Preschool track
Overview of Nahum
The prophet Jonah once took God's word to the people of Nineveh. The people of that large city heard God's word and believed in God. They were sorry for their sins and stopped their evil behavior. God was glad the people turned back to God (Jonah 3:1-10).
A hundred years later, the prophet Nahum began to speak for God. He said, "The Lord is very patient, but great in power" (Nah 1:3). Nahum said that God was angry with the people of Nineveh because they had gone back to doing wrong. God was. tired of their evil deeds and decided to destroy Nineveh, capital of the Assyrian Empire. Nahum, whose name means "comfort," said that God would bring destruction like "a rushing flood" (Nah 1:8).
Assyria had long been an enemy of Israel and Judah. The nation had become famous for its cruelty to other nations. Assyria conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and took its people away as prisoners. Its armies also attacked and almost defeated Judah and Jerusalem (2 Kgs 19:35-37). While God had forgiven Nineveh's sins during the days of Jonah, God would now allow other nations to attack the city.
Nahum's words can be hard to read, but this book reminds us that God expects people everywhere to do good.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
A hundred years later, the prophet Nahum began to speak for God. He said, "The Lord is very patient, but great in power" (Nah 1:3). Nahum said that God was angry with the people of Nineveh because they had gone back to doing wrong. God was. tired of their evil deeds and decided to destroy Nineveh, capital of the Assyrian Empire. Nahum, whose name means "comfort," said that God would bring destruction like "a rushing flood" (Nah 1:8).
Assyria had long been an enemy of Israel and Judah. The nation had become famous for its cruelty to other nations. Assyria conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and took its people away as prisoners. Its armies also attacked and almost defeated Judah and Jerusalem (2 Kgs 19:35-37). While God had forgiven Nineveh's sins during the days of Jonah, God would now allow other nations to attack the city.
Nahum's words can be hard to read, but this book reminds us that God expects people everywhere to do good.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Bible Readings
A New Start (Zephaniah 3:14-20) Reading
God was FURIOUS! The people of Israel were beahving terribly. They built idols and worshiped them. They praised other gods. They broke God's commandments again and again.
The bring gold temple that King Solomon buolt was filled with people worshiping other gods.
A worker in the temple discovered some old scrolls. He rushed to show them to his boss. His boss raced to show them to King Josiah. Josiah couldn't believe what he read in them. "We're so far from God!" he exclaimed. "We're breaking God's rules! We've got to change!"
God sent the prophet Zephaniah to tell the people about God's anger and sadness AND about God's love. The people would be CLEANSED and SAVED. They would be GOD'S people again!
Zephaniah cleared his throat and called out, "SING PRAISE to God! SHOUT your thanks! REJOICE in God!"
He reminded God's people, "You forgot about God. You built idols and worshiped other gods - not YOUR God! You broke God's commandments. But God has given you a reason to CELEBRATE! God FORGIVES you! God is giving you a second chance!"
"You turned your back on God," Zephaniah continued. "Now turned back to God! God still loves you. God forgives you. All around the world, people will know you follow God. YOU are God's people!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Lectionary Edition
The bring gold temple that King Solomon buolt was filled with people worshiping other gods.
A worker in the temple discovered some old scrolls. He rushed to show them to his boss. His boss raced to show them to King Josiah. Josiah couldn't believe what he read in them. "We're so far from God!" he exclaimed. "We're breaking God's rules! We've got to change!"
God sent the prophet Zephaniah to tell the people about God's anger and sadness AND about God's love. The people would be CLEANSED and SAVED. They would be GOD'S people again!
Zephaniah cleared his throat and called out, "SING PRAISE to God! SHOUT your thanks! REJOICE in God!"
He reminded God's people, "You forgot about God. You built idols and worshiped other gods - not YOUR God! You broke God's commandments. But God has given you a reason to CELEBRATE! God FORGIVES you! God is giving you a second chance!"
"You turned your back on God," Zephaniah continued. "Now turned back to God! God still loves you. God forgives you. All around the world, people will know you follow God. YOU are God's people!"
*Taken from Whirl Story Bible: Lectionary Edition
I Wonder....
- how many times can we forgive someone?
- how would you feel to be given a second chance?
Discussion Questions
- When were you given a second chance?
- Why do you think we are given chances?
Saddleback Kids
This video is 2:58 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 6:04 minutes long
Crossroads Kids' Club
This video is 4:01 minutes long
Godly Play
This video is 8:46 minutes long
Forgive One Another by Bible Talk for kids
This song is 2:44 minutes long
Lyrics (Jonah Song) by Saddleback Kids
This song is 2:21 minutes long
Jonah's Ocean Ride. Based on Jonah and the whale. Fun Bible Songs for Children by Two by 2
This song is 2:05 minutes long
Art Project

Adult Preparation:
Game Instructions:
- Blue Solo Cup
- Medium Sized Craft Eyes 30mm
- Medium Sized Glue Dots
- Free Printable Whale Tale Outline
- Blue Stock Paper or Blue Construction Paper
- String
- 5″ White Balloons
- Sharpie
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- Print out template
- You will definitely want to share with your kids or the kids in your care the story of Jonah. This can be done straight out of the Bible, or you can find a Jonah and the Whale book to read to them.
- Poke a hole in the bottom of the blue Solo cup. If you are working with a number of kids in a school or Sunday school environment, you will want to prep this part for them.
- Cut a string to length. The string should be about a yard long.
- Thread the string through the hole and tie it to itself on the other side of the cup. Basically, you will have a string wrapped and tied around one edge of the cup.
- Print the whale tail printable. Cut out a tail piece. Depending upon the age of your kids, they might be able to do this on their own.
- Using glue dots, attach the eyes and tail. To attach tail, fold the end so you have a tab to attach to the cup. You may wonder if you can use white glue. I wouldn’t. It takes so long to dry, and it’s not very strong. Glue dots are perfect for this craft.
- Fill a white balloon with flour so that it is just filled. Tie it off.
- Have kids draw a person on the balloon with Sharpie.
- Tie your Jonah balloon to the end of the string.
- At this point kids are going to be begging to play with their Jonah and the whale toss game.
Game Instructions:
- Try to get the person in the whale
Tips for Adults
In the book the prophet Obadiah speaks to the nation of Edom, a land to the south and southeast of the Dead Sea. Obadiah condemns Edom for centuries of treating Israel badly.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
God told Jonah to preach a warning to the people of Nineveh, but Jonah didn't want to. Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, one of Israel's most frightening enemies. Jonah didn't want God to give the people of Nineveh a chance to stop making bad choices, so he ran away. But Jonah couldn't get far. Jonah made it to Nineveh and taught the people about God. The people believed! This book shows us that God is eager to love us all.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
In this book you will read the words of the prophet Micah, who warned that the Assyrian nation would invade and destroy Judah. Micah reminded people that obeying God was more important than doing religious things.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This book is named for the prophet Nahum, who said God would punish the people of Nineveh because they killed people and disobeyed God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This book shows God having a conversation with a prophet named Habakkuk. When Habakkuk complains that evil people always get away with sin, God patiently answers the prophet's questions.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
The book of Zephaniah gets its name from the prophet Zephaniah, who helped the nation of Judah follow God during the days of King Josiah.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Elementary Track
Overview of Obadiah
Obadiah is the shortest of all of the Old Testament books, with only twenty-one verses from start to finish. Because the book is only one chapter long, you won't find any chapter numbers - only a number for each verse.
This small book is about a family fight that grew into a feud between nations that lasted hundreds of years, Genesis 25-28 tells the story of the birth of twin brothers, Jacob and Esau. The younger brother, Jacob, cheated the older brother, Esau. He first stole Esau's rights as older brother to a larger share of the family's wealth. He then tricked his father into giving him the important blessing that belonged to his older brother. The two brothers became bitter enemies. Even though they made up with each other later (Gen 33:1-17), their children remembered their battles.
Jacob's family grew into the nation of Israel, and Esau's family became Edom. Over the centuries, Edom often bullied Israel. The people of Edom were glad when other nations attacked Israel and carried off its wealth.
They took advantage of these battles to steal whatever they could from Israel.
Obadiah made this short speech to say that Edom would face punishment for its actions. This book shows us that God cares how families and nations get along.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This small book is about a family fight that grew into a feud between nations that lasted hundreds of years, Genesis 25-28 tells the story of the birth of twin brothers, Jacob and Esau. The younger brother, Jacob, cheated the older brother, Esau. He first stole Esau's rights as older brother to a larger share of the family's wealth. He then tricked his father into giving him the important blessing that belonged to his older brother. The two brothers became bitter enemies. Even though they made up with each other later (Gen 33:1-17), their children remembered their battles.
Jacob's family grew into the nation of Israel, and Esau's family became Edom. Over the centuries, Edom often bullied Israel. The people of Edom were glad when other nations attacked Israel and carried off its wealth.
They took advantage of these battles to steal whatever they could from Israel.
Obadiah made this short speech to say that Edom would face punishment for its actions. This book shows us that God cares how families and nations get along.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This video is 4:58 minutes long
Overview of Jonah
The Book of Jonah tells the story of a prophet who didn't want to obey God's command to preach to an enemy nation. When the prophet Jonah tried to escape God's order by taking a boat to a distant place, a great fish swallowed Jonah.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
This video is 9:00 minutes long
Overview of Micah
The prophet Micah saw trouble coming. The nation of Assyria attacked the northern kingdom of Israel and took away its people as prisoners. Micah said the southern kingdom of Judah now faced similar danger. But the people of Judah thought they were dafe.
Micah spoke for God during a time when some of God's people were becoming wealthy. But the wealthy were using religion and politics to gain power rather than helping people in need. Rich landowners were taking advantage of the poor people who farmed the land.
Micah told these people they were doing wrong and explained how God's people should "do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God" (Mic 6:8). These simple actions are far more important than doing religious things. The book of Micah tells us that treating others the right way is a part of what it means to follow God.
Micah said that a ruler of Israel would be born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2), the small town where Jesus was born hundreds of years later (Matt 2:1). That king would unite God's people and bring peace and justice to the land.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Micah spoke for God during a time when some of God's people were becoming wealthy. But the wealthy were using religion and politics to gain power rather than helping people in need. Rich landowners were taking advantage of the poor people who farmed the land.
Micah told these people they were doing wrong and explained how God's people should "do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God" (Mic 6:8). These simple actions are far more important than doing religious things. The book of Micah tells us that treating others the right way is a part of what it means to follow God.
Micah said that a ruler of Israel would be born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2), the small town where Jesus was born hundreds of years later (Matt 2:1). That king would unite God's people and bring peace and justice to the land.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This video is 6:38 minutes long
Overview of Nahum
The prophet Jonah once took God's word to the people of Nineveh. The people of that large city heard God's word and believed in God. They were sorry for their sins and stopped their evil behavior. God was glad the people turned back to God (Jonah 3:1-10).
A hundred years later, the prophet Nahum began to speak for God. He said, "The Lord is very patient, but great in power" (Nah 1:3). Nahum said that God was angry with the people of Nineveh because they had gone back to doing wrong. God was. tired of their evil deeds and decided to destroy Nineveh, capital of the Assyrian Empire. Nahum, whose name means "comfort," said that God would bring destruction like "a rushing flood" (Nah 1:8).
Assyria had long been an enemy of Israel and Judah. The nation had become famous for its cruelty to other nations. Assyria conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and took its people away as prisoners. Its armies also attacked and almost defeated Judah and Jerusalem (2 Kgs 19:35-37). While God had forgiven Nineveh's sins during the days of Jonah, God would now allow other nations to attack the city.
Nahum's words can be hard to read, but this book reminds us that God expects people everywhere to do good.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
A hundred years later, the prophet Nahum began to speak for God. He said, "The Lord is very patient, but great in power" (Nah 1:3). Nahum said that God was angry with the people of Nineveh because they had gone back to doing wrong. God was. tired of their evil deeds and decided to destroy Nineveh, capital of the Assyrian Empire. Nahum, whose name means "comfort," said that God would bring destruction like "a rushing flood" (Nah 1:8).
Assyria had long been an enemy of Israel and Judah. The nation had become famous for its cruelty to other nations. Assyria conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and took its people away as prisoners. Its armies also attacked and almost defeated Judah and Jerusalem (2 Kgs 19:35-37). While God had forgiven Nineveh's sins during the days of Jonah, God would now allow other nations to attack the city.
Nahum's words can be hard to read, but this book reminds us that God expects people everywhere to do good.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This video is 5:06 minutes long
Overview of Habakkuk
Habakkuk followed God's way. He obeyed god's command as well as he could. But wherever the prophet looked, he saw people doing evil and getting away with it.
The book of Habakkuk is full of questions. Habakkuk wondered how long God would put up with violence. He asked, "How long will I call for help and you not listen?" (Hab 1:2). But God was about to do something astonishing. God was about to bring to power the dreaded Chaldeans, a violent people who would take many captives.
Then Habakkuk asked how God could "keep silent when the wicked swallows one who is more righteous" (Hab 1:13). He wanted to know how a holy God could use such an evil nation to punish others. But Hod promised that at the right time God would also punish the Chaldeans.
Habakkuk trusted God and accepted these answers. He knew that God is powerful. He understood that God saves God's people. So the prophet would wait and watchGod work. Habakkuk didn't expect life to get any safer and easier. But he knew that he could trust God no matter what. This book reminds us that we can be joyful about our trust in God even when bad things happen.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
The book of Habakkuk is full of questions. Habakkuk wondered how long God would put up with violence. He asked, "How long will I call for help and you not listen?" (Hab 1:2). But God was about to do something astonishing. God was about to bring to power the dreaded Chaldeans, a violent people who would take many captives.
Then Habakkuk asked how God could "keep silent when the wicked swallows one who is more righteous" (Hab 1:13). He wanted to know how a holy God could use such an evil nation to punish others. But Hod promised that at the right time God would also punish the Chaldeans.
Habakkuk trusted God and accepted these answers. He knew that God is powerful. He understood that God saves God's people. So the prophet would wait and watchGod work. Habakkuk didn't expect life to get any safer and easier. But he knew that he could trust God no matter what. This book reminds us that we can be joyful about our trust in God even when bad things happen.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This video is 6:48 minutes long
Overview of Zephaniah
Many years before Zephaniah. began to speak for God, a king named Hezekiah ruled Judah. Hezekiah was a good leader remembered for teaching people to obey God (2 Kgs 18-20). The prophet Zephaniah was the great-great-grandson of King Hezekiah. Like his famous ancestor, Zephaniah worked hard to bring Judah back to God.
Zephaniah saw God's people worshipping other gods like Baal and Milcom. He noticed people who thought they could get away with evil. Zephaniah believed the southern kingdom of Judah would soon be conquered by other nations. So he told people how they should come back to God. He said, "Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who practice his justice; seek righteousness; seek humility" (Zeph 2:3). Zephaniah called the people to pray to God and quit being proud, to treat others fairly and do right.
With the help of his partner King Josiah, Zephaniah helped people worship the one true God. The nation got rid of its idols (2 Kgs 21:23-23:30). The book of Zephaniah ends with hope, looking forward to a time when God's people would obey God completely (Zeph 3:8-20). This book reminds us that we can always turn back to God when we do wrong.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Zephaniah saw God's people worshipping other gods like Baal and Milcom. He noticed people who thought they could get away with evil. Zephaniah believed the southern kingdom of Judah would soon be conquered by other nations. So he told people how they should come back to God. He said, "Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land who practice his justice; seek righteousness; seek humility" (Zeph 2:3). Zephaniah called the people to pray to God and quit being proud, to treat others fairly and do right.
With the help of his partner King Josiah, Zephaniah helped people worship the one true God. The nation got rid of its idols (2 Kgs 21:23-23:30). The book of Zephaniah ends with hope, looking forward to a time when God's people would obey God completely (Zeph 3:8-20). This book reminds us that we can always turn back to God when we do wrong.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This video is 5:09 minutes long.
Bible Readings
Jonah Runs Away (Jonah 1-2) Reading
Have you ever had a job that you really didn't want to do? Maybe you tried to forget about it or maybe you did it but you were mad about it. This is what happened to a man named Jonah. God gave him a job that he didn't want!
Jonah was a prophet of God. His job was to tell people what God told him. God said to Jonah. "Go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing hurtful things. Tell them to say they are sorry, or I will punish them."
But Jonah didn't want to go. Jonah was from Israel, and people from Israel didn't like people from Nineveh. Instead of doing what God asked, Jonah ran the other way. He paid his way to sail on a ship. He thought this would put him farther away from God.
Out at sea, a huge, scary storm blew up. Waves crashed over the side of the ship. Everyone was afraid. They all started praying to their gods, except Jonah. He was fast asleep below the deck of the ship.
The captain found Jonah. He couldn't believe that Jonah was sleeping through the terrible storm. "What are you doing sleeping? Get up and pray!"
Jonah got up. He told everyone on the ship which god he worshiped. "I worship the Lord, the God of heaven."
The sailors thought that Jonah was running away from God. This scared them. Jonah said, "You're right. I'm running away from God. Throw me overboard, and the storm will stop."
The sailors tried to reach the shore, but they couldn't do it. Finally, they threw Jonah off the ship. At that moment, the storm stopped. The sailors worshipped Jonah's God.
But God was with Jonah. A big fish came and swallowed Jonah up. While he was inside the big fish, Jonah prayed to God. After three days, the big fish threw Jonah up onto dry land.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Jonah was a prophet of God. His job was to tell people what God told him. God said to Jonah. "Go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing hurtful things. Tell them to say they are sorry, or I will punish them."
But Jonah didn't want to go. Jonah was from Israel, and people from Israel didn't like people from Nineveh. Instead of doing what God asked, Jonah ran the other way. He paid his way to sail on a ship. He thought this would put him farther away from God.
Out at sea, a huge, scary storm blew up. Waves crashed over the side of the ship. Everyone was afraid. They all started praying to their gods, except Jonah. He was fast asleep below the deck of the ship.
The captain found Jonah. He couldn't believe that Jonah was sleeping through the terrible storm. "What are you doing sleeping? Get up and pray!"
Jonah got up. He told everyone on the ship which god he worshiped. "I worship the Lord, the God of heaven."
The sailors thought that Jonah was running away from God. This scared them. Jonah said, "You're right. I'm running away from God. Throw me overboard, and the storm will stop."
The sailors tried to reach the shore, but they couldn't do it. Finally, they threw Jonah off the ship. At that moment, the storm stopped. The sailors worshipped Jonah's God.
But God was with Jonah. A big fish came and swallowed Jonah up. While he was inside the big fish, Jonah prayed to God. After three days, the big fish threw Jonah up onto dry land.
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
A Second Chance for Jonah (Jonah 3-4) Reading
Do you know people who are really different from you? What makes them different? Is it their size? Is it the language they speak? Is it the color of their skin? Is it the place where they live? Is it how they look or act? This is the last part of the story of Jonah, who didn't want to be with people who were different from him. See what Jonah did and what God did.
Jonah needed a do-over, a try-again. The first time Jonah ran away and didn't listen to God. So God said, "Okay, Jonah, here's your second chance. Go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing mean and hurtful things."
Jonah listened to God. He still didn't want to go to Nineveh, but this time he went. "God says you have forty days to stop being mean, or you will be punished," Jonah said grumpily.
Amazingly, everyone listened! Everyone in Nineveh, even the king, stopped being mean and listen to God. God was so happy that God's mind changed. God didn't punish the people of Nineveh.
The people of Nineveh listened! Jonah did his job. What a great prophet! But Jonah was not happy. "Ugh, I know God is good and merciful. But did God have to be so kind to the people of Nineveh? I don't like them at all!This is why i ran away. I'm angry!"
God saw that Jonah was angry. God said, "Oh, come on, Jonah. Is it really right to be angry about this?"
Jonah stormed off. God thought, Hmm, this is a good time to teach Jonah why I care about the people of Nineveh. God made a big bush grow. Jonah sat in its shade. Jonah was very comfortable. Then God sent a worm to eat the bush. Jonah got even angrier when the bush was gone. He threw a big fit. He shouted, "I'm so angry that I don't even want to be alive!"
God chuckled and said, "Oh Jonah, is it really right to be this upset about a bush? Don't be silly. If you can care this much about a bush, how can you be mad at me for caring so much about the people of Nineveh?"
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
Jonah needed a do-over, a try-again. The first time Jonah ran away and didn't listen to God. So God said, "Okay, Jonah, here's your second chance. Go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing mean and hurtful things."
Jonah listened to God. He still didn't want to go to Nineveh, but this time he went. "God says you have forty days to stop being mean, or you will be punished," Jonah said grumpily.
Amazingly, everyone listened! Everyone in Nineveh, even the king, stopped being mean and listen to God. God was so happy that God's mind changed. God didn't punish the people of Nineveh.
The people of Nineveh listened! Jonah did his job. What a great prophet! But Jonah was not happy. "Ugh, I know God is good and merciful. But did God have to be so kind to the people of Nineveh? I don't like them at all!This is why i ran away. I'm angry!"
God saw that Jonah was angry. God said, "Oh, come on, Jonah. Is it really right to be angry about this?"
Jonah stormed off. God thought, Hmm, this is a good time to teach Jonah why I care about the people of Nineveh. God made a big bush grow. Jonah sat in its shade. Jonah was very comfortable. Then God sent a worm to eat the bush. Jonah got even angrier when the bush was gone. He threw a big fit. He shouted, "I'm so angry that I don't even want to be alive!"
God chuckled and said, "Oh Jonah, is it really right to be this upset about a bush? Don't be silly. If you can care this much about a bush, how can you be mad at me for caring so much about the people of Nineveh?"
*Taken from Growing in God's Love a Story Bible by Elizabeth Caldwell
I Wonder....
- how it would feel like to be inside a fish?
- how the others felt when seeing Jonah get swallowed in a big fish?
- why a fish swallowed Jonah in the first place?
- where Jonah got food while he was in the fish?
- how long Jonah and the sailors were out on sea?
Discussion Questions
- Have you ever been in a big storm? What did it sound like?
- Can you imagine being inside a big fish? What would it look like inside?
- Have you ever wanted to run away from something that you knew you should do? Write a prayer that you could say to God when you feel like running away.
- Why do you think people listened to Jonah? Who do you listen to?
- What do you hear in this story that you would like to draw?
- Have you ever walked away from something that you knew you should do? Did you get a second chance? Write a dtory about second chances.
Saddleback Kids
This video is 2:58 minutes long
Holy Moly
This video is 6:04 minutes long
Crossroads Kids' Club
This video is 4:01 minutes long
The Lord's Plans by Lifetree Kids
This song is 2:08 minutes long
Motions (Jonah) by Saddleback Kids
This song is 2:21 minutes long
Art Project

Adult Preparation:
Game Instructions:
- Blue Solo Cup
- Medium Sized Craft Eyes 30mm
- Medium Sized Glue Dots
- Free Printable Whale Tale Outline
- Blue Stock Paper or Blue Construction Paper
- String
- 5″ White Balloons
- Sharpie
Adult Preparation:
- Gather materials
- Print out template
- You will definitely want to share with your kids or the kids in your care the story of Jonah. This can be done straight out of the Bible, or you can find a Jonah and the Whale book to read to them.
- Poke a hole in the bottom of the blue Solo cup. If you are working with a number of kids in a school or Sunday school environment, you will want to prep this part for them.
- Cut a string to length. The string should be about a yard long.
- Thread the string through the hole and tie it to itself on the other side of the cup. Basically, you will have a string wrapped and tied around one edge of the cup.
- Print the whale tail printable. Cut out a tail piece. Depending upon the age of your kids, they might be able to do this on their own.
- Using glue dots, attach the eyes and tail. To attach tail, fold the end so you have a tab to attach to the cup. You may wonder if you can use white glue. I wouldn’t. It takes so long to dry, and it’s not very strong. Glue dots are perfect for this craft.
- Fill a white balloon with flour so that it is just filled. Tie it off.
- Have kids draw a person on the balloon with Sharpie.
- Tie your Jonah balloon to the end of the string.
- At this point kids are going to be begging to play with their Jonah and the whale toss game.
Game Instructions:
- Try to get the person in the whale
Content for Adults
In the book the prophet Obadiah speaks to the nation of Edom, a land to the south and southeast of the Dead Sea. Obadiah condemns Edom for centuries of treating Israel badly.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
God told Jonah to preach a warning to the people of Nineveh, but Jonah didn't want to. Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, one of Israel's most frightening enemies. Jonah didn't want God to give the people of Nineveh a chance to stop making bad choices, so he ran away. But Jonah couldn't get far. Jonah made it to Nineveh and taught the people about God. The people believed! This book shows us that God is eager to love us all.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible Storybook
In this book you will read the words of the prophet Micah, who warned that the Assyrian nation would invade and destroy Judah. Micah reminded people that obeying God was more important than doing religious things.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This book is named for the prophet Nahum, who said God would punish the people of Nineveh because they killed people and disobeyed God.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
This book shows God having a conversation with a prophet named Habakkuk. When Habakkuk complains that evil people always get away with sin, God patiently answers the prophet's questions.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
The book of Zephaniah gets its name from the prophet Zephaniah, who helped the nation of Judah follow God during the days of King Josiah.
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
*Taken from Deep Blue Bible
Each Sunday there will be a class addressing the reading for that week. The classes will engage the particular Bible book for that week, paying specific attention to a theme or topic. A list of classes are below. These classes are hybrid and will meet each Sunday, in-person (EM307/308) and on Zoom, at 10:05am. The Zoom link is at the bottom of this email and is the same for each week.
Week Beginning on:
Topic: Gathering Together Around God's Word | Sunday Class
Time: Every Sunday 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 0078 7541
Passcode: 328476
Week Beginning on:
- July 31st - Hope In The Midst of Risk | Minor Prophets [Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah] (Rev. Bill Hull)
- August 7th - The Not So Minor Prophets | Minor Prophets [Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi] (Marsha Rydberg)
- August 14th - Jesus Christ and the Disinherited | Matthew (Will Wellman)
- August 21st - The Gospel of Suffering | Mark (Will Wellman)
Topic: Gathering Together Around God's Word | Sunday Class
Time: Every Sunday 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 0078 7541
Passcode: 328476
This video is 52:40 minutes long