4 Dollars 4 Ukraine
At our Justice Seekers gathering last Sunday, the group reviewed the initiatives through the Matthew 25 to helping those who are: thirsty, hungry, without clothing, in prison, strangers, and sick. They made the connection between what is happening in Poland with Ukrainian Refugees and wanted to do something. The group decided to begin collecting 4 Dollars 4 Ukraine through our Special Offering through Palma Ceia Pres. Watch how the Justice Seekers (4th and 5th Graders) are choosing to give. Watch a short clip of why they are choosing to give:
Watch our Justice Seekers with this video - 1:48 minutes
About One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
This year’s OGHS offering, which we begun receiving beginning March 6, 2022, following emergency action from the Session of PCPC, goes to the relief of Ukrainian refugees.
PCPC’s partner in assistance is the Protestant Seminary in Poland, with whom we have been in partnership for over a decade. Their leaders visited with us in worship in February.
Gifts can be made via check mailed to the church office or dropped in offering plate designated “Ukrainian Refugees” or online here
PCPC’s partner in assistance is the Protestant Seminary in Poland, with whom we have been in partnership for over a decade. Their leaders visited with us in worship in February.
Gifts can be made via check mailed to the church office or dropped in offering plate designated “Ukrainian Refugees” or online here
PCPC Partnership with
East Warsaw Theological Seminary (EWST)
East Warsaw Theological Seminary (EWST)
PCPC has a special relationship with East Warsaw Theological Seminary (EWST), the only accredited Protestant seminary in Wroclaw, Poland. The seminary equips Christians for ministry and service in Protestant churches and in their communities, including missionary service. Gifts through PCPC for EWST are a great way to make a stand for Christ and demonstrate stewardship in this part of the world. Anyone interested in the possibility of planning a group trip to Poland should contact Marsha Rydberg (813-469-2564).
News from around the world
This song is 4:04 minutes long
How the War in Ukraine Affects the Church in a Neighboring Country by Union Presbyterian Seminary
This video is 1:04:07 hours long
Justice Seekers created this prayer list on March 5, 2022:
Minimize Death Beware of the Scribes Raise up your Voice Stop the War Peace for All People Military Restore Ukraine Dictators Build Peace Children Aid Eccumenical Fellowship Refugees Students and Graduates Hearts to change Against Cyber Attacks Poor Widows Journalists |
In the vision, Jesus names six specific forms of care that were enacted or neglected:
• I was hungry and you gave me food; • I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; • I was a stranger and you welcomed me; • I was naked and you gave me clothing; • I was sick and you took care of me; • I was in prison and you visited me. (:35–6, 37–9, 42–4 with a variation) |
What Can We Do?
list created on March 5, 2022: Create postitive posters Encourage people to go to church Learn more about God Give to Special Offerings |
Photos From Creating #4$4Ukraine
PCPC Children's Ministry
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629
3501 W San Jose St
Tampa, Florida 33629