Pick up a package of ingredients from the Fellowship Hall to make pretzels at home! Yes, mustard is included! When? Pick up Ash Wednesday (Feb. 17th) between 8am and 7pm Or pick up throughout Lent, while supplies last, from Fellowship Hall which is open Sun-Fri 8am-6pm. Who? Anyone of any age is welcome to grab a bag during Lent. Why Pretzels? Lent has traditionally been a time of fasting. Because eggs, milk, and fat were not eaten, people did not eat bread. Pretzels originated when a baker in Germany experimented with flour, salt, and water to make dough. He twisted the dough so that it resembled two arms crossed in prayer. For many years pretzels were given to people on Ash Wednesday to remind them to pray and were only eaten during Lent. |
Click here to reserve a spot for the noon service in the sanctuary |

Ash Wednesday: February 17, 2021
Ash Wednesday, which falls on February 17th this year, is the traditional beginning of the ancient Christian season of Lent, the six-week period leading to Easter. Ash Wednesday emphasizes Christian repentance, the setting aside of the old self, and the placing on of the new behaviors in Christ. As a part of those new behaviors Christians have placed a special emphasis on renewing practices of prayer, bible study, and Christian living. It is a period of preparation. Like many churches, PCPC will hold Ash Wednesday services.
6am Virtual Service
PCPC will post a short online service at 6am on Ash Wednesday. This service will include music, scripture reading, prayer, and a reflection on the imposition of ashes. You can find the posting on our Facebook page, our YouTube channel, or
Noon Midday Service
This in-person worship service in the Sanctuary will center around the traditional scripture readings and prayers for the day. The imposition of ashes (an ancient symbol of repentance, sorrow, and sacrifice) will be available for those who desire. Reserve a spot to attend this service here.
5-7pm: An Ash Wednesday Church Campus Pilgrimage
This year on Ash Wednesday, we will offer an in-person, interactive service from 5-7pm on PCPC’s campus. The service will act as a journey in worship as we begin our journey through Lent, and will take about 30 minutes to complete.
All of the elements of an Ash Wednesday service will be present during our walk-through worship, and it will conclude with the imposition of ashes. This service is a great opportunity for people of all ages to reflect on scripture, tangibly interact with their faith, and contemplate the liturgical season of Lent.
While this service is completely outdoors, we still ask participants to wear masks and to adhere to the social distancing parameters in place.
6:00pm: Ash Wednesday Service via Zoom with Mike Peacock, Pastor for Bel-Mar, and Rick McClintock
Join Zoom Meeting Feb. 17th at 6pm
Meeting ID: 856 4032 4811
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Meeting ID: 856 4032 4811
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Ash Wednesday, which falls on February 17th this year, is the traditional beginning of the ancient Christian season of Lent, the six-week period leading to Easter. Ash Wednesday emphasizes Christian repentance, the setting aside of the old self, and the placing on of the new behaviors in Christ. As a part of those new behaviors Christians have placed a special emphasis on renewing practices of prayer, bible study, and Christian living. It is a period of preparation. Like many churches, PCPC will hold Ash Wednesday services.
6am Virtual Service
PCPC will post a short online service at 6am on Ash Wednesday. This service will include music, scripture reading, prayer, and a reflection on the imposition of ashes. You can find the posting on our Facebook page, our YouTube channel, or
Noon Midday Service
This in-person worship service in the Sanctuary will center around the traditional scripture readings and prayers for the day. The imposition of ashes (an ancient symbol of repentance, sorrow, and sacrifice) will be available for those who desire. Reserve a spot to attend this service here.
5-7pm: An Ash Wednesday Church Campus Pilgrimage
This year on Ash Wednesday, we will offer an in-person, interactive service from 5-7pm on PCPC’s campus. The service will act as a journey in worship as we begin our journey through Lent, and will take about 30 minutes to complete.
All of the elements of an Ash Wednesday service will be present during our walk-through worship, and it will conclude with the imposition of ashes. This service is a great opportunity for people of all ages to reflect on scripture, tangibly interact with their faith, and contemplate the liturgical season of Lent.
While this service is completely outdoors, we still ask participants to wear masks and to adhere to the social distancing parameters in place.
6:00pm: Ash Wednesday Service via Zoom with Mike Peacock, Pastor for Bel-Mar, and Rick McClintock
Join Zoom Meeting Feb. 17th at 6pm
Meeting ID: 856 4032 4811
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 856 4032 4811
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Join us as we journey as a church through Lent! PCPC has put together a daily devotional that will be emailed out each morning throughout Lent and contain a Scripture text from the Lectionary, a short reflection, and a prayer. All reflections are written by members and staff of PCPC. The emails will run from Feb. 17th (Ash Wednesday) – April 4th (Easter). Sign up at the link below or email Susan Frost [email protected] to get on the email list.
PCPC Lenten Devotionals
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PCPC Lenten Devotionals
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