About Welcoming Young Children in Worship Milestone
Welcoming Young Children to Worship is about a congregation intentionally inviting children, their parents, and other caregivers to worship by saying, “You and your child are welcome here. Your child is a full member of the faith community. God speaks to both children and adults as we gather and support one another in our faith in worship.” This Milestones Ministry event introduces young children, and the adults who care for them, to worship and the worship space.
In the words of Shirley Morganthaler, a respected researcher and expert in early childhood education, “The dance of the liturgy is best learned from the lap of a loving parent (or caring adult).” Research consistently shows us that a child’s faith is nurtured by being present in worship. But, as anyone who has children or has worshiped alongside a family with young children knows, this is not always a smooth journey. This event takes the unconditional support and the hospitality of the entire faith community. Worship is a critical part of what the body of Christ does routinely.
In the words of Shirley Morganthaler, a respected researcher and expert in early childhood education, “The dance of the liturgy is best learned from the lap of a loving parent (or caring adult).” Research consistently shows us that a child’s faith is nurtured by being present in worship. But, as anyone who has children or has worshiped alongside a family with young children knows, this is not always a smooth journey. This event takes the unconditional support and the hospitality of the entire faith community. Worship is a critical part of what the body of Christ does routinely.
Why Welcoming Young Children to Worship Milestone?
We bring children, parents and other adults together to recognize this time in the lives of families with young
children by incorporating a simple structure that includes:
children by incorporating a simple structure that includes:
- Naming – It is important to recognize worship and the worship space as a place where children are welcome.
- Equipping – Children, parents and others are given the opportunity to gather for caring conversations about the importance of children being present in worship.
- Blessing – The blessing of this special time in the lives of young children places an emphasis on being part of the worship experience with the entire faith community.
- Gifting – You may give a visible item as a physical reminder of this meaningful moment.
- Reinforcing – Follow up the Welcoming Young Children to Worship Milestone by having this group meet one more time to discuss their worship experience with the children.
About Communion Milestone
Because congregations commune at various ages, this Milestones Ministry event can be used as preparation for first communion or a time to reflect more deeply with children who have already received Holy Communion and are now ready to learn more about its significance in their lives. It can be a learning event for all ages, a time of family fun and joy, and a time to make lasting memories.
Why Communion Milestone?
The Communion Milestone incorporates a simple structure that includes:
- Naming – It is important to recognize this as a time to learn about the mystery of Holy Communion together as a family, whether it is for a first communion or at a more age-appropriate time.
- Equipping – This milestone provides the opportunity for all ages to gather and have caring conversations about what Holy Communion means to them and gain a better understanding of this sacrament.
- Blessing – The blessing for those participating in this milestone provides a reinforcement and special time to recognize God’s grace and forgiveness.
- Gifting – You may give a visible item as a physical reminder of this occasion, such as a candle or pottery.
- Reinforcing – Follow up after the Communion Milestone by connecting this group one more time to share stories about what they learned and remember about Holy Communion. Encourage the group to experience a Seder Supper to help them learn even more.
Learn about welcoming young children in worship and communion at PCPC