What is Baptism?
Baptism is the sign and seal of our incorporation into Jesus Christ. In his own baptism, Jesus identified himself with sinners—yet God claimed him as a beloved Son, and sent the Holy Spirit to anoint him for service. In his ministry, Jesus offered the gift of living water. Through the baptism of his suffering and death, Jesus set us free from the power of sin forever. After he rose from the dead, Jesus commissioned his followers to go and make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey his commands. The disciples were empowered by the outpouring of the Spirit to continue Jesus’ mission and ministry, inviting others to join this new way of life in Christ. As Paul wrote, through the gift of Baptism we are “dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 6:11).
*Taken from the Book of Order
*Taken from the Book of Order
Presbyterian Belief on Baptism
Gifts of God: The Sacraments - Baptism: A Sign of Promise by the PC USA Church
This video is 7:35 minutes long
Bible Passage
An Awesome Day (Luke 3:21-22)
Some people are baptized when they are tiny babies. Others are baptized when they are children, and some are baptized when they are adults. You may or may not have been baptized, and that's okay too! Would you be surprised to learn Jesus was baptized when he was thirty years old?
John, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, grew up to be a prophet of God. When he was born, his father had said that he would be a prophet. Now people gathered around John, who was called John the baptizer. He helped people get ready for Jesus. Besides baptizing people, John taught them about sharing and being honest.
John talked about God as if he knew what he was saying. Some people asked him, "Are you the One sent by God?"
"No, no," John said. "I'm here to help you get ready for Jesus, the One God will send."
One day, along with other people, Jesus came to the Jordan River. John was standing in the river baptizing people. When Jesus came to him, he baptized Jesus.
After Jesus was baptized, he prayed to God. Then the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit came down to Jesus in the shape of a dove.
A voice came from heaven and said, "Jesus, you are my child. I love you very much. You make me happy."
Then Jesus left the river, and John continued to baptize people.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Storybook Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
John, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, grew up to be a prophet of God. When he was born, his father had said that he would be a prophet. Now people gathered around John, who was called John the baptizer. He helped people get ready for Jesus. Besides baptizing people, John taught them about sharing and being honest.
John talked about God as if he knew what he was saying. Some people asked him, "Are you the One sent by God?"
"No, no," John said. "I'm here to help you get ready for Jesus, the One God will send."
One day, along with other people, Jesus came to the Jordan River. John was standing in the river baptizing people. When Jesus came to him, he baptized Jesus.
After Jesus was baptized, he prayed to God. Then the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit came down to Jesus in the shape of a dove.
A voice came from heaven and said, "Jesus, you are my child. I love you very much. You make me happy."
Then Jesus left the river, and John continued to baptize people.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love: A Storybook Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
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