bible Reccomendations
PCPC Children's Ministry
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629